Moon Full in Capricorn
08 Jul 2017, by moon&sky inWelcome Moon Full (exact @2106 PDT)
in Capricorn
Ground wisdom blessings
Capricorn brings our focus to our senses; to practical matters; and to structures and boundaries that creatively and gracefully support our needs and desires. It is time also to tune into and honor feelings and inner wisdom to guide us to structures and activities that are the most nurturing for us, others, and Earth (Sun in Cancer Opp Moon).
That said, I’ve been hearing quite a bit of trepidation about this Moon time. Current alignments seem to be evoking some fear of (possible) stress and intensity (due to various involvements of Moon, Pluto, Sun, Mars & Jupiter; oppositions, T-squares, etc). Yes, the essential tension of some polarities – masc-fem, do-feel, material-spiritual – may cause some ripples to surface, but I see these as renewed opportunities to center, and dance the balance ever more creatively, with wisdom and new inspiration. Yes, certain alignments may create increased sensitivity and (mostly as a result of this) increased intensity, but the energies also encourage and provide for a practical calmness (Capricorn Moon), powerful cleansing, and new insight.
The keys to working with this transit are much as I advised in the last message: Be light as air, sound as rock, and fluid as water. Although there may be some felt-sense urging action, now is the time to move slow, take a breath and take time. Stay centered; strive for balance. Honor all that you have done. Feel deeply into wisdom, gratitude and all the many blessings. Open to the transformation that all this makes possible. <3
Wearing a crown of horns, a fish tail and wings
You are creation and a creator of wondrous things
From deep inside you draw sweet wisdom
and climb lush mountains throughout the kin-dom
In deep blues seas you dive and twirl
From the sands you make precious pearls
Embracing the inner wild
You nurture your inner child
With wand in hand, cast & count your blessings
Give thanks to you and All and everything
Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light
May your inner magick grace you with peace and calm and wonder this Moon
IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Sea goat: Artist unknown; found on cellphone cover | Spiral background: modified from background of Klimpt | “The Stocklet Frieze” | | oyster-pearl: cut from image found on