FirstQ Time for Grace
06 May 2014, by moon&sky inGreetings to you this May 1stQ Moon.
The Moon is half lit and waxing, the 1st Quarter Moon (2015h pdt).
I hope during this past week since the dark/new Moon that you have gathered food for your seeds of intention and spent some time fueling yourself. Fueling and making space for regeneration and renewal continues to be called for in this waxing Moon.
Awareness is still moving towards understanding and we are now at another balance point called by the half lit/half dark moon. The waxing calls us forward. Roots reach down to more strongly anchor intentions and shoots reach up into the new expression.
Perhaps in the last few days you’ve felt a bit of the struggle that comes with releasing the old and breaking through like a seed sprouting through Earth. It is an energetic expressed at this time of the moon.
The continuing Grand Cross also holds lots of ‘oppositions’ in the heavens and there may also be some of that experiencing at this time. It makes it easy to look at the ‘opposites’ and find conflict. There may be feelings of discord or lack of resonance.
Release any frustration or disappointment that you may feel about such oppositions or struggles. Remove yourself as much as you are able from happenings or people or things that are not resonant with you and/or with the greater good. Acknowledge all that you have done to serve and all that is in the making. Honor that and let the rest go.
Focus and gain strength from your inner wisdom, your knowing, and your own work.
Attend to what new may be calling you forward, and for new ways to transform.
This half lit moon, calls for such reflection, letting go, anchoring commitment, and non-attachment. And, under the waxing moon, it is time to say “Yes!” to challenges. Time to implement plans. Time to express your Heart desires in form.
Speaking of Heart, this month Venus (Inanna) passes through the 4th Gate, the heart chakra, the gate of compassion. A lovely time to further open and sink in to the healing wisdom of the heart.
Allow Grace, goodness and well-being to infuse all that you do and fill you with calm. Stand and feel yourself supported by Earth. Reach your arms up to the sky. Stretch them infront of you and to each side. Scribe a spaciousness with your arms and your breath. Breathe in and Dance to the music of Grace.
And as always,
Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light,