Honoring Water
16 Mar 2014, by elemental inWisdom Wild: Honoring Water
March 22 is World Water Day. Consider pending some time by water this – even if it’s just a water bowl to which you attend. Create time and ritual to reflect upon water and how it flows through you, around you and in the world. Take a moment wherever you are to give thought and prayers for the sacred waters.
I am grateful for Water and Water Wisdom each day.
May I flow like the river,
be still like a sheltered pond,
and breathe with the ease of the tide
incoming and outgoing.
What Water gifts and wisdoms are you grateful for?
There will be gatherings in many places to honor and celebrate water in various ways. The International Council of the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers has put together a special water ceremony. The practice that some of you may recognize.
You can learn more at in the name of the mother
Yes! Nurture y/our Nature
with Love & Light & Gratitude