

Moon and stars; Ah the Magic…TODAY esp

28.07.2013 in moon&sky, self-care

star-tetrahedron-2Hello Dear Ones!

I sooo love patterns and stars and sacred geometry and wondrous things! Ah-mazing/making.

Today is an exceptional day on all these fronts. Today we have a Star Tetrahedron, a six-pointed star, a Grand Sextile!  (picture attached) Remember the Grand Water Trine (that lasts well into 2014)? Well now it’s joined by an Earth Trine. A sextile in Water-Earth signs! This is an all feminine Grand Sextile  (and just by the way, this is quite rare ;)) – and it’s occurring with the last quarter moon. And it’s the first of two Star Tetrahedrons (the second one is on Aug 25)

The Star Tetrahedron is potent symbol opening a portal between Heaven & Earth. Uniting heaven & earth, yin & yang, light & dark, masculine & feminine; embracing the polarities. Love in pure form; unbounded, unconditional, universal. The StarT represents all of creation – physical, mental, emotional, spirtitual – brought together.

This is an important time to engage ritual and ceremony with the intent of expanding awareness and embracing the greatest possibility of experiencing the magic of who you/we are.  Work with the Star Tetrahedron to manifest your hearts desire (heart not head) to bring your/our gifts into reality at this time.  Here’s  guidance/suggestion for how you might proceed.

Choose your manifesting aim. State it in present tense as if you already have it; as if it’s already accomplished. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath, filling your belly. Notice how you open to receive the life force energy of the breath. Release the breath, surrendering to the process of the breath, cleansing, purifying, healing. .. Breathe in love and the intention of your heart’s desire.  Allow the universe, the divine, to bring this or something better or more amazing to you.  Take a few such breaths. Hold your manifesting aim, feel it as with you now. Consider saying the following words out loud (adapted from Spirit of Maat)

I open myself to be totally in alignment with the natural flow of abundance and my sacred purpose.

I choose to receive all forms of abundance and richness in my life in alignment with myheart and my higher purpose for everyone’s highest good and healing.

I am prepared for the sudden movement of this manifestation into my life with grace and ease.

I choose to clear anything that no longer serves or mismatches my manifestation

I choose to fill myself with energy, belief, emotion, experience, love and light that match my manifestation.

Tune into your manifesting goal. As you feel and imagine – really feel the having –  be in a place of gratitude. Imagine the StarT and the merging of seeming polarities come fully into being and open to positive loving energies. Ask: Are there any parts of the aim that needs rebalancing? Something that is being avoided?  Check in; if needed, adjust  the aim to match your heart’s desire. If any doubts or uncertainties come up, sit with it, feel it, then let it go.  The energetics of the StarT help us to identify and excavate barriers and to embrace with ease the opportunities of the feminine collective offered now.

Know that in this vastness of Love and Light, anything and everything necessary to support your unique sacred purpose is already here with you; it’s manifesting even if not yet seen. Believe, feel into it already being here and be open to receive it.

Give priority to using this day of “supreme perfection” for creating something beautiful and healing. Dream a beautiful dream of how you want to world to be. There are tremendous energies at play on Earth. There is great magic available for you/us to set in motion. You can align with anything you want but for the beauty and wonder to reveal and the passage to be smooth, you must choose peace, joy, fulfillment, or the feeling of connection with nature. Follow your dreams. Hold the images daily. Attune  to positive waves through feeling and image.

The Last Quarter Moon is the time to decide a course of action intended to integrate what is being uncovered at this time  – including the strength and power of who you/we really are. Aspire to trim and weed out what no longer serves, both inner and outer. It is the time to follow-up and complete the activities begun at the New phase of the Moon.  With the StarT this a a remarkably powerful time for manifestation.  Manifest… You!

Yes! Nurture Your Nature!
Much love and blessings,
WisdomWild, Fiona

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Full Moon & Dragonfly Magic

22.07.2013 in creatures, eclipse, moon&sky, theme

dragonfly in grassHello Dear Ones!

Good Goddess there is so much happening! And it’s sooo exciting!  . . . I had  hoped that this connect would be via video but the tech pieces are still to come together. So, text again it is. It is rather ‘full’ (appropriately ;)) and I hope you enjoy and find nurture within . .

