

Dark of the Moon and New

05.09.2013 in creatures, moon&sky

Hello Dear Ones!bearDaisy

How have you been these days of the waning moon? Did you feel a bit more  breath and space for a few days after the full moon? (I did. Whew! Needed ;)) And then, oh the Grand Water Trine – Earth and Water can make for some slippery slopes! :) “I was going that way/doing this and then Whoops!” A slip, an unexpected surprise, an interruption. Yup, that speaks to some of the bumps and energies about.

Have you been shifting between feel-good, creative on-track, and pressures of must dos?  Between “Yes!” and, “Well, maybe, maybe not”?  Between your internal knowing and external ‘authority’/demands?  Between “I want to sleep, dream, go to bed, get away from it all” and “Let’s get to work! It’s time to create! Make it happen!”

If you have, you’re not alone. And if you have had some rocky moments, no wonder. There is sooo much going on. So many planets shifting relationships  with varying kinds of alignments, conjunctions, oppositions, and push-pulls.  Even the most skilled change dancers have had some turmoil along the way.  Creative tension in the air – and, just so you know, it’s likely to intensify over the next six weeks or so.

Let’s start from where we are. Since last I wrote to you, the sun has moved from Leo to Virgo and we have shifted into a bit more complexity. Virgo is distinctly feminine and therefore more complicated, multi-layered, mutable. Other planetary relations add more to this and provide both challenge and support.

Right now we sit in the Dark of the moon, about 3 days until the first light of the new moon appears. If you’ve been attuned to the waning moon, you’re likely more aware of what has and hasn’t been working.  It’s a good time for deep meditation, for both releasing and visioning. A time to have a bit of break from the  outer world, to rest. A time to refresh yourself, nurture your nature, senses attuned, wonder-fully aware of being alive.

Listen to your intuitions. Note that it’s more easy to discipline yourself right now. Overall, this is a good time for quiet preparation because once the New Moon arrives, you’ll want to take advantage of the energy available for your goals, next steps and new projects.

And this  New Moon could get serious. There’s lots of shifting going and with Mars square Saturn and the Nodes all week, there’s creative tension and it’s time to act. Saturn wants financial and material security; Mars in Scorpio wants to play, create, do something new. The challenge is to stay in balance, to stay light, and light-attuned.

It’s time to get to work, to sink into something that requires a lot of focus and energy (good outlet if there’s frustration about how slow things can go sometimes).  Be aware that sudden unexpected events may occur that are designed to break down the old and break through to something new. As always, the more we resist or are attached to what is, the more challenging. Surrender and trust continue to be keys for navigating these times. And some days are easier than others :)

I think we need some Snake medicine here (remember, it’s the year of the Water Snake). Here’s a poem by Gloria Rohlfs  that helps to remind us that:

Snake medicine is with us.
We can pretend our skin is not shedding,
we can attempt to remain underground, curled up and quaking…
Or we can embrace the magic of our transmutation,
Chew on our life, swallow and savor it,
Slither out of our skin and leap out of ruts with passion,
Swirl into new experiences and dance,
Then feel the sun on our skin and dream.

Bear medicine is also called forth. Last night in the wee hours I heard some rustling in the backyard. I flashed a light and there s/he was; a young black bear pulling on the fig tree. It was 430am (the dark/new moon point was 0436h). Bear speaks to trusting and following your own unique rhythms – not those of others. You have the resources within. Go deep, feed your potential, come out, do not hide.

Raccoon also spoke to me two days ago  (just by the way, Raccoon is related to Bear.) Longer story short, the efforts of some children who posted signs saying “Save the raccoons of Hoskins Road”, and a educational visit by a conservation officer, resulted in the release of a trapped baby raccoon to its mother, and a more educated, now raccoon-positive fellow no longer seeks to eradicate raccoons. Yippee! The moral and message? We’ve go to get along, get out, and make it happen.  Join hands; like it or not, we’re in this together. Raccoon medicine includes curiosity and that too is a great boon to remember and activate.

