Wisdom Wild | Cross Quarter, Waning Moon, Lionsgate 88


Cross Quarter, Waning Moon, Lionsgate 88

07 Aug 2023, by Fiona in moon&sky, turnings

Welcome Cross Quarter (exact 230807 @1124 PDT)
& Waning Taurus Moon Half-lit (exact 230808 @0328 PDT)
& The Lion’s Gate 88 Portal


abundance, balance, enrichment, rejuvenation


Today is the Cross Quarter*, a special time marking the solar midpoint between Solstice and Equinox. In the North it’s the time of first Harvest; a time for celebrating abundance and all Earth’s treasures. In the South it’s a time of planning, of choosing seeds, and imagining the abundance to come.


It’s a time to tune to the shift in season and to the gifts Earth brings forth. A time to both honour and celebrate Summer’s bounty; and to think forward to seeding the future too. It’s a time connecting to sacred things: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit. A time to tune to natural rhythms in this turning of the Wheel.


Tomorrow Moon reaches a ‘midpoint’ as well. Luna is waning and will be half lit (exact @0328) at the midpoint between Moon full and Moon dark. Waning Moon is a time is a time to sift, sort, organize and clear away what has occupied this cycle. At Moon half-lit it’s time to review, release, realign, re-integrate and re-balance. Time to slow and make space for self-nourishing and rejuvenation. Time to reflect and turn inward (strongly supported by 5 planets currently retrograde+ 3 more to come end Aug/early Sep) and prepare to enter the feminine deepening (powerful fem energy: 8fem/3masc).


Moon in practical Taurus provides a calming, stablilzing influence and helps keep us grounded (along with 5 more planets in Earth signs – including Jup + Moon-Jup conj). Taurus secures necessities and reminds us to draw on the wisdom of the body and of the senses; and to find joy in simple things. Both Taurus and Leo want comfort and beauty; and appreciate quality and value. Together they draw our attention to what nourishes; and what gives us pleasure and ease.


Time for nourishing, rejuvenating self-care. Time to ground deeply in Earth and be warmed by Sun. Time to be immersed in Leo’s big-heartedness and Taurus’ sensual nature. Time to tune to heart wisdom, tend our inner Fire, and purr into the feminine deep.


Tomorrow also brings us to Lion’s Gate 88 Portal and another midpoint: on Aug 8 we are ~half way through Leo season (Leo @~15deg). The Portal energies are their peak at this time (the gateway is is open July 28-Aug 12 this year). The gateway/ portal is activated by the rising of the star Sirius, considered our Spiritual Sun. The rising of Sirius signal a time of high frequency energy to rebirth Spirit energy, own Spirit energy, and Earth’s Spirit energy as well (Spirit energy rebirth enhanced by 88 numerology).


It’s a time for receiving energetic downloads and upgrades. Time to rebirth Spirit energy. Time for unifying physical and spiritual realms. Time to embody the strength, wisdom and confidence of our most radiant selves. Time to attune to whatever delights and infuses us with Joy.


Wherever we are, and whatever our journeys may be, we are called to seek alignment with the natural rhythms of Earth and Cosmos. It is time to tune to the Sacred: to Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit; to their practical gifts and their abundant wisdom. It is a time to honour and celebrate the magicks of Life and land. And time always to….


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light


May you enjoy and embrace
all the wondrous gifts and magicks of the times

Earth deeply, rest luxuriously
Time to just Be




*Celebrations associated with this time include the festivals of Imbolc/Candlemas in the South; & Lughnasadh/Lammas in the North. Though now often celebrated Aug1st/2nd, the midpoint this year is Aug 7 @ 1124 exact.









IMAGE NOTES: Photos, Art & Compilations by Fiona/Wisdom Wild except as noted. Other images are cut and modified (C&M) from various sources as follows:
Main Image Compilation: Stained glass: found on Etsy | Peaches: From Ison’s Nursery & Vinyard | Berries: by food stylist/photographer Lucia Carniel