

Solstice Light

13.12.2013 in turnings

IMG_2013SolsticeWiseStarsx216-2wwHello Everyone. Surprise!

Yes, I’m here sooner than anticipated. I’ve been sparked out of the silent dark by way of a request to “share some things you do during the holydays to honour them. Or even what you do leading up to the solstice and during. I would be interested …”

And so here I am. It is 8 days to Solstice. I have heard the calling and intend to respond by sharing  little somethings of  Solstice Magick each day beginning with today (although this post is a bit longer  ‘cause it’s about the why ;))

Let there be Light!

There are many reasons  for my honoring this time but here are three of my core and primary whys.

Light is one of my two most favourite things (the other is water but that’s another story). Here at the 49th parallel in the Pacific Northwest Rainforest, the changing of the Light during the year is quite evident. At this time of year, sinking into the deepening dark, it is palpable, visceral in various ways. I am drawn to fly south with Canada Geese or go underground with Seeds, or into the cave to hibernate with Bear.  But I haven’t yet fully mastered that shape-shifting;  I am one who must work to hold the light within me during this time. That in itself has led me on many inward journeyings.

For me, Winter Solstice, the day of longest dark, hails the return of the Light. Yippee! It was the first thing in my life I felt was reason or cause for celebration. Celebrate the Light! Yes! Yay!  I was 13 then and have been honoring this time with caring, intention, and ritual every year since. The first celebration marks the beginning of my sinking into cycles and natural rhythms; creating sun wheel celebrations and rituals; and walking with the moon. The practice(s) extends the threads and deepens  my relational intimacy with the ways of nature, and with Magna Mater Gaia, hirself  (perhaps you know hir as Terra, Ma-at, Turtle Island, Planet Earth or some other name).

So you see, this time for me is bound to a fuller, deeply spiralling, multidimensional story of life and living. It is rooted to what I hold as Sacred: Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Spirit. The essences of life and Life itself. To honor, to celebrate,  to serve and to protect.

As you may by now also see, Light for me is the bringer of great gifts. I believe, no, I know, that the hunger, the yearning for Light is not mine alone. I feel that it is a yearning in everyone whether experienced or laying buried or latent within.

Light is Life, Love, and Wisdom.

The physicality of light draws up the grasses and flowers; calls the birds back in spring; draws Bear out to stretch and scratch and breathe deeply; and is involved in our own physical and emotional Life well-being.

The feeling self yearns for Light; it  is both a calling and expression of the Radiant Heart. Light and Love are companions that often gather together and in so many ways co-create one another.

The thinking self (head and heart minds) yearns to shine the light on Truth and, together with body and heart, to acquire Wisdom.

Through these gifts, bound together, is Spirit.

And so I honor and celebrate Light as fuel of life; as beams of the heart; as revealer of truth; as wisdom guide; and as my home in Spirit, earth-made, star-born.

… I wonder now how you will receive this unveiling of my personal and thus far mostly private world. My nature-nurture and my nurture-nature. Would love to hear if/how it speaks to you and what Light means to you – in Life, in Love and in Wisdom.  Much love to you.

Until tomorrow,

Nurture your Nature



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Moon Waxing in the Darkening Season

09.12.2013 in turnings, wisdom wild

halfMoonWaxingHello Dear Ones,

I have two main messages today: Stop where you are; and Start where you are.

We are in the last full moon cycle of the year. Now we see a moon half-lit going to full in about a week and then it will begin it’s wane into the dark again. And we are also moving through the last weeks of the increasing dark to the deepest of the dark of the solar year. And in midst of this, the holidays / holydays / holydaze are here and/or coming very soon.

There seems to be some contrariness in the energies about at the moment. The land time of year calls us to go slower, to rest more, to go deep. The culture time of the year calls us to ramp up, get busy with decorating and shopping and preparing and visiting and entertaining and partying and and and…

As such, and given this year, I’m not surprised to hear quite similar things from people lately. About things either not moving as quickly as they’d like, or far more quickly than they’d like. About glitches, stalls and delays – from technology to car break-downs to unexpected ‘must dos.’ About too much to do – “and not what I like to do either.” And the Comparison Queen has clearly been active for quite a few: “I should be farther ahead.” “Everyone else seems to be rolling and I feel like I’m standing still. ” “I just feel out of the loop” and “I’m so tired; I can hardly wait for the year to be over.”

