

Waxing Moon half-lit in Virgo

12.06.2016 in moon&sky

160612_COMP1-merge-CROP_x385 Greetings of the waxing Moon half-lit (exact at 0110h) in Virgo
… center, ground, feel in, realign and balance


Time to pause under the half-lit waxing Moon. Time to review, revise and realign.


We are still under the influence of the Mutable Grand Cross calling us to de-clutter and re-evaluate our perceptions, ideas, beliefs and patterns; and to realign our hearts and minds with each other, and with bigger picture Spirit. Virgo Moon supports us with the decluttering of mind and emotion, and has been drawing attention to the details these last few days.


We received another big push for all this a couple of days ago that ramps up the efforts (June 9: Eris-Uranus conjunction into 2017 and effects into 2018. You may have heard a lot about this already). We are called to open, open, open to what we see that keeps us from being free to Be who and what we are. It is an urgent call to expose and face the ways in which we exploit, repress and oppress ourselves and the systems of Mother Earth. This call echoes a message we’ve been hearing for some time and now there is even more power being brought to the undertaking. Emotional power is highlighted (Mercury and Chiron aligned with Eris-Uranus conjunction).


Later today (at 1733pdt) Moon moves into Libra supporting the work of balance and harmony. Tomorrow (June 13) we receive additional support in releasing/forgiving the past (Neptune moves retrograde and is in tight square with Saturn, also in retrograde) and there will be a strong pull inward (more potent due to MGC). This inward pull may feel out of sync with a waxing Moon but that is also reflective of these times: it’s a call to work inwardly and outwardly simultaneously. Tricky bit of negotiating but the influence may also help us open further and more easily tap creative flows.


Whatever the seed(s) you are nourishing this cycle, continue to examine perceptions, ideas, beliefs and assumptions. Focus on choices that increase integrity, respect and freedom, both personally and collectively. If things get a bit intense and you find yourself slipping, Stop. Look at what it is that throws balance. Listen for the ways to return and maintain balance.


Make time. Take one step at a time. Embrace your feelings and be honest about what is happening. Identify the facts that lead to the feelings. If tense or stressed, look into your heart first, and release any attachments or expectations. And invest, invest, invest in all that embodies, supports and guides you to balance. Take a breath and another. Walk in Nature. Have a Sun bath, Moon bath, or immerse in sweet-scented waters. Let peace and love flow in.


Pause, review, revise and realign
mind, heart and Spirit
with all you find most divine


Seek in the light and dark within to find your measure
scrutinize and discern and expose
all that disrupts the flow of Life’s treasures


Face inconvenient and uncomfortable truths
and with self-told lies and unwarranted constraints, be ruthless.


Love, joy, respect and freedom
these are the gifts given to All in the kin-dom


Be clever as Crow (Libra) and fierce as mother Bear (Virgo)
and fearlessly claim the gifts for self, other and Earth
and All for which you care!


Go forth Spirit Warrior and Be all you were born to Be!


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light



Wishing you the gracious space to Be the all of you,
Strong, Bold & Free!




* You might also be interested in my more personal reflections on these times ;)



IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Sky Background: source N/A | Balancing cat & sculpture: Cut from photo found on Pinterest. Original source N/A

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Moon Dark-New in Gemini

04.06.2016 in moon&sky

160604_COMP2-CROP_x385Welcome Moon Dark-New
(exact @ 2000 pdt)  in Gemini

& Mutable Grand Cross/Square too!


. . . . Be mutable & ground firm


Greetings of Moon Dark-New in Gemini, a mutable grand cross, powerful energies, and lots of conjunctions, oppositions and squares (For a ‘shortlist’ see details at end of message.)


Wow! There’s ALOT of mutability energy about right now. Expect change and surprise!


At Moon dark-new our focus is usually on the seeds we wish to plant, and, indeed, seeds are the focus this Moon too BUT now is the time to really ensure the cleaning and clearing has been done first. Time to relook – and really look – at beliefs and thoughts that are held and/or carried within. Not a quick swish about the ‘house;’ really clean and clear the space for Spirit to enter and dance!


Open to the powers of both letting go and claiming. Unpack and set aside assumptions – so many and so often invisible. Invite the possibility of unlearning, relearning and new learning. Open to change, transformation and transcendence. Open to love and grace and freedom (Sun-Moon-Venus conjunction).


