


22.09.2014 in turnings

Greetings on Mabon, the Autumnal Equinox (exact 1939 pdt)


140922_x385P1040327Yesterday was hot and still. This morning dark clouds layered over white and sparks of light shone through between. Light and dark in equal measure. The winds rustled branches and leaves and grasses, as if clearing the way and heralding new change.

140922_Bed_gauzeTent_x385 -131108ESHAs I greet this Equinox day I feel almost suspended. Paused in a moment.

An art matriarch rests in hospital after open heart surgery – her heart always so open to All – and we are days waiting for her to awake and return to us.

We are present and contemplative.

We remember, blessing, gratitude. We converse with her through the cosmos. We work to let go of attachments, going with flow, while holding her strongly in our hearts. We send her and each other much love and support, honoring the journey, trusting in Spirit.


We are expressing the call of the turn of the wheel.

140922_sunEdMirrorx385The wheel has turned to Mabon, the autumnal Equinox (exact at 1929h pdt). The trees release their leaves. Leaves blanket the earth and begin to decompose providing nourishment to the land and the smallest of creatures. Squirrels store up seeds and nuts. All is preparation for what is to come .


Today is a day of equal light and dark, calling attention to balance.


It is a gateway to the deepening dark. Like the time of the waning moon, it is time for slowing, for moving inward into the receptive feminine.


It is time to release what is ending. A time to compost, conserve and store nourishments. A time of change and transformation. A time to prepare for the season of equinox to solstice and the return of the light.


What will you return back to Earth to be recycled or into the winds to be scattered?
What do you want to conserve and store to nourish your body, heart and soul?
What do you imagine welcoming in at the return of the Light, and what do you need to nourish the possibilities?


Prepare the hearth to hold your fire through the cooling season. Make warm and beautiful your bed for the dreamings.



Honor the blessings of each turn of the wheel and, as always,


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light

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Last Quarter Moon

15.09.2014 in moon&sky

140915_compile2Greetings of the last quarter Moon (exact at 1905 pdt)


The Moon entered Gemini yesterday and is there until tomorrow. (Here, for whatever reason, fish are jumping hence the fish ‘twins’).


Look to the skies and see the moon of light and dark in equal measure. Balance.


It is time now to follow-up and complete what was initiated this cycle; to weed out and let go of what is no longer needed; and to begin releasing.


It is time to clear space for the next cycle.


See Venus now in Virgo providing us with beautifully grounded energy, bringing us to earth and to the present moment. Mars having moved into adventurous Sagitarrius provides more room to explore. Jupiter (ruler of Sag and now in Leo) now gives a boost to courage and confidence. These are among the supportive and assertive energies that will be with us in the next weeks. You may feel them pulling you in but…


Now, during the time of the waning Moon, it is time to move again for self care and self-nourishing.


Time to honor the feminine, and to visit again and more deeply reside within inner wisdom.


This is the time for preparation.


Time for readying oneself for new wonders, new dreams and new claims that you may wish to express in the new cycles (lunar and solar-equinox) soon to come.


Enter into the dark of the moon
warmed by the light and fire of the Heart Truth of you,
immersed in the depths of the beauty and grace and wonder of your inner wisdom.


And, as always,


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light



Initiate and empower your dreams and intentions
for the next lunar cycle and the next solar quarter
Feel in to the Natural Rhythms
Come Walk with The Moon


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Full Pisces Moon

08.09.2014 in moon&sky

140908_compile_x385Greetings of the full ‘super’ Moon in Pisces (exact at 1838 pdt)


Blessed is the Light and Blessed are the Waters.


The full Moon lights up the night in brightness and draws the oceans to tidal fullness. Much is energized this Moon.


It is time to honor and celebrate the fullness in our lives and all that has been birthed under the Moon.


The Pisces Moon (in partnership with Chiron) empowers healing, greater ease, and deeper grounding (Saturn; Sun in Virgo). This is a time for focus and welcome of healing – mind, body, spirit.


The Grand Trine (begun Aug 23) peaks today, providing a fullness of energy for balancing assertive and receptive ways of being, for integrating the masculine and the feminine. Look into the Moon’s reflection one waters and feel in to this joining.


Several aspects of Uranus adds energy and excitement; and many relations are making intuitions available in flashes and sparks now.


Ask and create a quiet moment to receive.


Breathe in deep compassion and beauty for these are also in full expression at this time.


Invite, honor, celebrate and express illumination, fullness, clarity, balance.


Expand time and space for you to reflect and celebrate. Breathe in ease. Feel the fullness of  your beaming radiance.


May your light shine like a Super Moon and may you always,


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light

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Creature Teacher: Hummingbird

02.09.2014 in creatures

cala_Hummingbird_mirrorCreature Teacher: Hummingbird


Here it is the season where migration begins. Already small flights of geese are honking their goodbyes. The hummingbirds too fly to greet warmer climes and southern spring, but many of the Anna hummingbirds, the northern most hummingbird, will stay. Ah the Joy of hum and radiant color! Ah sweet nectar!


It is the season and the month to delight in the hum and new colors. Colors of fall in the north; colors of spring in the south. The hum of activity of harvest in the north; of tilling and planting in the south. Color and hum as the land changes. A half lit moon and soon, half way between solstices.


What colors of you will you radiate under the waxing moon? What are you humming into being?
Wonder… And as always,


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light

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Half Lit Waxing Moon

02.09.2014 in moon&sky

She sat in the dark of the moon and surrendered to the void. Releasing, resting, in the deep wisdom she opened to receive.
As the first sliver of moonlight appeared she gathered and prepared for regeneration and re-emergence.

Now under the half lit moon (exact at 0411pdt)  she empowers her plans and anchors her commitment.  As the moon waxes she will further hone and align the path she has chosen this cycle.


What is it you wish to empower now? What commitment do you wish to deepen?


The half lit Moon calls our attention once again to balance. It is time to pause and reflect on where we are in this moment of the cycle. Yesterday Moon entered Sagittarius; tomorrow she moves into Capricorn. Perhaps you would like to reflect on this too. Fire (Sag), passion, lights up the dark. Earth (Cap) provides ground and foundation.


What are you lighting up this cycle? What is the ground beneath your feet and how are you nourishing your foundations?


Draw on the harmonious trine of Moon, Jupiter and Uranus for new ideas and inspiration. Jupiter, the planet of abundance, speeds healing and positive resolutions, and expands new horizons and opportunities. Uranus, unconscious birthing into consciousness for a better future. Moon, emotional energy, reminding us of the deep caring we need and deserve, and of the eternal, limitless love and wisdom to be manifested.


Time now for the seeds and jewels and sparkles you have chosen to be expressed!


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light

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