

Moon Full in Virgo

12.03.2017 in moon&sky

170312_COMP1-merge-CROP_x385Welcome Moon Full
(exact @ 0754 PDT)

in Virgo


Discern, embrace, celebrate


I know this past week has presented challenges and hard work for many, perhaps even most of us. Maintaining fire-water balance isn’t easy. Processing through push-pulls and a mix of thoughts and emotions takes work – and very good self-care always. The call to self-care and to the work continues, but some shifts give us a bit of break from the tossing and churning and the pressures we might feel.


It is time now to take a breath, ground, and take stock of where you stand in this moment. Feel into the support available for slowing down and taking time and space (Mars moved into Taurus this past Thursday; Venus moving more deeply retrograde and Jupiter-R too). Step back both to get a bigger view, and to gain discerning perspective guided by inner wisdom and Moonlight.


The bright light of Moon-full reveals things we may not have yet seen; and intensifies the shadow places for us to investigate. In Virgo she calls us to attune to and honor Earth, the senses, sacred patterns, and the web of life. Virgo as the great goddess stands heart-fully embracing that which is newly rising, and that which is falling away. The comings and goings, the making and the unmaking, the highs and the lows, the eternal and the temporal, all woven together in natural, wisdom-expressive flow. It is this stand of hers that we are called to emulate. To let go and to create, weaving each in service to the other.


The earthier energy now present (Moon, Mars & Pluto in Earth signs) helps to provide a greater sense of stability for our journeys. As we tune to Earthways and our own hearth-truth, inner peace and balance is to be found (Venus-R fuels). Sense deeply into the tunings and then honor all that has been given and received; all that you have released; and all the work you have done, in Spirit and in form. Yes, it is time to honor and celebrate your radiant, living Being.


Stand beneath Moon’s shining light
and view all that is in sight
Discern what is to pass away
and all you wish to call to stay


Move through the highs and the lows
embracing the ways that life flows
like waves and tides that rise and fall
these are the rhythms within the All


Time to honor all you have done
all that’s been released and welcomed
Celebrate all that’s been attained
and all the wisdom you contain


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you receive new insights and be filled with gratitude for all you are!





IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Sculpture: from Lady of Peace Church in Santa Clara: modified photo believed to have been taken by Jennifer Cote | Flowers: cut & modified from image by Anne Wheaton from her blog 2013 | Leaves: cut & & modified from wallpaper.

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International Women’s Day

08.03.2017 in theme

170305_IWD3_x150International Women’s Day! Great time for remembering all the way-makers past and present. May you honor yourself (today and always) and gift yourself with wonderful sights, sounds and scents. Wishing you beauty and love and delight … and lots of nourishing self-care!


This day has also been chosen as a kind of ‘on strike’ day. (See article here). Pretty difficult for us to choose not to work (paid or unpaid). Still, reflecting on the powers of women, especially women in concert together, seems a worthy undertaking. Red is the color of the day so perhaps you might wear something red to honor women and All this day. Much love for all you do.

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1st Q Moon in Gemini

05.03.2017 in moon&sky

170305_COMP1-merge-CROP_x385Greetings of the
waxing half-lit Moon
(exact @ 0332 pst)

in Gemini


Self caring, heart-guided transition


‘Tis a waxing Moon half-lit: Light and dark in equal measure. Elemental energies also reflect this balanced ‘oppositional’ energy with fire and water elements in equal measure (4 planets in fire, 4 in water). Moon in Gemini can bring some restlessness, and a push-pull in different directions at the same time. There is change in the air and a kind of tension too. Fortunately energies of flexibility and elasticity are available to help us move in flow (Venus began her retrograde yesterday).


It is a time of transition. A time to imagine the ideal and clear out all that may hinder or just be too much ‘weight’. Self-care, self-love, self-honoring is still a strong theme – especially with Venus now moving retrograde (as of yesterday) for the next 6 weeks. Venus will ‘transition’ from evening star to morning star; from night into day. She represents the divine feminine, the awakening of hearts, love, joy and independence. Look for her in the stars and draw on her for her natural ease in shifting while remaining in whole-heart presence.