For the past several weeks my posts have spoken to the high energetic times of 3 eclipses in 6 weeks in April;/May; the key theme of Transition for June; and the time of growth, change, evolution and Expansion for July. Embedded in all of these messages as been the magic of these times; the return and rise of and support for feminine wisdom; and the unity of renewed masculine and feminine energies together.

This week is a time to go for itBe what you have always wanted to be! Express your unique self! This is not a  time of holding back or waiting for the right time – no, it’s time to explode like a new star! This is powerful birthing time. Giving birth to a new you, a new life, a new reality, a new sense of community, a new paradigm.  Key word: EXPECTANCY.

Yes, taking this step can be scary  – being so vulnerable, open, transparent  and un-private. But it’s also a time that is fabulous for deep connection and for creating a container for transformation into  this newness. We are still supported by the ease and flow of the Grand Water Trine in feminine water signs.  Mars (in Cancer) also supports action needed to manifest right time, right place, with everything we need. (Note that although Mars is showing kinder nature, the tendency to stir  up a little conflict is still there.;))  Focus on what is working just as you hoped, no matter how small.

And It’s FULL MOON today (1115 PDT) in Aquarius AND Sun stepped into Leo just hours before.

As always, this is a time to celebrate what you have received and accomplished; and to honor the fullness in your life. Now is the time to really anchor these experiences. Remember,  anything you do that gives you the experience of expansion is good.  Remember also that this is the time to scan your life for that which no longer serves and/or about which you are ambivalent. Anchor your commitments; let the rest drift away

Leo holds our radiant core self; our divine essence. Time to shine from our hearts in joyful self expression. Time to be seen. With moon in Aquarius for couple of days we are also moved into mental objectivity and are compelled by higher ideals of freedom, equity and cooperation for good of us all.

So the Sun is birthed from Cancer, out of the mother, the womb. And full moon! There’s lots of emotion, lots of feeling, lots of creativity. New birth. Stay present. Stay in your body. Stay calm. Breathe. Keep the energy moving. Yes! Feel the feelings. You are sensitive. Sixth sense, third eye is way way open.

Break out of the old. Remember EXPANSION. That energy is still with us to next June.  This is the year of expanding the truth of who we are, what we can do, what we are capable of creating and bringing into being. Come out! Step beyond the edges of the old safety zone. Cut the cords of the past. Time to recreate ourselves radically anew.

These are WILD times (I just love the wild ;)). The Grand Trines are stabilizing, strengthening, fortifying. Really get into your power, your heart, your feeling. Get into your unconditional self love!  Go inside, connect with heart and emotions, to who you really want to be and what you want to stand for …

A new paradigm is being birthed. It involves the balancing and integration of the masculine and feminine. This is about actively FEELING our connection to Earth, nature, natural law, sustenance. This is a great year for reconnecting with the feelings that connect us with natural rhythms, cycles of moon, seasons, nature. (And no, that’s not just me speaking to my bias. This IS a poignant time. I just LOVE that this is the calling and that the times such a support ;)).

The Goddesses with us. Right now Athena (mental, creative mind)  and Venus (beauty, art, sensuality) are working together. We are called to integrate our outer world of acomplishment with our  inner feminine knowing that connects us w/ the Great Mystery. Bringing our creative self into the world for full expression. Step over doubt into the deep pool of heart wisdom.

DRAGONFLY MAGIC. This is something more I’d like to share with you. A few days ago, Dragonfly, perhaps the biggest and most beautiful one I’ve ever seen,  came into my home. Markings of turquoise stone blue and turquoise green sea. And when she moved iridescent, rainbow jeweled light danced across her wings.  How wondrous that this magic graces this time!

I watched as Dragonfly moved up and town, hovered, quickly changed direction, even flew backwards. … Do those movements remind you of your own movements in last whiles? ;)…Dragonfly inhabits two realms: air and water. How perfect!  Goddess and earlier Gemini attending to mental work and the Grand Water Trine activating emotions.

