

Half Moon Waxing

07.01.2014 in moon&sky
Artist: Colleen Nungari

Artist: Colleen Nungari

The wondering and dreaming time continues but perhaps now you are feeling a pull to take new action. That’s very much moon waxing energy. It’s still early days of January but you may feel the stirring of the dream seeds in their cases.

Observe what is calling you. Is there something germinating? Something awakening to send out roots and shoots? Be in wonder at what is moving within your heart and mind. Feel into what is striving to grow up and through the rich Earth of you.

Respond to the calling. Write, paint, dance, sing, light a candle. Do whatever it is that gives greetings and welcome to this dreaming stirring within. Continue to hold the space of warmth and wonder and openness to receive and share. Bathe in the increasing Light.

January 15th is the full moon. The land begins to stir a little. Soon it will be Imbolc, the point half way between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere. This is a wonderful time to gather to greet the Moon Full and to feel into the first under-stirrings of the land.

An Invitation: Come to a Full Moon Call on January 15th. The call will include Moon, Sun and season story (namings and themes) and information about Moon Rhythms but mostly…

Let us celebrate and share together the beginnings of emerging and re-emerging forms.

Register at Moon Call to get the details. The call will be recorded so if you can’t make it live, no worries! Sign up anyway. We will be with you no matter when you listen!

As always Dear Dreamers,
Nurture your Nature,
Much Love & Light,

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First Moon

01.01.2014 in moon&sky

IMG_140101DreamCatcher_CROPtripleconjunction1208Greetings 2014 and Blessings to the New and Beginnings!

I wonder how you all are this day and what has engaged you. Have you been restful? Are you looking forward to 2014 beginning today and its unfolding? What have you been imagining? I suspect you have received many messages from various places and have been called to set intentions, write resolutions, and declare your commitments.

And what an auspicious time! The energies – cultural, solar, lunar – are all poised for beginnings.

It’s the 1st day of 2014.
It’s the 11th day of the new solar year
And it’s ‘new’ moon, the first moon of the year, and one of two to occur in January.

The energy for feeling into what is to come and what you wish to call into being, is high and strong.

Some of you may have already set the threads of intention that will weave through the year and can see the year unfolding with markers along the way. You may be eager to begin. Some of you may also be looking forward to new cycles but, for the moment, may be feeling more inclined to curl up by a fire or go for a long walk, or just rest awake with an openness to what is to come. Either way…

It is the Dark of the Moon.

It is time to find the still point. The place of breath-full spaciousness, of clean air emptiness and abundant fullness. The place where time stands still and is infinite in the moment. Some say it’s a step out of time; I feel it’s stepping into ‘real’ time, natural, earthy, cosmic together, whole.

It is the 11th day of the new solar cycle here in the Northern Hemisphere. It is January. Nothing is planted in January. This is the dreaming time. Time for wandering and wondering. Time for imagining.

Gardeners will sit with seed catalogues. They will reflect on what grew well last year and of these, what they will plant again perhaps in a different place or in the same. They will consider what new things they might plant, where and when. They will wonder about what the conditions need to be to support these plantings, and what care and nourishment is needed to ensure that all that is grown can flourish. And they will imagine what the beds will look like throughout the year. What colors will be brought in, what scents, what feels, what beauty will be in the surround. And they will see where they will sit, gaze out and gain their own nourishment.

The wondering time. The imagining time. The dreaming into being time. The time gifted by January in the northern hemisphere year.

Sink in to the Dreaming Dear Ones. Strong arms and loving hearts hold you. Dream for the greatest good for you and all creation. Let the dream unfold itself with your expansive willingness to receive and to share. Watch as the waxing moon shines more and more light on the dreaming. Be awed by the wonder of it. This is your calling, for you and for all that are graced by this new dream.

Sending you much love, much light, and the sweetest and most powerful of dreams.
Nurture your Nature,
Wisdom Wild,

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Solstice day Greetings! Blessed Mid-winter Day

21.12.2013 in turnings

seaskylightpyramid8 days of practice have been shared and now,   (at time of this posting, 2hrs into increasing light)

It is  Solstice Day! 

Let There be Light! This day it begins.
Abundance comes through the door.
Pause for a moment.
Truly connected and radiant
Visit & greet
the new solar year.

More special Solstice greetings and wishes here

And one more of my practices:

Today I go to Ocean, where I feel at home most. This is home I feel within me, and Ocean returns me to me. I reflect on the waves and tides that have flowed through me this year and I breathe, naturally, in and out like the sea. I will light fire and dance in the smoke, releasing what was, and step into dreams of what next to invoke. As always, the day will begin and end with many thanks.

