

Moon Full in Libra

07.04.2020 in moon&sky

Greeting Moon Full (exact @1925 PDT) in Libra


… balance, connect, uplift… 


This is power-full Super Moon. All full Moons tend to raise the intensity of things but don’t be surprised if this one uber-heightens emotional sensitivity, awareness, insight, and both psychic and physical energy (super Moon + various power-filled alignments). Hir bright light calls us to examine all that she reveals. In Libra the focus is on relationships, cooperation, sharing, fairness, justice, and balance. Together with Aries Sun, we are challenged to balance our own individual needs and desires (Aries) with those of the collective (Libra). We are called to align with heart and Spirit, and evolve new structures and new principles.


Yes, we’re in a time where there’s a lot of fast-tracked systems changes and lots of issues that need to be resolved. We’ve been called to deeply re-evaluate what’s important, and to trust, have faith, be disciplined, focus, transform/transcend, and persevere (Jup-Pluto). At this Moon full we may feel some agitative ‘heat’ rising and an increasing restlessness (Aries Sun + Mars-Uranus square). Remember to pause, ground and take a breath. We are called to get to the root; tune to all that inspires; and know we carry the wisdom we need.


There are opportunities now for break-through (Mars-Uranus) and for positive expansion (Jup-Pluto). Doors are opening to new insights, new perceptions, new understanding (Merc-Pluto & Merc-Jup sextiles today) and improved collaboration (Venus-Chiron Friday); healing potential is re-activated (Mars-Chiron & Merc-Athene Wed); and we can expect increased data clarity upcoming (Merc moves to Aries Fri & Mars sex Saturn Sat). Further, Aries Sun quickens creative energy, spurs initiative, and lends us courage; and Libra brings fresh Air and her gift of lightening things up.


It is time to ground deeply and tend to Spirit-heart centre. Time to see ever more clearly what it is we value; and to empower and embody what it is we hold closest to our heart and Spirit. Time to focus on and nourish all that is positive, beautiful, creative and inspirational. Time to let heart-Fire rise and to invite the winds to instill us with a lightness of Being.


By Moon-full bright now clearly see
all that’s evolved and come to be


Power is strong and potent
Breathe the Air of this moment


Release the burdens of your heart
with all your most uplifting arts


Envision abundance, peace, beauty and unity
Nourish personal and universal harmony


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you be fueled by Fire,
uplifted by Air, and
nourished by heart wisdom this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goddess Themis: cut & modified image found at Greek Boston | Roses: cut & modified image from White Flower Farm |

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Waxing Moon Half-lit in Cancer

31.03.2020 in moon&sky

Greeting Waning Moon Half-lit (exact 200401 @0321 PDT) in Cancer


… pause, centre, uplift, manifest… 


At waxing Moon half-lit we are called to pause, centre and find balance. Energy is rising and with it, increased motivation to stay focussed. It’s time to check-in with ourselves, reflect, and re-examine our plans. Welcome the grace of Moon pause.


Cancer Moon brings the gifts of sensitivity, tenderness, empathy, and compassion. Hir powers open our hearts to anything that needs sustenance, nurturing, soothing or support. She activates intuition so that we know exactly what is needed in any moment. Hir focus is on home and personal space; emotions and boundaries are at the forefront. How reflective and appropriate to the times we are in.


Together with Aries Sun we are called to weave together and balance feeling and doing; intuition and action; inner reflection and outer expression. Supportive energies help us to align heart and mind (Moon-Merc trine); see new patterns and solutions (Pallas-Athene-Pluto); gain increased clarity concerning our values and visions (Merc + Pallas-Athene-Pluto); and become more inventive, progressive and less fear affected as we ‘up-level’ in these times (Mars in Aqua). The powers for healing are strong and incoming energy empowers action (Moon in Leo & Virgo later in week) and heightens creativity and manifesting abilities (Nep-Merc Saturday).


It is time to pause and find strength and calm within. Time to reflect, hone our intentions, and revitalize our plans for action. Time to fortify ourselves in stillness. Time to focus on home – in heart, mind, body, Spirit, and Place. Time to attend to the sanctuary of Being.


This Cancer waxing Moon half-lit
we are called to reveal true grit


These are times not customary
Time to nourish sanctuary


Weave peace together with head and heart
Embrace Spirit as your inner art


Align with all you appreciate
plant the vision you wish to create


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you create a sanctuary of peace, strength and calm
may your visions come into form this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goddess Selene: cut & modified image found on Greek Gods & Goddesses | Queen Anne’s Lace: cut & modified image found at Smart Seeds Emporium | Crab: cut & modified image found at Aquarium.org |

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Moon Dark-New in Aries

24.03.2020 in moon&sky

Welcome Moon Dark-New (exact 200324 @0228 PDT) in Aries


… courage, strength, new vision, rebirth… 


Moon dark-new reminds us that in any moment, there is an opportunity to begin anew. Sun is now in Aries, the first sign of the new astrological year. Moon dark-new is in Aries too. Our Spirits are enlivened. We are entering a fresh cycle and energy is calling for new, new, new (further supported by Saturn now in Aqua and Mars soon). It’s a time of renewal and a time ripe for new ideas, new insights, and new inspiration.


