Wisdom Wild | elemental


Reflections: Dark to 1stQ + water wisdom

27.01.2015 in elemental, reflections

150126. The time from new moon to now (1st Q)  has been preparations active.   Moving head, hearts and hands through times creative and reflective through times feeling both excited and scared through times of action and stillness through productive times and relaxing times   Such…

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Honoring Water

16.03.2014 in elemental

Wisdom Wild: Honoring Water   March 22 is World Water Day. Consider pending some time by water this – even if it’s just a water bowl to which you attend. Create time and ritual to reflect upon water and how it flows through you, around…

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Waning Moon & Reflections

25.11.2013 in elemental, moon&sky

Moon & Sky It is the time of the waning moon. Now we move into the time after creation/activity-building time. There are still things to do but now the focus is on resting from efforts made; on clearing things away (like one would do in …

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Lammas Blessings

01.08.2013 in elemental, turnings

Hello again Dear Ones! Yup, me again; 2nd post in one week. Well, sometimes the patterns and seasons are like that. The StarT was a special pattern and today is Lammas, a seasonal festival and  an occasion I am moved to send out blessings. For…

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New Moon

08.07.2013 in elemental, moon&sky

Hello Dear Ones! It’s new moon and wondrous time! This is a great day to revisit and renegotiate your intentions based on your observations of the past week or so. If you have come across some negative self-talk or disappointment, forgive them with the intention…

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Full Moon+eclipse: Another Powerful Time

24.05.2013 in eclipse, elemental, moon&sky

Hello Dear Ones! Full moon w/ lunar eclipse tonight! (~2230 PDT). The three-eclipse container of the last month. has provided a powerful and transformative time.  For this Moon, themes to truth, freedom and broad perspective are highlighted. Expect some big energy moving around and keep…

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