

Waning Half-lit Moon in Aries

16.07.2017 in moon&sky

170716_COMP1-merge-CROP_x385Welcome Waning Moon Half-lit
(exact @1206 PDT)
in Aries


attend, balance, release,  be inspired


Right now the energies of Fire and Water are dominant (4 planets in fire signs and 4 in water signs) and things are heating up (& Sun & Mars move into Leo next week) with all fire signs in play.


Moon half-lit focusses our attention on balance. That call is reinforced by the elemental Fire-Water dynamic, various celestial arrays (esp certain squares co-occurring tomorrow), and the fact that waning Moon calls us into the feminine while Aries Moon asks us to tune to the role/function of the masculine. Given that Aries calls forth spiritual initiation to an emerging new sense of self, Aries Moon is a actually a sweet portal to entering the feminine deep. A ‘beginning’ fueling sensitivity, creativity and perseverance in thought and action.


Since Earth and Air energies are rather light, things may feel a bit ungrounded, disconnected and a little spacey for a bit (also influenced by Mars SQ Uranus (and trine Chiron) simultaneous w/ Venus SQ Neptune tomorrow). Allow yourself to ‘space’ out and seek new visions. Focus on joy and playfulness and whatever lights you up and feels nourishing. With Fire and Water, look to your passions and what inspires. Seek the spiritual aspects of whatever is in play and attend to ‘good cooking’ connections.


When dark clouds gather let Lightning speak
and burn away what is to be released


Let Waters fall
to cleanse us all


Seek Mother Earth and plant self deep
Feel the blessings of all that’s been reaped


Feel now all with which you connect
All you respect and would protect


Tune into your inner fire
Focus now on all that inspires


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May Spirit and heart-truth
bring rejuvenation and inspiration this waning Moon








IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Ram: modified from image on post card; photog unknown | Artemis: modified from image found on wisegeek |

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Moon Full in Capricorn

08.07.2017 in moon&sky

170708_COMP1-merge-CROP_x385Welcome Moon Full  (exact @2106 PDT)
in Capricorn


Ground wisdom blessings


Capricorn brings our focus to our senses; to practical matters; and to structures and boundaries that creatively and gracefully support our needs and desires. It is time also to tune into and honor feelings and inner wisdom to guide us to structures and activities that are the most nurturing for us, others, and Earth (Sun in Cancer Opp Moon).


That said, I’ve been hearing quite a bit of trepidation about this Moon time. Current alignments seem to be evoking some fear of (possible) stress and intensity (due to various involvements of Moon, Pluto, Sun, Mars & Jupiter; oppositions, T-squares, etc). Yes, the essential tension of some polarities – masc-fem, do-feel, material-spiritual – may cause some ripples to surface, but I see these as renewed opportunities to center, and dance the balance ever more creatively, with wisdom and new inspiration. Yes, certain alignments may create increased sensitivity and (mostly as a result of this) increased intensity, but the energies also encourage and provide for a practical calmness (Capricorn Moon), powerful cleansing, and new insight.
The keys to working with this transit are much as I advised in the last message: Be light as air, sound as rock, and fluid as water. Although there may be some felt-sense urging action, now is the time to move slow, take a breath and take time. Stay centered; strive for balance. Honor all that you have done. Feel deeply into wisdom, gratitude and all the many blessings. Open to the transformation that all this makes possible. <3


Wearing a crown of horns, a fish tail and wings
You are creation and a creator of wondrous things


From deep inside you draw sweet wisdom
and climb lush mountains throughout the kin-dom


In deep blues seas you dive and twirl
From the sands you make precious pearls


Embracing the inner wild
You nurture your inner child


With wand in hand, cast & count your blessings
Give thanks to you and All and everything


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May your inner magick grace you with peace and calm and wonder this Moon







IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Sea goat: Artist unknown; found on cellphone cover | Spiral background: modified from background of Klimpt | “The Stocklet Frieze” | | oyster-pearl: cut from image found on maxisciences.com

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Waxing half-lit Moon in Libra

30.06.2017 in moon&sky

170630_COMP1-merge-CROP_x385Greetings of the waxing  Moon Half-lit
(exact @1751 PDT)

in Libra


Balance, connect, express


Moon half-lit in Libra calls us to pause. She provides us with strong and gentle energies for balance and stability as we review what has been, and move into what is to come. We are asked to open to transforming inside and out along the way.


