Wisdom Wild | Solstice day Greetings! Blessed Mid-winter Day


Solstice day Greetings! Blessed Mid-winter Day

21 Dec 2013, by Fiona in turnings

seaskylightpyramid8 days of practice have been shared and now,   (at time of this posting, 2hrs into increasing light)

It is  Solstice Day! 

Let There be Light! This day it begins.
Abundance comes through the door.
Pause for a moment.
Truly connected and radiant
Visit & greet
the new solar year.

More special Solstice greetings and wishes here

And one more of my practices:

Today I go to Ocean, where I feel at home most. This is home I feel within me, and Ocean returns me to me. I reflect on the waves and tides that have flowed through me this year and I breathe, naturally, in and out like the sea. I will light fire and dance in the smoke, releasing what was, and step into dreams of what next to invoke. As always, the day will begin and end with many thanks.

Hugs to every one.
Until we next meet,

Nurture your Nature,
Wisdom Wild

Image by dear friend Kate Hubbard.