And ground. Ground deeply. Ground into the clearest heart-truth of you. Ground with Spirit. Ground with time in Nature. Ground with self-care. Ground with pen, paint, and body. Yes, dream in, but remember, things get ‘dense’ when we work  to ground and manifest our desires. Apply discipline and focus as these are needed amidst the tempest of change and possibility.


We are called to exercise our practice at new levels. To fly high on brilliant wings to the stars, and at the same time, to be firmly grounded and deeply connected to Earth and our Earth forms.


It is time to align self with the wonder of fresh wings. Time to wonder and be in awe. Time to be amazed by beauty and scents and new Moonlight dawning. Breathe deep of Air and feel the container of you ever more expansive. Feel into the unconventional that Gemini loves, and ground the desires. Weave anew.


Into the Mystery
and into new Light
Releasing and fresh claiming
arises from new found insight


Put aside distraction of any kind
whether from world or others or
workings within the Monkey mind


Focus now on what your require
and all to which you clearly and truly aspire


Breathe into the yearning and longing you feel
Look very closely and open all seals
Welcome both tears and what makes your heart sing
Let these be the fuel that now lifts your wings


Reach high to the skies, and deep down into Earth
Time now to nourish and flow into rebirth


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light



Wishing you a cleansing dive and a refreshing ride on new fledged wings!


Shortsheet of happenings – just in case you want to know ;)

A palette of ‘colors’ with which to ‘paint’ this Moon.

• Big energy for change, and heightened creativity and transcendant, transformational powers — Mutable Grand Cross involving Sun, Moon, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune

• A focus on wants, needs & change. Love alchemy births freedom; feelings and mindfulness; release & transcend — Sun-Moon-Venus (SMV) conjunct at 14 degrees in Gemini

• Choose love, freedom, & concentrated discipline in Spirit action– SMV OPP Saturn

• Ground the insatiable longing — SMV opp Saturn is SQUARE to the OPP of Jupiter and Neptune

• Discern the truth. Make and take action n decisions about what is to be released and/or ended — Moon SQUARE Jupiter OPP Saturn SQUARE Neptune

• Feel in to the future and open to opportunities & growth — Jupiter SQUARE Moon

• Fueled with confidence in moving forward — Sun SQUARE Jupiter

• Tension and movement in communication; you choose ;) – and remember, tension is what holds things together. — Mercury (Taurus) is OPP Mars (Scorpio)

• Ground, ground, ground — Grand Earth Trine. Yay!

• Draw on Saturn  for accountability and grounding in reality. Learn from Saturn about how to manifest patiently with focussed effort and discipline. — Saturn


IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Sky Background: source N/A | Gods Eye (for Grand Square): Cut from photo at inner compass kids arts & crafts | Winged Figure: Cut and significantly altered & modified from image on seo wallpaper site

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Waning Moon Half-lit in Pisces

29.05.2016 in moon&sky

160529_COMP1-merge-CROP_x385wTxtGreetings of the waning Moon half-lit
(exact at 0512pdt)
in Pisces … + lots of mutable energy

 Flow within. Unfurl with Spirit


Pause under Moon half-lit, and feel into all things begun at Moon new. Sense into the quality of resonance between the ideals held in your mind and what Spirit urges.


It is time to review and integrate  learnings and insights, and realign. Time to  finish off what was begun and clear space for entering into the deepening dark. Pisces Moon helps us create flow, allowing imagination and intuition to reign. We are supported in acting on behalf of the heart of our heart, our deepest wisdom (Mars-R in Scorpio as of Fri, May 27). Feel into the stream of love and creation.


We are also in midst of a Mutable Grand Cross (or ‘Grand square’ where all four planets are aligned at 90 deg: Venus-Gem SQ Saturn-Sat & Neptune-Pisces; Sun-Gem SQ Saturn and Neptune) heralding and evoking change, shift and transition. Be mindful of thoughts and feelings. Focus on the good, the positive, and the blessings in all things.


Draw on Pisces Moon to allow energy to merge and blend. Breathe in, embrace, let go. Allow the waters of your Being to gift you with free flows of flexibility and adaptability. Let Air keep all things fresh. Honor your body and all things Earth, with movement and form (much needed and supported by ongoing Grand Earth Trine). Enter into the practical peace of solitude.


