Wisdom Wild | eclipse


Full Taurus Moon

17.11.2013 in eclipse, moon&sky

Hello Dear Moon-lit Ones! How are you? Here we are under the Full moon now in Taurus.  The eclipse portal closes today but its energies are still present. A Powerful time. Time to be inspired by the steps you/we have taken. Time to celebrate all…

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October Full Moon & Eclipse

18.10.2013 in eclipse, moon&sky

Hello Dear Ones! Here we are. Day of Aries Full Moon (1638PDT), penumbral eclipse (minutes later), and the season deepening into the dark of the year here in the Northern Hemisphere. NB you can see eclipse animation here How are You? Are you enjoying Fall…

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New Moon+eclipse: Powerful Time

05.09.2013 in eclipse, moon&sky

Hello Dear Ones! Just had to send a message out at this POWERFUL TIME… New moon + solar eclipse (May 9). Fertility, growth, beauty. Energy of building and making, new possibilities, passions. A  Taurus solar eclipse does bring up issues of self worth and values;…

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Full Moon+eclipse: Another Powerful Time

24.05.2013 in eclipse, elemental, moon&sky

Hello Dear Ones! Full moon w/ lunar eclipse tonight! (~2230 PDT). The three-eclipse container of the last month. has provided a powerful and transformative time.  For this Moon, themes to truth, freedom and broad perspective are highlighted. Expect some big energy moving around and keep…

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