Wow. So let’s just reflect for a minute. This year has been full of powerful and intense energetics with lots of change-calling, change-making, noticing, stripping, releasing, intending, claiming. And it wasn’t just one such dive-in; we were called to do this again and more and again and again. Feeling a bit tired? Ready for some downtime, a bit of ease, some rest? No wonder! ‘Tis time!

The land is at rest; time for us too. Yes, December can be a busy month but remember you get to choose how you roll. It’s Half Lit Waxing moon. Use the next week (until full moon) to complete what you want to complete for this month and let the rest go. Set your intention and manage your time and engagements in accordance with that intention. What is aligned and resonant with the intention is welcome; the rest must fall away. Remember, there are more cycles in which to dance; you need not dance to every tune with every person all at once in this one.

Stop Where You Are. Take a breath. Take another. Turn off whatever mind-chatter may be going on. Smile and remember all that you are thankful for. Feel the warmth of that smile and those rememberings fill your heart and warm your whole being. Take the moment. Take it often (at least once a day). Take the time. Make the time. And when you have, then, and only then, Start from Where You Are.

Just so you know, I am slowing with the season as well and spending time with the dark. I may only write to you one more time this year, at Solstice, for me my ‘highest’ high holyday. Until then,

Wishing you much wonder and play and restful smiles!

Nurture your Nature
With love and hugs,

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Waning Moon & Reflections

25.11.2013 in elemental, moon&sky

Moon & Sky

IMG_131125post=P1100361It is the time of the waning moon.

Now we move into the time after creation/activity-building time. There are still things to do but now the focus is on resting from efforts made; on clearing things away (like one would do in  autumn), and setting things up for everything that has come in or is to come. This is an easing kind of time. Attune to the inner calls to take longer pause; to the calls for gently sorting, ordering or clearing whatever got flurry-scattered in the time up to the full moon.

We have journeyed through  4 weeks in intense, deep, serious Scorpio; 7 weeks w/ Mercury conjoining Saturn, and the earlier eclipse season. Now it is time to reflect on all our way-making, the letting go, the claiming, the creating. Time to gather our learnings and have gratitude for the many gifts received (How perfect for Thanksgiving in the USA)

We have entered into Sagittarius. Out of feminine deep feeling waters into masculine bright light and warm fire.  Such light and warmth is especially welcomed in this time. For me Sag is all about play and fun and it’s time for more of that!  We’ll even have a cosmic sparkler> for the celebration. Comet Ison/Isis will pass closest to us on it’s 10,000 year journey to our Solar System ~ Nov 28th. And Ison is believed to bring both new integration. Woo hoo! Yippee!


Perhaps because of all that has been in recent months and what is now, I feel called to share with you somewhat differently today. Today I want to share with you some reflections on the times in which we are journeying.

Today I  sat with my Cosmic Smashbook (thank you Catt Geller <3) wondering what I may discover, re-discover, re-member. Fears were  exposed today and so myself too was exposed.

Fear-pains and doubts feel like pebbles carried in shoes for many many miles. I dig them out and crack them open. They fall like raindrops rippling outwards in the pond of my being, merging, embraced becoming whole and one with Ocean. I see fear-pain shimmerings  now transforming. Not yet fully formed but in the making of opportunities of a different kind. They are shape-shifting; obstacles and opportunities one and the same, the yin and yang of one another. From feeling broken to being woven.  I can feel the rightness and the whole-making. A rising, unfolding, bloom in the making.


The journey – spiraling movement of letting go, wondering, claiming, creating, reflecting  –  is indeed an exquisite one. And it is more and more apparently a journey rather than destination.  I have found that dreaming into form doesn’t always proceed or manifest like it’s ‘spozed to or how I thought it would. In fact, I’m continually discovering new ways to balance the personal interior with the outer world practicalities with each wave that rises or falls and with each change in the winds. I’ve been learning.  I’ve been surprised.  I’ve been releasing and wondering and choosing and creating again. I see and feel a fractal universe of great wonder and beauty and change. Cycles within cycles; waves within waves; rhythmswithin rhythms. A spiralling dance to the heart drum.  You know this dance don’t you? ;) It’s time to PLAY, LAUGH, DANCE w/ the LIGHT of Sagittarius Fire andSPARKLE w/ Ison/Isis!

Much Love,

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Full Taurus Moon

17.11.2013 in eclipse, moon&sky


Hello Dear Moon-lit Ones!

How are you? Here we are under the Full moon now in Taurus.  The eclipse portal closes today but its energies are still present.

A Powerful time. Time to be inspired by the steps you/we have taken. Time to celebrate all that has served and all that has been put in place or otherwise created during this cycle.  During this full moon, honor these happenings. Take time to notice,   welcome, and  give thanks for all that is working, all the positives, and all that you/we are. And, as always, release what no longer serves.