Let go the old that clutters and just adds weight
Light up the ideals you heart-fully advocate


In word, in paint, and with sound
express the ways you create your ground


All that has passed, is now, and is still to come,
All within the hide upon which you now drum.


Rise now and shine dear Sister Star
Awake the gift of all you are.


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light



May you shine star-bright and heart-full,
nourished by loving self-care this Moon





IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goddess of Air: duplicated & modified from print by Robert Orpwood |

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Moon Dark-New in Pisces + Eclipse

26.02.2017 in moon&sky

170226_COMP1-merge-CROP_x385Time of Moon Dark-New
(exact @ 0658 pst)

in Pisces

& Solar Eclipse too
(max @ 0658 pst)


Release, resolve, act


Moon dark and solar eclipse. Beginnings and endings. Water and Fire abound (5 planets (+south node & Pallas) & eclipse all conjunct & in Pisces; 4 planets in fire, 3 in Aries including Mars). Sensitivity, intuition and creativity is increased (watery Pisces); and there is a push to cut-away the old and start anew (fire energy + eclipse + ongoing cardinal grand cross). Conditions magnify experience.


There is a much empowered opportunity now to integrate and unify opposites/apparent oppositions. With all the Piscean energy, there is great pull into the personal and collective unconscious; to root out and let go what does not serve; and to see, do and Be in new ways.


That said, with the current energies (and the eclipse effect continues for 3-6mos) we may find ourselves variously in dreamy or foggy states. As such, boundaries will be important to declare and maintain. Most importantly right now is to make time for conscious, mindful breath, and deep earthing (only 1 planet in each of air and earth right now). Attend to body, home, and self-care. Trust in your inner wisdom, heart-truth and Spirit. Empower your inner warrior to nourish self and soul before anything else.


In and out of dream and fog
take the time to catalogue
all that is now to be forever released and
all to be held and made for inner peace


In sweet ritual dip into cleansing waters
reflecting light from the altar’s radiant fire
Send love to self and all our Spirit sisters, brothers, sons & daughters
Imagine in all we together may require


Breathe deep and Earth your body anew
filled with power that is your heart-true
Time now to choose what you will enact
Time to fuel your Self & Spirit pact


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you deep release, great resolve, and wondrous self-care this Moon



IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goddess Yemaya: sculpture found on ebay | sky background: from Universe Today

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Moon half-lit in Sagittarius + Pisces Sun

18.02.2017 in moon&sky


Welcome waning
Moon Half-lit
(exact @ 1133 pst)

in Sagittarius


+ Sun now in Pisces
(exact @ 0331 pst)


Release, rest & self-nourish


At this Moon we are midway between the lunar eclipse (last week with Moon-full) and the solar eclipse (next week at Moon-dark/new). Early this morning Sun moved into dreamy Pisces, and Moon is now in Sagittarius. What lovely energy for waning Moon time! (both mutable signs, Pisces calling us to Spirit; Sag to flow and intuition).


Moon in Sag warms the waters for our releasing and self-nourishing immersion. Time to make time and space to go deep into self-nurture, into inner wisdom and into beauty. Attune to the greater truth within and allow new insights to come of their own accord.


Time to put your arrows aside and take some rest
Time to tend to self and nourish all that is best


Into the waters, release, release, release
It is time to rest into sweet inner peace


Bathe in Sagittarius energy
positive, uplifted and ideal


Tune to all that is complementary and
embody it all at this turn of the wheel


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you nourishing ease and beauty this waning Moon





And a little more for the time…


We are 7 days from Moon dark-new, and 30 days from Equinox.

Now is the time to tend to the Earth of you.

Treasure the seeds you have gathered (south) and/or now await planting (north).

Let your dreams drift around these sweet possibilities, and feed the soils of your Being this Moon


Tend the soils and  seeds of your heart this Moon



With Much Love and Light




IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Archer: cut & modified orig illustration by Arthur Rackman early 1900s | Fish background layer: modified photo of fabric by Gloria Castenada |
Other images: heart seeds: found on Health Wikinut

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