So Dear Ones, use the energies of the dark of the moon and the new to boost your own level of joy. It is good, it is creative. Feed the healing (the water trine continues to support). Stay Light in midst of it all. Sense into the feeling of balance fueled by Spirit.

Nurture your Nature Dear Ones,
Much love

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New Moon+eclipse: Powerful Time

05.09.2013 in eclipse, moon&sky

Hello Dear Ones!

Just had to send a message out at this POWERFUL TIMEFujii_Eclipse-2

New moon + solar eclipse (May 9). Fertility, growth, beauty. Energy of building and making, new possibilities, passions. A  Taurus solar eclipse does bring up issues of self worth and values; it’s time to examine old systems that no longer serve.  Honor the talents you have. Ground your most precious values at your center. Dig deep in the soil, weed out old patterns, prepare soil for new growth. Plant the seeds of your new desires!

Venus moves into her transmutation phase at this eclipse. This is when we can see what’s missing from the Feminine self and rediscover our inner light and beauty. What new vision of Feminine Spirit can arise and live though you/us?

Let go of who you think you are and allow Spirit to re-shape you/us.
Serve who you are becoming, beyond who you’ve been.

There are new exhilarating energies of heart-centered frequencies encouraging us. Eclipse in Taurus is a call to learn to manifest our soul essence here in physical reality. Embrace the ongoing practice letting go of older, denser ways of thinking and acting; and trusting Spirit and our hearts.  Drop what does not resonate with the new frequency. Clarify what you truly value, love and has worth.  Reset intention, orientation and focus. When the heart is unequivocal, energies align to provide beyond our imaginings, and help us to let go of what stands in the way. Now, is a powerful time!


Must love,

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Full Moon feelings

20.08.2013 in creatures, moon&sky

FullMoon+geese2Hello Dear Ones!

Today I need to be outside, to run, to swim, to dance… to have time alone and to be in community…. some / much of it all…

It is Full moon.   I wonder how she finds you and how you’re feeling under her silver-white light.

Here today the sun is shining, the wind is blowing, and Geese have been honking overhead as they begin their migration journey.  The sound of Geese stirs me, actually even agitates me, and I find myself  wanting movement, to shift places more, and more urgently  – inward and outward. And to this so too does the Moon in these times speak…

This Sun-Leo and Moon-Aquarius give additional voice to the ongoing call to align our hearts with future dreams. The pressure for change is still strongly in play. Challenging forces are also strongly in play (esp re: letting go, releasing), yet there is lots and lots of support for change – despite how challenged Ego feels. And I’ve certainly had some wrestlings on that front! ;)

Given all that’s in play at the moment, I recommend engaging in physical activity during this full moon.  I know I just must!  Because there is so much energy about, spending time feeling the Earth beneath me, grounding and getting support from Earth, is definitely on the must-do agenda.

A blend and balance of some alone time, and some social, community time; expressive time.

Drink from fountains of abundance and no matter what the challenges or energies in the surround, hold steady. Imagine and draw in that which resonates;  and align with energies/frequencies of abundance and support.  Special attention to deep self love too remember ;)

Yes, Nurture your Nature

Much love,

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1/4 Moon… Ah, Grasshopper

15.08.2013 in creatures, moon&sky

grasshopper_spiral_jimHoffman_cropHello Dear Ones!

Last night, the quarter moon – did you see it? – just leaving Scorpio; a potent ‘t-square’ peaked last night. For me, and for some of you perhaps, there’s been some intense and challenging times lately. Yes, we’re in a time of amplification of energy for transformation. The calling for paradigm shifting continues. Shifting has many aspects and a range of possible attendant experiences. I’ve spoken of this in various previous postings of the moon and sky. Today I want to speak to the matter a little differently…  Ah, Grasshopper (pic attached). . .