I know, I know, there may have been some bumps, perhaps some stalls, some emotional waves. It’s part of the current cycle to have these ups and downs.  The ‘trick’ is to keep free of getting caught up in drama or what has been challenging.  Let go. Breathe and commune with inner wisdom. Keep mind-full of the positives. Enjoy the state of ‘don’t know’ curiosity, wondering.  Invite and allow this grace and spaciousness.

In the past few months we have had huge nudges to review and shift  and step into a lighter and fuller way of being. There will be ongoing ups and downs, even outside of retrograde periods and shadows of same. We are called to become increasingly skilled at riding these waves, being heart-centered, receiving, releasing, and finding harmony and stillness in it all. It is a process as perpetual as the sun dawning and setting, tides rising and falling, the moon waxing and waning, all done with natural ease.

Stay present. One step at a time, a step to which you give your heart-centered focus and attention. No overloading.  Pace steps. What is unfolding is within and has its own time and rhythm. Absorb, allow, refine.  No effort needed. Take striving and effort off the plate. Let it be easy. And be ‘disciplined’ about that too. ;)

You may remember at New moon I spoke about Discipline as a theme for this cycle. We now sit at cycle Center. It is  time to review, celebrate and take forward our discipline gifts. Discipline gifts of new clarity and understanding. Discipline gifts of a wide range of self-loving actions – nourishment, stillness, gentleness, curiosity, creative engagements, and more. The Discipline gifts of invited spaciousness. The gifts of allowing natural ebbs and flows. Developing harmonious relationship with change, changing and the new.

Yes, there is the new and not-yet-done. No worries. Really. Yes, I still find myself at times irked by the not-yet-done, the ‘not-yet’ waiting. Do you? I pay attention to that irking. I grr. I wriggle out of the cloak that I let confine me in that irk. I explore feelings.  Sometimes I pout; sometimes I even cry.  I release. I breathe. I  invite space. I imagine a new sprout just emerging, ‘not-yet-done’ and yet ‘done’ perfectly for this moment in time, spiraling more and more into new. Over and over, at different times, in different ways. Each ‘replay’ a new opportunity to claim, create, align. A wonder

Welcome the fullness of the moon! and, as always,

Nurture your Nature

(You are made for it! ;))

Much love


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Moon Light & Dark

09.11.2013 in moon&sky

halfMoonWaxingHello Dear Ones!

I sit here in this moment with you. The moon draws me forward into her growing light. The sun-fading season beckons me to cloak, draw in, be quiet, rest. Sky calls. Earth calls. Paintings whisper veiled knowings and presents of guidance. This moment poised half light half dark in moon view; this time of the first Quarter/half moon (2157 PST)

In the time since moon dark, there have been sparks, calls to action to which I respond with curiosity, wondering, sometimes with excitement.  I step forward, disciplined, focussed and then, but…? The wave releases. Surging forward and pulling back. Motion and stillness. The transition and in-betweens created by breath and at times mundane tasks to maintain ground and calm… Moving. Waiting. Moving again. Waiting again.  It is time to Breathe and Pause Dear Ones.

Sometimes it may feel like there’s no ‘progress’ or ‘product’ but there is even if you have not marked it. Mark it now. Each choice you make for your own self-care, for the support of others, for the planet, for moving forward, for pause and stillness, is a �product� of your effort. And  there is a lot going on energetically. Know that that is substantive too.  And we have time. Uranus/Pluto square continues to March 2015. Continue to lay foundations in layers.  Root deep as the drums beat…

The signs are that we are in the birth canal of the new coming into being. It feels like that. (Perhaps for me it feels so also because my body birthday is not long ahead.) The time now is to relax and allow; and be present and move forward.

Yes, the gestation and labour has been long and often exhausting. Yes, there have been and still may be bumps, and stalls, and pebbles thrown under the wheel to challenge our balance. And we are here, still dreaming in a new dream, still loving, still healing, still caring. And we are supported by all that we do, all that we are, and all that we Be with ourselves and each other. Standing and feeding the heart-radiant strength of our beings.

This is a time for breathing deep. Long, deep, heart-filling, body filling,  breathes. Breaths that go down through your feet into the earth to deep deep roots.  Out-breathes that release what needs to release; in breathes that openly receive. Easily, naturally, no effort. … And then, yes, go back to the work ;) and remember, as always

Nurture your Nature.
Light and Love to You Dear Ones,


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