

Dark-New Moon & Eclipse

28.04.2014 in moon&sky

eclipse_solar-CROPx385-solar-eclipse-WallpaperWelcome the Dark of the Moon in Taurus (exact at 2314pdt) and a Solar Eclipse tonight (2304pdt). Here in the Northern Hemisphere we won’t see the eclipse but the energy can be strongly felt.


So many I’ve spoken to of late have found the times of mid-April lunar eclipse and Cardinal Grand Cross to be a bit earth ‘quakey’ as can so often be the case when we revisit, examine, and are in midst of change. There have been breakdowns and breakthroughs; times that call for both letting go and for affirming/reaffirming heart-deep desires and intentions.


Now is the time to free space during the dark of the Moon. To rest, reflect and to plant new seeds in the soft earth of Taurus. Today is an Earth Snake Day and starts the lunar month of the Earth Snake. Snake delves deeply, especially during eclipse time. Time to ground wisdom and healing. Time to refuel our foundations.


Draw on the ongoing water trine (Chiron & Jupiter) for compassion and healing; and on Saturn and Venus to aid in deconstruction of old patterns.


Open to receive and let Spirit guide the passages. Move slowly. Reflect on all that you have sensed in this past cycle and all that has shaken loose during the Cardinal Cross this month. Choose what intention you wish to ‘plant’ for yourself this cycle.


Settle in with the Taurus new moon and ground the energies and gifts of the recent transformations. Reconnect with Earth. Deepen and reconnect with self love and self care. Nurture and nourish yourself self like a tree is nourished by water and sun. Grow this love and care like the sun’s brilliance grows from Spring to Summer.


In a couple of days it will be Beltane, the quarter between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. Celebrate the fertile ground and the emerging new life in a multitude of forms. Appreciate the bounty, the beauty, the love, the abundance. Take account of both that which is within, and that is all around. Fill up with all the good that is present, emerging and growing.


And, as always, in all ways,
Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light

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WisdomWild: Letting Go (special message)

22.04.2014 in reflections

Life calls us, requires us, to let go again and again. It is the way of things. An aspect of journeying around the wheel, of each turn of the spiral.


The waning Moon reminds us of this lest we forget. To practice releasing with conscious intention.


Sometimes it’s easy for there are things that no longer serve and need to be swept away.

Sometimes we release our gifts in to the world and that can sometimes be hard to as we step in to that which is greater in us and embrace more of who we are here to be.

And sometimes it can be very much a struggle and heart-breaking as it has been at times these last few days in this Waning Moon.


My Dear Heart, feline friend, you who have gifted me so much in body and spirit. You gift me now with a peaceful, graceful journey of letting go. I know I hold you still, always in my heart and with me in Spirit. Through my tears I release so that there may be more and more room for you in the spaciousness in which I hold you warm and close. In my grief there is illumination.

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Much much much love and peace.


More and more the learning and wisdom embrace…

Nurture Your Nature


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Earth Day!

22.04.2014 in theme

earthHeartToday is Earth Day (as is everyday isn’t it?).


A time which calls attention to that which nourishes and supports us; that gives us air and earth and water and fire (energy).


I invite you this day to express your gratitude and joy of this wondrous Earth within and upon which we live.


Leave the car behind.

Go for a walk and say thank you to the air, the water, the land, the sun.

Hug a tree. Caress the grass. Breathe in a flower.

Clear the human-made waste from a path or street.

Share your love and earth-knowing with others.

Wear green or brown or blue or whatever color you favour that speaks of this Earth. (It would be great if you share your blessings with us here.)


And, as always,
Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light

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Waning Moon & in the midst

22.04.2014 in moon&sky

grand_cross_CROPx385_by_captainjuuIt is the waning Moon, last quarter (this morning just before 1am pdt). We are also in between eclipses, at midpoint, and also at the midpoint of Cardinal Grand Cross unfolding (Apr20-24).


A friend/client shared her experiencing of this time and it is fitting here. “I have this feeling of foreboding and anticipation at the same time.” Yes, that speaks to the energies of this time. I invite you to find the space between; that space between fear and excitement; that space of stillness and wonder in the eye of a storm.


The waning Moon reminds us to release and to move inward and spend time in stillness at the hearth of the heart. A time of transforming. The eclipse time too calls in the wisdom of stillness, for transformation takes place deep within. We already know these times are ones of transformation, for each of us and for us all. The CGC has been energetically calling us to let go, to focus, to shift and to transform; to create the lives we wish to live; to be all and more of who we are meant to be; and to bring into being a world of peace and justice and sustainability.


Move inward and tend the Hearth of your Heart. Release, rest, be still. Create space for the transformation you are calling into being.  And, as always,


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light

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Sacred ACTions

14.04.2014 in wisdom wild

flower_of_lifeMy words today tend to repeat what I have said in other messages this Cycle, a cycle that includes the Cardinal Grand Cross and a solar eclipse at the dark/new moon. It is time to ponder and spend time with self.


    • Attend to grounding in your body and with your connection to Earth


    • Spend time with your inner wisdom.


    • Notice any areas that need integration of opposites.


    • Tune deeply to what you deeply love and desire to bring in. Invite new energies and expand them.


    • Hone your clarity of purpose/intention.


    • Simplify, adjust, modify, release what no longer serves.


    • Consider creating ritual and special peaceful, centered time during the Full Moon.


    • Go slow. Allow bursts of energy to just flow and hold your center.


    • Be open. Notice what inspires and hold that for reflection during the waning Moon.


And, as always,

Nurture your Nature
With Love & Light

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