The evenings here are mostly quiet. Then just over a week ago, I heard Grasshopper; just one. I’d never heard grasshoppers here before. I listened; a lovely sound. I wondered what I might learn from Grasshopper.  Hmm. Leaping! Yes! I like leaping and I’d been feeling very mired and grrr about things not moving the way I wanted them to. Hmm… And then the next night there was Grasshopper again. The next night again only this time a few more. And the next night, more again, and so on until, truthfully, the sound was starting to get a big ‘buggy’ and echoed the frustration I was feeling inside. Okay, “Attend” I thought. What else has Grasshopper to teach me?

I had been imagining ‘progress’ moving step after step. Others seem to proceed well moving step by step and I’ve been trying to learn to do the same (with varying success and not). Watching others moving forward I was becoming discouraged that things weren’t moving forward for me in that way. Ah Grasshopper. Yes! I do prefer leaping.  I notice that I tend to sit, munch on things, let energy build, and then leap ahead rather than proceed by ordered step x step. Like Grasshopper. It is true: what works for me and what works for others may be different, at least sometimes.

As I reflect on the altogether, I focus on the paradigm shift and notice Grasshopper always leaps up or forward, never backward.  Good to note. And especially in this time of shifting, of letting go, and moving on into the new.   Breathe…

As Grasshopper breathes, a tympanic organ on their front legs is activated. Sound, rhythm, resonance. When Grasshopper moves her legs in different directions, she can locate source (of sounds).  For me this connection between breath and sensing and legs is significant.  Breathe… Sense… Trust inner voice Dance… Beat the drum…

Yes, be still…  in readiness.  Dance. Drum. Explore ways to leap newly. Breakthrough.  Breakout.  Break Free. Unfurl. And Leap! Into the new, dear ones, the new you and whole of you that has always been.

Now, as always, Nurture your Nature.
>Much Love you Dear Ones and much thanks Grasshopper.

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Lammas Blessings

01.08.2013 in elemental, turnings

lion_flaming-lion_crop_50Hello again Dear Ones!

Yup, me again; 2nd post in one week. Well, sometimes the patterns and seasons are like that. The StarT was a special pattern and today is Lammas, a seasonal festival and  an occasion I am moved to send out blessings.
For me it is about giving presence to and honoring the cycles of the Earth and Universe.

For those who may not know, Lammas or Lughnasadh, marks the point (in the Northern hemisphere)  is a cross-quarter. Here in the northern hemisphere we are  half way between Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox. It is the first festival of the waning year. In moon rhythms, this is like the 3/4 moon waning. How cool that the 3/4 moon was just a few days ago.

It is a time when summer often feels the hottest. We know and anticipate autumn coming and there’s a kind of rush to take advantage of all that summer offers. As the pace of life is often so fast, it is more important than ever to remember the gifts we receive.

Blackberries are juicy, gardens are full of veg, fields are full of grain, early harvest is beginning.  Since many are far removed from the wild, from gardens and from field, remember how crucial farmers’ harvests are to our well-being.  Remember Earth, Air, Water, Sun, Bee and the Butterfly who make this food manifest.

It is a time to begin reaping what we have sown throughout the past few months. What are you reaping? How will you share your gifts?  These are questions I often reflect upon as I sit by Fire. You may want to do the same if you can. Or perhaps light a candle. Hold a stone or flower in your hand. Pause for a moment to listen for an inner answer to these questions. Speak of what you intend to do to share your gifts: responsibility, persistence, strength, practical manifestation.

Celebrate the generous bounty of Earth in her manifest form. Celebrate also the fruit of your/our own labour.  Honour your/our strength, skill, and vision which allows us to produce a harvest of abundance for ourselves, our families, and our communities. Celebrate this partnership of us and Earth. We are in this together! That’s what Lammas reminds us.  Celebrate the skills and bounty given, and how we apply and use them to care for ourselves, our loved ones, and the Earth.

And in the next few days, also spend some time on clearing, releasing, cleansing, purifying kinds of activities. Good preparation for Monday New Moon! More on this and August coming soon.

As always, Nurture Your Nature!
Much Love,

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