Waxing half-lit Moon in Libra
30 Jun 2017, by moon&sky inGreetings of the waxing Moon Half-lit
(exact @1751 PDT)
in Libra
Balance, connect, express
Moon half-lit in Libra calls us to pause. She provides us with strong and gentle energies for balance and stability as we review what has been, and move into what is to come. We are asked to open to transforming inside and out along the way.
We continue to be blessed by Water energies supporting immersion in feeling, healing, nourishment and home. As of today, and for the next 5 months, even more support is forthcoming for increasing inner awareness and healing (Chiron in Pisces>retrograde today).
This is a time for roots to extend more deeply into Earth, and for stems and leaves to emerge and transform in the waxing time. It feels like a time to be fluid like water, light as air, and sound as rock. Imagine melding these expressions within your Being. (And if you haven’t done so before, I invite you to use the image as a meditative focus <3)
Step into stillness and find your balance
breathe Earth deep and call forth your Spirit dance
Enter into the lightness of Being
Receive the caress of radiant healing
Lift up and stretch your glistening wings
Focus now on what makes your heart sing
Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light
May you feel feather-light and rock-strong as you
flow inside and out this Moon
IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Maat: cut & modified from photo found on goddess gifts | rocks: found on ifairer.com; photog unknown |
DEAR! Fiona~ I get your blog post in my in-box and then again when Mama Caron posts it into the red tent in Red Madonna so I feel twice blessed. Thank you for sharing your wisdom in your words and in the beauty you create into our world!