

Waning Moon Half-lit in Cancer

09.10.2020 in moon&sky

Greeting Waning Moon Half-lit (exact @ 1739 PDT) in Cancer


… nurture, nourish, tend… 


At waning Moon it’s time to finish up, review, and sort through the makings, learnings and happenings of this cycle. Now half-lit we are called to pause, re-balance and re-align. Time to reflect on what has been gifted and released. Time to flow inward.


Moon in Cancer calls us to tune to our feelings and to the ocean of inner wisdom. She invites us to tend to our nests; nourish all that makes us feel ‘at home’; and come fully home to ourselves. Sun and Moon together bring the nurturing energies of the goddess of Love (Venus rules Libra) and the Spirit of the Great Mother (Cancer). It is a time to open to all that provides sustenance, and all that is soothing and supportive. A time for embracing the feminine.


There is some shifting of energy currently, with intensity easing on the one hand (planets in Cap now all direct & stellium nearing completion) and rising on another (same planets now in triple conjunction, 1st time in 4000 years). These and other alignments may test our commitments (Mars-Pluto grand cross) but they also bring highly creative energy and renewed clarity; help give us the courage to confront fears and make changes; and provide opportunities for inspiration and transformation. We continue to be blessed with energies for balance as well (Moon + ~½ way through Sun in Libra).


Time to flow with the Waters and time to feel into the lightness of Air. Time to delve into emotions where magick resides. Time to gain by letting go. Time to tend to home and expand within. Time to merge with all you hold sacred. Time to move more fully into the feminine deep.


Feelings flow from deep within
Time to embrace the feminine


Feel the waters caress and cleanse
you and All you so gently tend


Move like Crab from side to side
Find sweet balance in the tides


Time now to tend the heart and nest
Time to nourish, find peace, and rest


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you gentle release, rich nourishment & sweet peace
at home in your heart this Moon









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goddess Selene: Cut & modified image of ceiling at Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen. Photog unknown  Hermit Crab: cut & modified image in public domain from wikipedia commons |

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Moon Full in Aries

01.10.2020 in moon&sky

Greeting Moon Full (exact @ 1405 PDT) in Aries


… courage, self-empowerment, balance… 


Moon full brings elevated intuition and heightened emotions. It is a time of culmination and maturation; a time to honour all gifts given and received. With an Aries Moon the energy of initiation flow in as well. This Moon-full – Harvest Moon in the North, Seed Moon in the South – reminds us that we reap what we sow. It’s time to seek what is revealed in the light, and to confront what is hidden in the dark shadows. A time to honour the cycles of life and the turnings of the wheel.


In Aries our desire for freedom, new beginnings, new experiences and new self-expression is heightened. We are urged to burn away whatever constrains freedom, personal power and self-love. Aries ignites the Fire in our hearts; invites us to embrace individuality and uniqueness; calls us to develop our independence; and inspires action. It is a time to fuel self-empowerment.


Moon and Sun shine the light on personal situations (Aries Moon) and collective conditions (Libra Sun). Balance is a strong theme. It is a time to examine our relationships with ourselves and with others; to be both independent and cooperative; both assertive and kind; both bold and gentle. We are asked to closely examine perceived obstacles (Mars-Saturn SQ) and draw on healing energy to attend to issues of ego, conflict, self-worth, and our warrior nature (Moon-Chiron). We are more able to move into deep depths for emotional release (Merc now in Scorpio); and more energy is coming available for renewed strength, self-discipline and constructive action (Saturn now direct).


Time to draw on Ram’s gifts of strength, stability and balance. Time to seek the flows of equilibrium. Time to draw on Aries’ Fire and fuel our passions and all that we love. Time to empower ourselves, keep courage close, and remember our highest visions. Time to do whatever excites us and makes us feel fully alive. Time to embrace new ways of Being with ourselves and with others.


Aries Moon is full and bright
See what’s revealed in Hir Light


Honour all that has come to fruition
Harvest the wealth and all new perceptions


Feel deeply into your radiant whole
Embrace the glowing Fire in your soul


It is time to honour you
Take your stand, strong, bold and true


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you celebrate the uniqueness of you, all that has been done,
& all that you newly empower this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goddess Athena: cut & modified image found on wikimedia commons | Ram: cut & modified image at Big Horn Org

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Waxing Moon Half-lit in Capricorn

23.09.2020 in moon&sky

Greeting Waxing Moon Half-lit (exact @1855 PDT) in Capricorn


… strength, structure, beauty, balance… 


The Sun moved into Libra yesterday, at Equinox, and now we have a Moon half-lit. It is a time well-aspected for seeking balance and harmony – especially within the Libran themes of truth, justice and wisdom. Positive momentum is building for initiating something new under this waxing Moon (waxing Moon +8/11 planets in cardinal signs). Time to centre and realign. Time to hone plans and take action.


Moon in Capricorn tends to pull us towards increased organization, structure and discipline. She helps us to stay on track; and gives us confidence in our own expertise and inner knowing. Hir primary focus is on practical necessities and the long term. Libra Sun is concerned with balance and wisdom. Libra also likes a little luxury and reminds us of the importance of beauty and pleasure (Venus rules Libra). Together Sun and Moon steer us towards greater harmony while helping us get things done.