We have been under some big pressures for some time (Capricorn energy + Saturn effect continuing  2017-2023). In the last weeks we have been experiencing increasing restrictions (Saturn + expect more with Jup-Eris Thurs) on gathering in community with others (Aqua); and we’re learning more (Saturn) about our interconnections and interdependencies (Aqua). Attention to health and well-being is at the core (activated by Chiron). Now, Aries infuses us with passion, courage, strong will, determination and confidence. The heaviness of earthy energy is beginning to lift (Aries Sun/Moon + Saturn now in Aqua and Mars soon) and Firey energy calls us to new action.


Time to move out of the dark and into the Light. Time to re-energize. Time to revitalize. Time to rise to face whatever challenges appear before us. Time for positive change. Time for new visions, new ways of seeing/Being, new learning, new innovations, and grassroots activation for the benefit of All (Saturn in Aqua). It’s time to seek transformation and rebirth.


Ignite the Fire of Aries within
Time to start to begin anew again


As a new born lamb waking in the field
open eyes wide to all that’s been revealed


Change, challenge and shift has now come
Hold your vision for the long run


Time to take new steps upon the Earth
Time to dance in courageous rebirth


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you a freshness of Being,
sweet at-tuning, and
wondrous visions this Moon









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Happy Lamb: cut & modified image found on Country Living by Peter Cade | (Flowers- photos by Fiona)

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Waning Moon Half-lit in Sagittarius

15.03.2020 in moon&sky

Welcome Moon Half-lit (exact 200316 @0234 PDT) in Sagittarius (into Capricorn soon)


reflect, release, nourish, renew… and dream


At waning Moon half-lit it is time to pause, reflect, and find/renew harmony and balance among opposite natures: Light and dark; Fire and Water; masculine and feminine; external and internal worlds (Sag/Pisces; Sun/Moon). It is time to deeply reflect (Pisces) upon our aims (Sag) and ground our truth (Moon in to Cap @0925pdt). Time to dream (Pisces) and dance in the stars (Sag). Time to prepare for rest and renewal in the feminine deep.


The energy and power of balance is heightened with Equinox just 3 days away; and made especially important in these uncertain and turbulent times. We are advised to stay focussed on our aims – to release, center, balance, rest and rejuvenate – as there may be some in-tense moments in the coming week. We may find fear rising (Mars-Jup Thursday) like a ‘corona’ around us/the collective; and we will likely see more controls coming in to play as well (Mars-Pluto Sunday). Remember the power of pause. Know the healing power of rest, relaxation, nourishment, and time with Nature. Lean in to peace, love, beauty and ease.


Time to flow in Piscean Waters. Time to delight in freedom and play with Sag. Time to make time and space for deep self-nurture. Time to feed the soils of Being. Time to draw on the abundance of feminine energy in the field (still 9/11 planets in feminine signs). Time to attune to the wisdom within and allow new insights, and dreams of sweet possibilities, to rise of their own accord in the feminine deep.


Fire and Water meet at Moon half-lit
To harmony we are called to commit


Put your arrows aside and connect
with all you love, respect and protect


Rest into the Waters and release
Be warmed by Fire and nourish peace


Time now to bathe in the Moon’s beams
and welcome new insights and dreams


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you flowing release, Light-full dreams, & rich renewal this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main ImageGoddess: from a card; source unknown | Muscari: photo found at Whiteflower Farms

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Moon Full in Virgo

09.03.2020 in moon&sky

Greeting Moon Full (exact @1057 PDT) in Virgo


… discern, purify, re-source, renew… 


This super Moon (1st of 3 in 2020, occurring one after the other) shines uber-bright and the tides are running high (inside and out).  She brings powerful healing and positive shifting. It is a time to look closely at all that is revealed by the bright light and deep shadow. A time to celebrate all that has been brought into form, and a time to take stock. It is a time to purge, liberate, heal, and renew.


Pisces Sun and Virgo Moon (empowered by some other alignments) bring potent energies that are powerful and contrary. Starry-eyed Pisces calls us to drift, dream, fantasize, purge, and dissolve. Earthy Virgo is focussed on what is helpful and healing and urges us to anchor, attend to the tangible and practical, analyze, claim, and stay real. It is time to find a ‘middle way’ as the gifts of each are necessary and beneficial. Together in harmony, Spirit and matter are interwoven and transcendent visions are brought to Earth.


Yes, some ‘oppositional’ challenges but there are benefits, opportunities and supports as well. Feminine energy (9/11 planets), and especially Earthy energy (7 planets in Earth signs; 4 of them in Cap), help us to flow, ground and maintain presence.  Other alignments enable greater flow of action; open new possibilities; help us build strong foundations; clear communication pathways; and  provide better access to ideas that move us forward (Moon trines w/ Cap planets + Merc direct this eve). We continue to be supported and urged to empower ourselves through discipline, patience, and responsibility (ongoing Saturn-Pluto effect). The Light within shines brightly, blessed by Love, Beauty and Grace, and we re-remember and re-connect to that which most inspires (Venus now in Taurus).


It is time in these last days of Pisces to wash away the burdens of the past. Time to honour and celebrate all that has been given and received. Time to anchor in ‘higher’ knowing and inner wisdom; and time to focus on what is tangible, practical, helpful and healing. Time to find harmony with ourselves, Earth and Cosmos. Time to prepare for re-new-all.


Stand beneath Moon’s shining light
and view all that is in sight


Discern what is to be washed away
and the treasures you wish to have stay


Time to release deadweight and recalibrate
Time to dream in magic and articulate


Now honour all that you create &
Take time to rest and celebrate


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you see clearly, ground deeply, discern wisely, celebrate richly,
and make tangible all that is helpful & healing  this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goddess: Cut & modified image by Mucha 1897 | 

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