Moon Full in Libra
07 Apr 2020, by moon&sky in Greeting Moon Full (exact @1925 PDT) in Libra
… balance, connect, uplift…
This is power-full Super Moon. All full Moons tend to raise the intensity of things but don’t be surprised if this one uber-heightens emotional sensitivity, awareness, insight, and both psychic and physical energy (super Moon + various power-filled alignments). Hir bright light calls us to examine all that she reveals. In Libra the focus is on relationships, cooperation, sharing, fairness, justice, and balance. Together with Aries Sun, we are challenged to balance our own individual needs and desires (Aries) with those of the collective (Libra). We are called to align with heart and Spirit, and evolve new structures and new principles.
Yes, we’re in a time where there’s a lot of fast-tracked systems changes and lots of issues that need to be resolved. We’ve been called to deeply re-evaluate what’s important, and to trust, have faith, be disciplined, focus, transform/transcend, and persevere (Jup-Pluto). At this Moon full we may feel some agitative ‘heat’ rising and an increasing restlessness (Aries Sun + Mars-Uranus square). Remember to pause, ground and take a breath. We are called to get to the root; tune to all that inspires; and know we carry the wisdom we need.
There are opportunities now for break-through (Mars-Uranus) and for positive expansion (Jup-Pluto). Doors are opening to new insights, new perceptions, new understanding (Merc-Pluto & Merc-Jup sextiles today) and improved collaboration (Venus-Chiron Friday); healing potential is re-activated (Mars-Chiron & Merc-Athene Wed); and we can expect increased data clarity upcoming (Merc moves to Aries Fri & Mars sex Saturn Sat). Further, Aries Sun quickens creative energy, spurs initiative, and lends us courage; and Libra brings fresh Air and her gift of lightening things up.
It is time to ground deeply and tend to Spirit-heart centre. Time to see ever more clearly what it is we value; and to empower and embody what it is we hold closest to our heart and Spirit. Time to focus on and nourish all that is positive, beautiful, creative and inspirational. Time to let heart-Fire rise and to invite the winds to instill us with a lightness of Being.
By Moon-full bright now clearly see
all that’s evolved and come to be
Power is strong and potent
Breathe the Air of this moment
Release the burdens of your heart
with all your most uplifting arts
Envision abundance, peace, beauty and unity
Nourish personal and universal harmony
Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light
May you be fueled by Fire,
uplifted by Air, and
nourished by heart wisdom this Moon
IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goddess Themis: cut & modified image found at Greek Boston | Roses: cut & modified image from White Flower Farm |
I look forward to your posts especially the little poem at the end. It’s a shame that I can no longer share them on Pinterest.