

WisdomWild – Crow Caws

14.05.2014 in creatures

SunplusIn this time when we are again called to balance and meld opposing impulses, the caw of Crow invites remembering.


Crow, fascinated with her own shadow. Crow who knows creation mysteries and is keeper of sacred law. Crow, master of being in two places consciously at the same time. Crow the signaler of change. Crow who merges light and dark; inner world and outer world; past, present and future.


Crow medicine empowers us to find and speak out on that which is out of harmony or balance. Crow that teaches us to allow our personal integrity to be our guide. To walk and speak truth; to know and claim our purpose; and to live past, present and future in the now moment. To shift old reality to become our future selves. Ah yes, Crow speaks of the times in which we stand.


Crow teach us to walk through shadow and into the mystery
Show us how to merge light and dark, the inner worlds with the outer worlds
Share your medicine with us that we may shift reality and
Bring into being a world of harmony, balance and truth
Within and without.


May your wisdom help us to
Nurture our Nature
with Love & Light

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Full Scorpio Moon

14.05.2014 in moon&sky

P1030042_fullCROP_SCORPx385wTXTGreetings of the full (very full) Moon in Scorpio (1216 pdt)


And by ‘full’ I mean there’s a lot going on and a lot to sift through.


Though it may sound like gobbledy-gook to some, here’s some of the astrological what’s up. Sun in Taurus, Moon in Scorpio. Moon conjunct (next to) Saturn ( Saturn has been in Scorpio since October 2012 and will continue into much of 2015). Saturn opposes the Sun; Pluto squares Venus and opposes Jupiter. Venus conjoins Uranus and both oppose Mars. A T-square: Uranus and Venus both square Pluto and Jupiter. The Grand Cardinal Cross continues. And we have a water trine (thank the goddess!) And there’s still more and too much to ‘translate’ all at once so let’s go for some what I hope are some helpful highlights.


It’s spring, and it’s all about emergence.


The full Moon illuminates the places that can otherwise be hidden in shadow. Time for weeding in order to support growth and the new coming into being.


This moon is also the Wesak or Buddha Moon. It is said that Siddhartha was born, achieved en-lightenment, and transitioned on a moon such as the one we have tonight. It is a time when the “two truths” (Scorpio and Taurus) are revealed. Two truths that are integral to one another. Unfolding oppositions and paradox.


This moon also marks the midpoint of Earth Snake Month. And with the full moon occurring on a Phoenix day, it’s most certainly time to shed the skin and emerge anew.


The Scorpio (moon) -Taurus (sun) matrix is about going deep and coming home to feeling good. Scorpio pulls us into the depths, into hidden secrets, into reading the bones, and transforming again and again. Taurus sun carries the Earth promise and calls for alignment with laws of nature and remembering our foundational ground.


Yes, it is time for more shedding and letting go. With Moon next to Saturn, it’s time to really dig into shadows and with Saturn in Scorpio, there’s not much choice about going deep. Scorpio has a tendency to hold onto emotional experiences as long as possible in order to discover and sort every truth. During this moon, however, it’s time to release and have the courage to embrace that which can carry us forward.


Yes, there may be intensity – of emotion, of experience, of happenings in and around the world. It is time, again, to delve deep for truth and understanding. Time to allow the full moon light to reveal what’s been hiding or holding on too long, and to purge what no longer serves.


Surrender… Move into the support of Earth and flow with the waters. If the clearing/releasing brings tears, let them flow knowing this is healing, cleansing movement. Allow the healing Water trine of Moon, Chiron and Jupiter in Cancer, to support the clearing and healing of deep issues and wounds. This is an especially powerful time for releasing the limiting beliefs and patterns embodied in the patriarchic paradigm to make more space. Time to invite and welcome the new paradigm emergent.


Trust that as we embrace both the dark and the light, answers and truths come forward in new ways and new openings are created to release that which has held us back or otherwise no longer serves. Remember too that what we choose to compost becomes food for the harvest. Scorpio energy supports us in this undertaking moving from the lowest depths to the highest peaks to fly like the Eagle and rise from ashes like the Phoenix.