Dragonflies also reveal their colors as they grow older.  Ahhh… it is with maturity that our true colors come forth.  And this Dragonfly is clearly a mature one with the bright and wondrous colors. A mature Dragonfly symbolizes the balancing of emotion and passion with clarity and discipline. Expression of the emotional and the mental together; the feminine and masculine in balance.

It’s also wondrous for Dragonfly to appear at this time as it takes a Dragonfly almost two years to go from nymph to adult. The ‘galactic’ energetics that sparked this amazing time we’re in now began around June 2011; 2 years ago. You might remember a couple of weeks ago I sent you a piece about the years 2013-2015.  Two years. How about that eh?

What colorful transformations do you desire in the next two years? Imagine for a moment yourself as Dragonfly living in the realm of Light. Spending time in the sun and near fresh waters. Imagine the color changes you will call forth. Imagine the power and magic  of the Light you carry. How will you reflect and work with Sun and Light?  Remember we are light and we can reflect however we choose.

Dragonfly brings brightness, transformation, wonder… What is your colorful new vision? I wonder…

Quick Sum
As each of us reveal our authentic, true, loving, spiritual nature, we shine and that is reflected back. Birth from the heart chakra.  Tap into Earth, into Gaia, enjoy life more grounded, more at ease, more joy filled. Be Dragonfly; draw on Dragonfly magic. It’s awesome. Take the stage. Show yourself. That’s what’s going to make it all happen.

Much much Love and Light to you.
As always, Nurture Your Nature!

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New Moon

08.07.2013 in elemental, moon&sky

Hello Dear Ones!

It’s new moon and wondrous time! This is a great day to revisit and renegotiate your intentions based on your observations of the past week or so. If you have come across some negative self-talk or disappointment, forgive them with the intention of expanding your own self love to a new level.

This is also a time when acceptance of whatever is occurring in your life is helpful. Ask spirit for some magic on this day as a sign of being on the right track.

Just so you know, Saturn just went direct yesterday so plans and projects will soon take on speed after all the soul-searching, experiences and lessons we have gathered over the last few months. Be welcoming and be open to change (radical change ;)).

Remember it’s a watery month especially with the alignment of three major planets in the three water signs: expansive & enthusiastic Jupiter; focused, depth-seeking Saturn; uplifting, boundary blurring Neptune. The  Water Grand Trine that puts them in a relationship of support and cooperation; embracing, listening.  The Feminine will become full and expressive embodying her powerful gifts without restraints.

This watery month – Cancer, the Scarab – is a most inviting portal. Put all that watery energy to good use adapting and going with the flow.

There is  your heart beat.  There is your breath filling your belly slowly drifting out in a satisfied sigh. There is life. The message is to Be!

Now Nurture Your Nature and live WisdomWild
Much love & moonrise

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July begins…

02.07.2013 in theme, turnings

Hello Dear Ones!

‘Tis July and sunshine has arrived here! Yippee! :) . . . “Summer time and the living is easy… “. . . I’m still working towards getting a website up and audio/video technology aligned to serve so still in these by-hand emails. Hopefully soon there will be something else to see and hear. For now…

July Quick notes: Growth, change, and evolution all at once in accelerated possibility. Aligned there is much support for breakthrough, creativity and manifestation.

It is a time for Expansion + discipline/focus and spirit-magic ;)  Many possibilities so take a look at where you feel constrained and where you feel expanding. Work with the tight places and breathe space around them to do whatever work is needed; receive the letting go experience with welcome. This week the transition energy from June is still about so expect more clarity to show up around situations and possibilities.  Look also at areas that may lack discipline and commit to increasing focus where needed. Open space and presence for the flow and trust what is right for you will show up.

Expansion calls for an openness to receive beyond that which we might imagine. Yes, this may mean moving beyond the comfort zone;and that is what we’re being called to do. To open to giving and receiving beyond that which we may have so far imagined. Make time to  be. Discipline provides grounding and focus. Ensure regular  practice for  grounding and clear, focussed intention whilie still having room for the unexpected and magical to occur and be noticed.  Always focus on the positive, take time to listen, stay curious.