Time to review how we use our energy (Mars-Rx).Time to ground all that nourishes and empowers balance (earthy energy +Libra). Time to dive deep and climb high (Cap). Time to initiate practical actions that serve our ideals. Time to bring beauty, Love, peace, grace and harmony into form.


Time to pause at waxing Moon half-lit
Tune to what Spirit might wish to knit


Stand in balance dark and light
Time to align all that’s right


Ground in Earth. Be caressed by Air
Feel into all for which you care


Reach for new meaning & harmony
Time to embody all that you Be


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you the knowing that
you hold all that you need
to bring wisdom, balance and harmony into form









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Seagoat: Cut & modified tattoo from tattoo journal; artist unknown | Jasmine: cut & modified from Wallpaper Flare

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Moon Dark-New in Virgo

16.09.2020 in moon&sky

Welcome Moon Dark-New (exact 200917 @0400 PDT) in Virgo


… practical wisdom, reflection, intention… 


Moon dark-new is a time of beginnings and fresh starts; a time to let go of what was, reset and decide on our intentions for this new cycle and beyond. In Virgo the focus is on health, healing, self-sufficiency, efficiency and common sense wisdom. We are asked to make basic, practical concerns paramount; and to focus on home, health and our connection to Nature.


With all the Earth energy present (6 planets in Earth signs) it is a potent time for deeply Earthing ourselves, our truths, our visions and our intentions. In this last week of Virgo Sun, we will likely feel an increasing urge to clean, clear and reorganize our nests (inside and out). We are called to tune to our senses, and to purify, refine and more deeply align with inner wisdom.


Supportive energies make this a Moon with which to build strong foundations; and one that can inspire us to re-commit and up-level our self-care (Earth energy +stabilizing Sun/Moon-Saturn trine).Things may move slow (6 planets still Rx) but that gifts us the time to closely consider how our choices/actions do or don’t support what we desire (esp w. Mars-Rx). Fortunately, we will likely find ourselves more objective (Moon in Libra @ 1156pdt & Sun in Libra soon), discerning, deliberate and decisive (Moon-Saturn trine). And, through a combination of order-making and surrender, we may even make this an opportunity to re-invent ourselves in some way (Moon/Virgo-Neptune/Pisces) ;)


Time to feel into the strength of our Earth connections. Time to embody practical wisdom. Time to focus on all that brings joy, freedom, peace and a sense of wholeness. Time for healing hearts and refining minds. Time to envision a new future into Being.


Virgo Moon brings practical wisdom
flowing in Nature’s sacred rhythms


Into Earth and the feminine deep
draw up wisdom from within hir keep


Open to receive radiant healing
Let the elixir infuse your Being


Time to expand your radiant heart
Time to express your most sacred art


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you deep Earthing, embodied healing, &
wondrous re-emergence this Moon








IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goddess: cut & modified image from Mucha poster |

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Waning Moon Half-lit in Gemini

09.09.2020 in moon&sky

Greeting Waning Moon Half-lit (exact 200910 @0226 PDT) in Gemini


… reflection, clarity, balance … 


At Waning Moon half-lit it’s time to pause, breathe and centre. We are called to re-balance, harmonize, and integrate (further supported by Merc now in Libra). It’s a time to sift, sort, shed what no longer serves, and reorient. Time to prepare to move inward and self-nourish in the feminine deep.


In Gemini she brings fresh Air, invites us to dance with the winds, and reminds us to breathe. Mental clarity is restored, we are more alert, and our minds are filled with wonder, amazement, new connections and powerful insights. Virgo Sun pushes us to be practical and grounded; Gemini Moon wants us to take to the Air, explore the stories of ‘between’ and open to new ways of finding balance. Sun and Moon unified help us ground our dreams and embrace new paths to creative well-being.


Earth energy is high (5 planets in Earth signs) and draws attention to practical daily tasks and details. The call to ‘get busy’ is powerful (Gemini & Virgo are the busiest seasons) but the energy is also quite mercurial (Mercury rules both Gem & Virgo) so it’s important to go slow. We are likely to want/need more rest and time for reflection in any case (reinforced by 7 planets Rx) as we are strongly drawn to reassess and re-evaluate our undertakings; and to gain greater understanding of our desires and motivations (Mars-Rx). Fire energy (3 planets in Fire including naturally fire-y Mars) helps us tune to our passion and Earth energy helps us to stay on track and anchor our dreams.


It’s time to tend our nests with Love and caring. Time to nourish mind, body and Spirit. Time to clear the way and make time and space for sacred, self-nurturing activity each day. Time to renew and dream into the feminine deep.


We are in a season of busy and doing
It is also a time for deeply renewing


At waning Moon half-lit, let go and release
Enter into the realms of balance and ease


Seek in the space of between and
find the stories of Spirit dreams


Time now to shed that which has no place
and rest into the deepening grace


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you cleansing release,
nourishing insights,
sweet tending, and
a lightness of Being this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Twins: cut & modified candleholder found at Live Auctioneers | Lavender: cut & modified from Novotaste Flavour Systems

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