

WisdomWild: Environment

05.06.2014 in theme

WED_greenWheartx385This day, June 5th, is World Environment Day.


A day for raising awareness about the environment and to motivate action towards a a more caring, Earth honoring, and greener future.


Wouldn’t it be great if every day was WEDay?


I invite you to take a special moment to bless Earth this day,

to learn something new about Earth’s life systems and, perhaps,

take a blessed action as sign of your appreciations.


And, as always,
Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light.

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Moon half lit and waxing

05.06.2014 in moon&sky

golden+MoonEAST_P1030665_CROPx385Greetings of the Moon half lit (exact 0425h pdt) and waxing.


Energy is full and building. The Moon now waxes and the Sun in northern hemisphere continues to lengthen each day. It is a time of movement and action.


A week ago we sat under Dark Moon, watching for the sparkles, listening for the whispers, sensing into what wants to be brought out into the light, or called into being and deepened this cycle. As the first thin crescent appeared, it was time to choose and plant the seeds of our intentions.


Now we sit under a half lit and waxing Moon. It is time of the arising. This is the time that our ‘seeds’ send out roots and shoots. A time for much growth. Time to notice and tend to what is arising and forming. Time to be watchful for ‘weeds’ and to filter the waters to ensure intentions can be as clear and pure as possible.


This is the time to spread your wings. Do it now. Stretch your arms out to your sides, above and around you. Feel that space around you. Extend your wings and map another sphere of energetic being all around you.


Imagine the best expression of yourself flowing from you as the moon waxes to full. See yourself in full flight. Feel the wind in your wings. Imagine how your intentions will reverberate with each pulse of your wings. Wonder. Full.


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light.

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WisdomWild: Bee Hums

28.05.2014 in creatures

hummelDear Honey Bee,


Let me drink the sweet honey of life with you


and fly with wings they call impossible


Like you, let me carry sweet pollen
as life blessings to others.


Let the humming purr of wings
keep my home safe and


May the Queen of me express
wisdom to manifest in the world


May fulfillment be gained by
pursuing the dreams


May we always,
Nurture our Nature
with Love & Light

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Return of Moon Dark

28.05.2014 in moon&sky

starrSky-tent_CROPGreetings of  the Dark of the Moon. Welcome the Stars.


The sunshine increases in the northern hemisphere and calls us out to play. Sun and Moon trine Mars in Libra adds more strength to this season. The Grand Cross continues making for a bit of snakes and ladders, but we have a flowing grand water trine which helps with the shifts and changes.


If you’ve felt a bit of a tug-of-war within, or have noticed a desire for more rest and stillness, no surprise. It has been busy times in the past months and with the rising, emergent energy of the season. The season calls out, the moon calls us in; different turnings, different energetics of the wheel.


Now, under the dark of the moon (1140 pdt) we are called again into the stillness.  It is time to release completely and step into the void both full and empty. Open to the not yet known; become fully empty and spacious to receive.


Sit for a while in the soft velvet dark. Sense into the earth roots of you. Feel nourishment rise up and drink it in. Mmm. Satiated, cast your eyes to the sky filled with stars, their multitudes and greater brilliance gifted us by Moon dark. Feel the sparkling delight tickling your being.


In this time of the Dark Moon, in this place between and joined with Earth & Sky, give intuition and inner wisdom room. Breathe in the blessings of roots and stars and breathe the blessings out too. Allow images, sounds, scents, tastes and possibilities to drift by or in. Notice what is calling to be attended or newly seeded and planted in the coming cycle. And let that go too.


Allow this time, fully present and empty under the Dark Moon, to transform and shift effortlessly. Trust in the heartTruth of you and all to whom and to which you are connected. Be in the Home of you.


And, as always,
Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light

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Last Quarter Moon

21.05.2014 in moon&sky

Greetings of the Last Quarter Moon (0559h pdt)

gemini_cosmicPsychic_CROPThe moon is half lit and waning and the sun is in Gemini.


As the moon wanes it is time to gather and store the harvest, and to clear away the chaf.
It is time for reflection. What roots have deepened? What leaves are in bud? What branches have been extended? Time to think gently about the happenings this cycle and begin to prepare for resting.


Yes, the season is in full swing and there is this urging for activity, to be outside, to be active, to be doing. Remember rest too is needed, the resources for the next day, the next cycle.


The energies about continue to be somewhat mixed, and the twins inject another of the ‘dual’ nature that we are seeking to bridge and/or meld. *Note that was ‘dual’ not ‘duel’ despite what may sometimes feel like it’s being called forth ;).


Whether you are (metaphorically) flying or bush-wacking, draw in the company of the Twins in this waning time. Gemini is an air sign, element of thought of mind, so as you reflect on the ‘dual’ message of the Twins, remember to feed and listen to your heart as counter-balance to this energetic urging of the mind.


Draw also on the playfulness and spontaneity of Gemini. As you reflect on the cycle completing, bring humor into your reflections. Allow your reflections to give you some giggles and consider ways to bring more play and humor into your thoughts and activities. Breathe in shape-shifting possibilities. Be open to wisps of new ideas and new ways of communicating.


Move now into the waning, time to review, wrap up and release this cycle to rest.  Soon, as the moon becomes sliver crescent, it will then again be the wishing time. What might you wish for? What ways will you seek to, as always,


Nurture your Nature
with love and light

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