I will bring more another time. In the meantime, A beautiful piece came across my desk just moments ago. It’s a beautiful (word & image) piece on the years 2013, 2014 & 2015.   I hope you enjoy it as much I have. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eBen3Um_So&sns=em
Now Nurture Your Nature and live WisdomWild
Much love

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Happy Solstice Week & Full Moon

20.06.2013 in elemental, moon&sky, self-care, turnings

Hello Dear Ones!

Happy Summer Solstice (N.hem) and a Full Moon following soon thereafter!

Well, I thought this would be a quickish note but as I sink in it feels like maybe a bit longer ;)

What’s up?
There’s still lots going on. Too much, too fast, too simulating. Stimulating and exciting is great but it also can be excessive and overwhelming. It is an intense time of feelings.

This is a very powerful week. Cancer, water, moon, all brings up emotions. And Cancer is associated with Great Mother Divine Feminine archetypes (Quan Yin; Mother Earth/Gaia; Mother Mary). There’s a huge expansion of these energies expanding further in the Solstice.  A powerful full moon thereafter. Remember the Moon rules Cancer, the personal unconscious where feelings emerge (needs, longings, belonging, etc) and can bump up against the rational mind and ‘business as usual’ culture.

(NB: There’s a whole powerful Galactic piece in play here too but that’s a longer story. Suffice it to say that a G-center or edge only occurs every~ 26000 years; when it occurs it lasts 72 years. The recent exact center point was in 1998 so that Galactic Gateway is open for us now;) and transmitting new ways of doing things, new ‘codes’, what we need. And Blackmoon Lilith is with us supporting the release of the repressed feminine for next several months  so Yay! Feel all that support for shift to new paradigm!)

There’s still lots fluctuations; lots of ebb & flow. The practice of Releasing and Embracing is ongoing. There may be times when things are not the way we want them to be or the way we wish ourselves to be. Yup, artifacts of transition time. Collaborate with the strong feminine energetic support of this time (and  especially if there’s crash & burn or tantrum coming on ;)). Sink in. Embrace, release, embrace, release…

Cancer, moon, water, Feminine wisdom all ask: How do we give and receive nourishment – esp in rapidly changing and stressful times? How do we have compassion for ourselves? Cancer is all about embodying love, compassion and community. About feeling it. Right now there is a great opportunity to really attune. To live into these questions and enliven the feminine in us through the process and this time.

This time requires self-care and self-nurturing in order for change to take place as easily as possible and to nurture and anchor higher vibrational energies incoming.  Cooperate with the signals of the time.  Honor your feelings, go inward, slow down. Don’t grind your way through; stop trying to conform; stop the push-push-go-forward cultural train for awhile. Take baths. Pick honeysuckle, roses, lavender, rosemary for their scents and add them to your bath. Movement is also important: move/dance, rock yourself. (You may also find some earth medicine supports useful, e.g., ginseng, Holy Basil, Rhodelia (all strong adaptogens) and essence of Yellow Yarrow (good for protection))

Summer Solstice: The sun, fuel of life. A time of fullness. Stand Still of the Sun.  This is a time for gratitude for all that has been received since last the sun stood ‘still’ overhead. A seasonal gateway. With all the energies in place, a great time for accessing new visions and new dreams. You might consider doing a water ceremony. Hold a bottle of water up  to the sun. Imagine the Sun transmitting wondrous new ways of doing things that are in alignment with compassion and love and increasing frequencies of the heart. Then infuse the water with intentions and prayers for yourself, for others, for Earth, for what we want to bring into being. When complete, pour some water onto Earth in thanks and blessing, and keep the rest to drink or use however for as long as it lasts. (And if it’s raining, no worries. Collect the rain and do the same ;))

Full Moon: 2204h Pacific. A ‘supermoon’ (the moon at its largest and closest this year). Time of the Mother Goddesses. Now you see strong tidal ebbs and flows. Allow/invite the full moon to witness you and to illuminate creative possibilities. Do slow down enough to receive. (NB: You can do a ritual like the water ritual above with the moon as well;))

. . . All in all, a lot more writing than I anticipated. I hope you found something helpful in it all…

Finally.  .  .
Remember, we’re not alone. The forces of Spirit and Nature are always guiding us to heart-home.

Nurture your Nature!
Much love and blessings,

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