

Some Adventure Gratitudes

14.12.2014 in reflections

141214_purrAngCompCROPX385Here on the road we have had  some adventures. I have only again accessed wifi after several days so, for now,  let’s just say there were times of uncertainty, times of not-knowing, times of wondering, and times of surprise and delight, and cause for much gratitude.


Here is wish to reveal a bit of the adventure story by way of Gratitude.


Thanks for a VW repair shop appearing just a few blocks from the time of smoking engine and pouring red fluids.


Thanks to Gary of Performance Haus for recommending a transmission shop that could get on the work quickly.


P1050438_x385Thanks to AAA and sweet tow-truck driver Ish who tooks us 45′ away to Mission Viejo.


Thanks for the ‘sign’ that greeted us there: Purrrfect Automotive.


Thanks to Michael at Angel’s El Toro transmission and all the guys there.



Thanks to Raoul (of Purrfect) who applied the fading art of burnish welding to repair the coolant pipe – and with whom we sat until 430 am talking on a range of intense topics while eating deep-fried chicken he made on a propane fire at the shop. (pic L-R: me, Raoul, his friends Doug & Lana)



Thanks to John and Vince for repairing the tire.


Thanks to James and Dan from Rescue Squad;


Thanks to many women from Westfalia Adventure Camper Women and several Red Thread and Golden sisters who provided support by way of suggestions, offers of assistance, and just plain being there.


Ah yes, thanks for loving the pause of adventure! :)


Much Love & Light
Fiona & Ramdha

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Last Q in Virgo

14.12.2014 in moon&sky

141214_comp2x385Greetings of the Last Quarter Moon in earthy Virgo (Thank the goddess!)


A lot has been and is going on and, for me at least, much has happened since my last post to you. I’m wondering how things have been for you.


Have you been feeling the effects of the Uranus-Pluto square (exact Dec 14/15)? Uranus represents change, invention, revolution and higher awareness; effects can be … unpredictable. Pluto represents global transformation and renewal. Sound familiar? This is the 6th of 7 U-P squares that began June 2012 (the 7th ahead in Mar 2015).


Yes, more change-making energy (we’re not done yet ;)) This is a time of possible abrupt shifts and spontaneous changes that can result in breakdowns, break-ups and/or breakthroughs. For me, as if right on cue, travels were interrupted by van breakdown enroute resulting in an extended tow and an extended stay while awaiting repair – of transmission seal, torque converter, coolant pipe, and yes, a tire too. Surprise, surprise, surprise. And… yippee! An adventure; opportunities for problem-based learning; and a calling for reflection and pause.


Great support for reflection and pause from the waning Moon and from Jupiter as well (retrograde as of Dec 8). With Jupiter retrograde the next 4 months we get to re-learn, re-travel, re-experience, and re-consider our journey, purpose, old roads, alternate routes, and the best path to continue upon. What wonderful undertakings for this time! (And how ‘explicit’ the message is echoed and carried by the van experience ;) More stories perhaps another time.)


As Jupiter stands still, consider standing still too. Take a break. Take a moment under the half lit waning Moon to pause. Embrace the moment.


It is time now as the Moon wanes to clear the plate, close out the old and let go. Find gratitude for all the current blessings. Gratitude for stalls and detours that help create pause and change. Ground. Accept. Release. Flow. Breathe. Prepare now for Moon dark at Solstice. Listen to your Heartsong and, as always,


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light

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Gemini Full Moon

06.12.2014 in moon&sky

141206_compile1x385Greetings of the Gemini Full Moon!


Whether under clear or cloudy skies, open to all that is revealed under the light of the full Moon. Notice what may have passed unnoticed before. Be curious and explore.


See the full Moon light shine on all the abundance that has been gathered, stored, and honored by your efforts this year. Let it also light the chaff and bits of stuff not needed that may have gathered or have yet to be cleared. Sagittarius Sun and Gemini Full Moon maximize the qualities of fire and air. Cast what is no longer needed now to the ashes and to the winds.