We continue to be blessed by Water energies supporting immersion in feeling, healing, nourishment and home. As of today, and for the next 5 months, even more support is forthcoming for increasing inner awareness and healing (Chiron in Pisces>retrograde today).


This is a time for roots to extend more deeply into Earth, and for stems and leaves to emerge and transform in the waxing time. It feels like a time to be fluid like water, light as air, and sound as rock. Imagine melding these expressions within your Being. (And if you haven’t done so before, I invite you to use the image as a meditative focus <3)


Step into stillness and find your balance
breathe Earth deep and call forth your Spirit dance


Enter into the lightness of Being
Receive the caress of radiant healing


Lift up and stretch your glistening wings
Focus now on what makes your heart sing


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you feel feather-light and rock-strong as you
flow inside and out this Moon









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Maat: cut & modified from photo found on goddess gifts | rocks: found on ifairer.com; photog unknown |

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Moon dark-new in Cancer

23.06.2017 in moon&sky

170623_COMP1-merge-CROP_x385Welcome Moon  Dark-New
(exact @1931 PDT)
in Cancer


Feel, Flow, Nourish


We are blessed by an abundance of waters this Moon, and strongly called into home, comfort, and remembering (6 planets in water signs, 4 of them in Cancer). We are encouraged to immerse ourselves in feeling and healing and nourishment.


Time to release all that compromises ease and peace. Time to connect with Great Mother/source (Cancer archetype) and flow into grace-filled space. Time to honor the deepest needs of our truest selves and bathe in our essential essence. This is a time for gentleness and tenderness and soothing nurture. Time to renew ourselves and all we love.


This watery energetic environment will be with us for a couple of weeks to come, with many other helpful aspects in the skies supporting healing, harmony, nourishment, strengthening, and deep connection with heart/soul desires. Draw on the gifts of the waters and flow in.


Cleanse with breathe, fire, water and sea salt
prepare to embrace your sacred gestalt


Dive deep into nourishing waters
splash, roll, and spin like playful Otter
Time now for your essence to honor


Ride with the waves and dance with the flow
feel into ease and peace and let go


Trust in the art of your heart
and let prayer-full seeds arise
for planting in the heart of your art
all things loving and wise


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you ease-full flow, deep nourishment &
ever-more radiant essence this Moon








IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Water Woman: cut & modified from underwater photo by Kurt Arrigo | praying Goddess: cut & modified image from card by unknown | crystal Crab: by Swarovsky found on eBay

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LastQ Moon in Pisces

17.06.2017 in moon&sky

170617_COMP2-merge_x385Greetings of the Waning Moon Half-Lit
(exact @ 0433 PDT)

in Pisces


Truth, Love & Self-care


This half-lit Moon in Pisces, together with other happenings in the skies, heightens emotional sensitivity, imagination and intuition. The call to deepening our truth and our relationship with Spirit continues to be strong, and there is a huge ocean of love supporting the work (Neptune, Jupiter (both rulers of Pisces) and Venus).


Just as Moon now holds the energy of light and dark in equal measure, other current earth-sky aspects also signal possibilities for balancing, synthesizing and harmonizing other seeming opposites – like movement and stillness; action and reflection (Neptune & Saturn effects). This is the time to find ways to enact Truth and Spirit in the moments of harmony found in each ‘opposite’ and between.


Moon’s shiftings over the next week helps to maintain relative balance in elemental energies as we enter into the time of the deepening dark. Attend to mind, heart and body to listen for and deepen truth. Nourish all that you love and, most especially, strengthen your own self-care. Relax and enter the dreaming


Cleanse, integrate and realign
all that you have thus far divined


Let go, surrender, and release
Trust and enter into peace


Nourish self in the feminine deep
graced by Love and all in your keep


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you sweet harmony and artful dreaming this waning Moon









Image Notes: All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Water Woman: cut & modified from underwater photo by Marks Haven | School of fish: modified image from Ocean’s Day

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