Pause under the half-lit waning Moon
and reflect on the waters of your Being
born in flow, always filling and releasing

Heed the beat of your heart
in form and Spirit and beneath your feet
Enter into the place of All
where mind and soul and peace and wisdom meet

Rest and dream therein and …

Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light
in warm embrace


May you flow-full in peace love & creation this waning Moon


IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
  ** Main image is portion of one of my paintings in progress – working title: Lady of the Living Waters

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Moon full in Sagittarius 1

21.05.2016 in moon&sky

160521_COMP_x800-merge-CROP_x385Welcome Moon Full in Sagittarius
(exact @ 1414 pdt)

in Sagittarius
+ Mars effects and more too!

. . .  Adventure and balance


Wow! Fullness and movements and shiftings called forth this Moon. Big themes activated. Time for many things – and especially grounding, gratitude, and ramping up your balance mojo! Energetic support (and push) is provided for all of this;  and with so many planets in mutable signs, lots of support for change as well.


This Moon Full illuminates many things and there may be pulls in multiple directions. We are also at the peak of snake month so there’s support for quickly changing direction and for shedding old skins. Truth and meaning-seeking Sagittarius calls us to deep presence, broadening our view-space and bringing joy, flexibility and glimpses of what is on the horizon. Keep a discerning eye and be patient:  what is to come will not fully manifest until next Moon full – also in Sagittarius.


There are several conjunctions and oppositions  (a lot of feminine-masculine energy in conjunction and in opposition at this time) and T-square and Grand Trine all in play right now. It’s time to focus on the basics of letting go and being whole:

  • Ground deeply and with gratitude (support from the ongoing Grand Earth Trine again activated this Moon)
  • Tune into deep spirit connection and transcend all that doesn’t serve  (Jupiter Opp Neptune)
  • Turn energy inward and nurture inspiration (Mars Opp Sun and at midpoint of Mars retrograde)
  • Unlock edgy or untouched creativity (Sun Conj Venus)
  • Explore and create resonant partnerships between logic and intuition; between freedom and duty; between the known and the unknown; between yin and yang (Gemini Sun Opp Sag Moon)
  • Invite Sagittarius to broaden your horizons and fine-tune your aim
  • Draw on the powerful energy of Mars (Mars Opp Sun and conjunct Moon) to call forth courage to step into all you desire


Breathe in joy, love, peace and light
Shed old skins and
turn your sights within


Feel into the bursting forth of your heart’s desire
and all that is aligned with your Spirit fire


Celebrate, honor and nourish
your essence, your truth and body-wisdom
Be filled with all you have to share in the Kin-dom.


Seek and tell the truth of your great value and worth
found in the star-crystal note from you to you
holding the Truth from the Cosmos and dear sweet Earth.


Imagine now an expanded and new adventure that you could employ
surrounded by beauty and love and all that brings you delight and joy


Move ahead plus find time in natural space
Feed the fire of your heart-felt truth and your grace


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light



Special Note: Mercury moves direct tomorrow but we’ll still be feeling some of the mercurial effects until Moon new. Go with the flow :)

IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Archer: Cut from photo of Artemis Sculpture | Spectacular Fireworks: source unknown | wings modeled after wings by Mosquitone

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Creature Teacher: Heron

13.05.2016 in creatures

160513_P1020229_Heron4Gayle-CROP-ED_x300Creature Teacher: Heron
for the 1stQ Moon in Leo


This day we are again without planets in Air signs. Given what else is in play at the moment, Heron has come as our guide.


The current energies call us to allow space and time for transformation and evolution. Have you watched Heron standing so still in the shallows? Watched her moving so slow hardly a ripple is cast from her feet?


Heron knows stillness and patience. She knows how to create space and time, watchful for the moment of action. She knows how to approach opportunity at a leisurely pace, and then act in a flash.


Heron teaches us to take time to reflect on our values, our aims, our strengths, and our hindrances. As a lone hunter, she reminds us that each of us knows what is best for ourselves. Her message is to follow the heart truth of your inner wisdom, and walk the path of self-determination.


May you stand in stillness, fly on powerful wings, and
drink in each opportunity tuned to your heart!

Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


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