This is the last full Moon of the year and the last full Moon while Saturn is in Scorpio. It is the time for completing our lessons and stepping up to receive the All of ourselves. It is time to use all the intense growth we have experienced to fuel our radiance, and imagine in brand new adventures.


This Full Moon is future focussed. Let your heart truth, your courage, and your creativity blaze forth. Invite in brilliant visions. There is a lot of support now for new experiences and new ideas; and for following intuition, and trusting feelings. Draw in and express the fire of passion supported by several fire trines in the coming weeks.


Choose this time to be purified and empowered through changes claimed and those to come (Uranus and Pluto line up during the week and provide support for such choices ;)) Allow these early December days to be filled with wonder, new possibilities and the promise of revealing messages.


141206_P1050355x300wTXT141206_P1050374x300Joy! Joy! Joy! Has been an ever-present message here these past couple of weeks. I am reminded too of the rewards of patience especially when joy is heart-held. May joy and bliss be the nectar you sip while you, as always,



Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light


top compilation: figures by shadowlea-Is; rest by WisdomWild
bottom: hummingbirds by WisdomWild 141215]

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Half lit waxing Moon

29.11.2014 in moon&sky

Greetings of the waxing half lit Moon!



The micro hover-jet zoom of hummingbirds alert me often these mornings and afternoons here in the palm desert. Small and green-grey feathered beings pause mid-air, and reappear in another spot of space as if vanishing between. They rest almost invisible among the same-green leaves of lemon and orange and grapefruit trees… but I find them. When I do, as if waiting for my finding moment, they flitter down to drink red nectar from the glass and copper feeder hung in the tree, and then vanish once again.


High overhead Hawk spirals in the sky, round and round, moving west, scanning the land.


As the day proceeds the Moon comes into view half lit. It is time to pause and reflect.


What sparks appearing at the Dark Moon have now formed roots of intention?
What needs to be cleared to make way for new growth?
What wishes and desires are seeking expression during this waxing Moon?
And how might all this be informed by the Messengers of this day?


Hummingbird the joy-bringer, visible and hidden, quick and still.
Hawk, far-seeing visionary, focussed, adaptable on the wing, the ways of letting go.
Both of beauty, alignment and flow.


As you reflect on intentions you have activated this cycle, and the ways you will choose to express your wishes and desires during this waxing Moon, consider how Hummingbird and Hawk wisdom may support your way-making. Invite them to help you..


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light,

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1st sliver moon

24.11.2014 in moon&sky

141124_scorp-sag5Welcome new beginnings!


We have moved from the deep dark waters of Scorpio death-rebirth into the joyful, uplifting, warming fire of Sagittarius and the energy of optimism and new adventures. Sagittarius wants to explore and expand; Moon shines hir light on the new beginnings.


The New Moon, joined by Venus, Ceres and Vesta in Sagittarius, together  bring energies of connection, nurturing and wholeness. These feminine energies  seek integration into the all of Earth and Cosmos.Under the first lights of  the Moon, imagine the sparks you wish to fuel. Weave creativity and intuition into your imagining.


All the fire signs are in positive relationship boosting vision, inspiration and fun. Invite the energies of the grand trine (new Moon & Venus in Sag, Uranus in Aries, Juno & Jupiter in Leo) to radiate light and warmth in all areas of life.


This is the last Moon cycle before Solstice. In the South the days are filled with light and warmth; in the South it is time to breathe in all of these longer days. In the North we now move through the last of the darkening days of the year. Here we are called to create sparks  in the dark;  to expand ourselves;   to breathe out and to  share the warmth and light we carry within.


Wherever we stand as the wheel turns, Sagittarius calls us to express our truth, to share our wisdom, and to expand our consciousness. Empower your heart; let your Soul fire burn bright. And, always Dear Ones,


Nurture your Nature
with Love & |Light

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