1st Q Moon in Gemini
05 Mar 2017, by moon&sky inGreetings of the
waxing half-lit Moon
(exact @ 0332 pst)
in Gemini
Self caring, heart-guided transition
‘Tis a waxing Moon half-lit: Light and dark in equal measure. Elemental energies also reflect this balanced ‘oppositional’ energy with fire and water elements in equal measure (4 planets in fire, 4 in water). Moon in Gemini can bring some restlessness, and a push-pull in different directions at the same time. There is change in the air and a kind of tension too. Fortunately energies of flexibility and elasticity are available to help us move in flow (Venus began her retrograde yesterday).
It is a time of transition. A time to imagine the ideal and clear out all that may hinder or just be too much ‘weight’. Self-care, self-love, self-honoring is still a strong theme – especially with Venus now moving retrograde (as of yesterday) for the next 6 weeks. Venus will ‘transition’ from evening star to morning star; from night into day. She represents the divine feminine, the awakening of hearts, love, joy and independence. Look for her in the stars and draw on her for her natural ease in shifting while remaining in whole-heart presence.
Let go the old that clutters and just adds weight
Light up the ideals you heart-fully advocate
In word, in paint, and with sound
express the ways you create your ground
All that has passed, is now, and is still to come,
All within the hide upon which you now drum.
Rise now and shine dear Sister Star
Awake the gift of all you are.
Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light
May you shine star-bright and heart-full,
nourished by loving self-care this Moon
IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goddess of Air: duplicated & modified from print by Robert Orpwood |