Yes, it is time to let go (again). It is time to face fears (Moon & Saturn); to dive deep (Scorpio, Saturn, Pluto) and release the past and/or shift what is no longer relevant.


It is again time to strongly confirm and claim again our Heart-felt truth, desires, joy and purpose.. Time to see past challenges to the options and opportunities. Time to create space to recharge. Time to feed inner and outer peace. Time to find intimacy in the desire for oneness, compassion, love and harmony.


Open fully to your unique dance of endings and beginnings under the Scorpio Moon, and, as always


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light

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FirstQ Time for Grace

06.05.2014 in moon&sky

yinYang_pinterestx385Greetings to you this May 1stQ Moon.


The Moon is half lit and waxing, the 1st Quarter Moon (2015h pdt).


I hope during this past week since the dark/new Moon that you have gathered food for your seeds of intention and spent some time fueling yourself. Fueling and making space for regeneration and renewal continues to be called for in this waxing Moon.


Awareness is still moving towards understanding and we are now at another balance point called by the half lit/half dark moon. The waxing calls us forward. Roots reach down to more strongly anchor intentions and shoots reach up into the new expression.


Perhaps in the last few days you’ve felt a bit of the struggle that comes with releasing the old and breaking through like a seed sprouting through Earth. It is an energetic expressed at this time of the moon.


The continuing Grand Cross also holds lots of ‘oppositions’ in the heavens and there may also be some of that experiencing at this time. It makes it easy to look at the ‘opposites’ and find conflict. There may be feelings of discord or lack of resonance.


Release any frustration or disappointment that you may feel about such oppositions or struggles. Remove yourself as much as you are able from happenings or people or things that are not resonant with you and/or with the greater good. Acknowledge all that you have done to serve and all that is in the making. Honor that and let the rest go.


Focus and gain strength from your inner wisdom, your knowing, and your own work.


Attend to what new may be calling you forward, and for new ways to transform.


This half lit moon, calls for such reflection, letting go, anchoring commitment, and non-attachment. And, under the waxing moon, it is time to say “Yes!” to challenges. Time to implement plans. Time to express your Heart desires in form.


Grace_goddess-invocationMODx385Speaking of Heart, this month Venus (Inanna) passes through the 4th Gate, the heart chakra, the gate of compassion. A lovely time to further open and sink in to the healing wisdom of the heart.


Allow Grace, goodness and well-being to infuse all that you do and fill you with calm. Stand and feel yourself supported by Earth. Reach your arms up to the sky. Stretch them infront of you and to each side. Scribe a spaciousness with your arms and your breath. Breathe in and Dance to the music of Grace.


And as always,
Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light,

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Best Wishes of Beltane

30.04.2014 in turnings

maypole_Suz-IMG_5075It’s Beltane! Halfway between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.


Celebrate the fertile ground and the emerging new life in a multitude of forms.


Appreciate the bounty, the beauty, the love, the abundance.


Take account of both that which is within, and that is all around.


Fill up with all the good that is present, emerging and growing.


And DANCE! Wear Ribbons! Delight in all that is emerging! And, as always,


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light & Magic


Image by Belinda Suzette 2010

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Wisdom Wild: Penguin Sweetness & Strength

28.04.2014 in creatures


This week it was Penguin that came courting. Penguin is the deepest diving bird in the world. Given all the deep diving that’s been going on, it is no wonder Penguin should visit.

Sweet, gentle, strong. Can stand tall in strong winds. Powerful protector of family and tribe. Think of Penguin, gentle ones, strong ones, compassionate ones. They too are in our circle of Kin.


Penguin_baby_x385See and hear the sweetness of Penguin Little One here  (the best part is at the end)


Find out what type of Penguin you might be. Take the short quiz.


Learn more about Penguin and register your support for protecting Penguin and Ocean.


Embrace Love – self, Earth, and all in the Kin-dom. And, as always,


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light

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