Hugs to every one.
Until we next meet,

Nurture your Nature,
Wisdom Wild

Image by dear friend Kate Hubbard.

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Moons ahead. Dancing the Year

20.12.2013 in turnings


calendar journal

calendar journal

While this may not at first seem like magick or ritual, it is both for me. With candle glowing and music playing, I spend time preparing my journals for the new solar year.

The work  includes creating day x day moon phase visuals for each month and looking where the moons (new moons and full moons in particular) and the sabbats fall throughout the year.  I then enter the new and full moons and the sabbats on a full year page, on each month page, and on each appropriate daily page.

It may take a few days before the work is complete. Then, near and at Solstice, with the package of monthly, day x day moon and sabbat page visuals  in hand, I begin to ‘read.’

The movements of the moon and sabbats are fluid, shifting and changing like the cycling of Water through hir various forms, and undulating like ocean tides. The waves create patterns and energies that flow and ripple through me. I must dance.

I place myself, physically and emotionally in the flow and ripple, and feel the song. I breathe in the movement of moon and sun, pulling in and releasing energies as in a conversation. I feel a cosmic drum aligning my heart, and perhaps others’ hearts, with its beat.

The moons and sabbats inform my dance as notes inform a musician. I imbue those notes with grace, easeful rhythm and beauty and release them into the patterning, connected with the universal rhythm in breath, body and soul.

Page by page, I dance the year.

Come Dance with me!…. (more info coming soon)

Nurture your Nature

Wisdom Wild

With Love


PS: If I had a way to make a video of this w/ ease I’d show-share it with you. Perhaps some other time ;).

IMAGE NOTE:  The colorful calendar in the post image is by Michael Davis. Just found it a few days ago.  Tried to find a way to reach him without success but wanted to here honor his creation. Love it! Hugs, Fiona

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feather & stone

Visits and Gifts

19.12.2013 in turnings

feather & stone8 Days of Solstice Magick: Day 7

During the Solstice  season I visit different ecosystems/habitats in my biome or, as Anatu (an inner me/guide) would say, I visit my “bio-me”.  I actually make visits throughout the year but the kind of attention and intention is different in winter Solstice season. I have mentioned I love water and it is wet places where I spend most of my time. Temperate rainforest, pond-lakes, creek,  or river, and ocean beach are the places I go meet.

There are places I have loved that I no longer visit  for they are now gone or have been otherwise betrayed and it makes my heart hurt too much. The remembering brings tears which I release with much love and great resolve back to the land.

I have favorite places in locations now too distant to visit except in my heart and mind. I remember and feel into them and receive the wonder and love, and send the same back in return.

And here, in this for me 3-years-new place that I live, I have new-found friends and kin I go greet.

I visit small-lake-large-pond and I walk out on a fallen tree.  I remember delighting in the hundreds of tiny frogs chirupping like kokees as they pop-hopped about. I remember moving slowly jewelled by dragonflies.  I remember diving in from this tree and swimming gleefully. I look out and breathe in the now still waters nestled deep in a forest protected and growing strong. I am grateful that here all is well.

I visit salmon creek-river walking over the stones. I remember silver lights of hatchlings heading down stream, and the red-green flashings of adults swimming against current upon their return. And I remember Eagle, Bear and Raccoon feeding from sky, water, and shore. This is a special place of cycles and balance, the circles complete and unending as long as we give care.

On the walk-in, or the walk-out, whichever way calls, I pause at Moss and Fern and wrap arms around Tree, giving thanks for their magicks and how they call out the truth I have inside of me.

On Solstice I of course visit Ocean, my most intimate and long time friend. As I journey today I pause to listen to the roar of waves drumming on shore, and the rattle of pebbles as they withdraw.  I feel waves resonant within me respond to the call.

At each place I spend time. I remember; reflect on companion places around the world; send out love; and call for the greatest possible good. I create a small temporal altar with gifts of kinds that serve the place, and always a bit of holly for protection and luck. I light a candle, give thanks, and pray for the care, understanding, protection, service and celebration of these special friends and kin.

When I depart I may take some small thing that has spoken to me and this then lives on my altar is or carried with me in the coming year. Such human remnants I may find along the way, tossed cup, wrapper or tire, I gather and dispose of more appropriately. Old fish line I pocket to later untangle meditatively. Time now to be home.
. . .
So now you have a tale of a practice and some places special to me and I wonder …What are some places and spaces important to you? Are they outside places like in the story today? Inside places? And how do these places echo inside you? What practices do you have to honor, protect, ‘celebrate’ and give care?   Would love to hear! Please share with me in comments below and, as always Dear Ones,

Nurture your nature

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