

Moon dark-new in Leo + Solar Eclipse

21.08.2017 in moon&sky

170821_COMP2-merge-CROP_x385‘Tis Moon Dark-New  (exact @1130 PDT)
in Leo  (moving to Virgo soon)
+ Solar Eclipse


deep release, radiant rebirth


The skies deliver signs we are entering a potent portal to shifts, changes and transformation that will unveil and evolve over the next 6 months to >2 years. It is Moon dark-new (bookending the eclipse season and the last new Moon also in Leo);
the beginning of a double Phoenix month (Fire and Earth, with another double Phoenix month beginning next Moon dark-new);
and a rare total solar eclipse also occurs this day (journeying on a path which it has not traced in ~1500 years).


The energies powerfully urge and support both releasing what no longer serves; and activating a newly radiant, transformative rebirth. This is a time to look deep into what ever we may have eclipsed in ourselves, and to harvest self-knowledge from the fears and doubts that are to be cast out. A time to draw on our resources; ramp up creativity, ingenuity and playfulness; and move ever more fully into the soul-fully expressed, radiant Beings we are born to Be.


The solar eclipse, like a (mega-ramped) Moon dark-new, provides the opportunity for a ‘reset’ through the passage of dark into the Light. A potent time for exploring new ideas and directions, and for setting new intentions arising out of a marriage of opposites. Occurring in Leo, the eclipse calls us to reveal the best of who we are.


We continue to be emboldened by regal and noble Leo (Moon, Sun, Mars) who brings the gifts and grace of big heartedness, courage, confidence, strength, passion, and an assertion of the power of the feminine (courage, confidence & action is further strengthened by Mars trine Saturn; and feminine energy further empowered by royal Regulus conjunct Sun & Moon). Moon and Sun move from Leo into Virgo soon (Moon @1325 today; Sun @1520 tomorrow) helping us to earth root and nourish new starseeds we have chosen to grow. Bear (Virgo animal totem) helps us to set and hold our boundaries; reminds us of the power found within (and the power of the unconscious that the eclipse amplified); and carries forward Lion’s themes of patience, strength, and nobility.


Allow yourself to be surrounded by the energies of the times. Let all that is great and good and purr-fectly aligned to settle within (all the retrograde planets provide the time ;)). Be mindful of body, mind, heart and soul, and let them both whisper and roar their guidance. Be playful and intent, joy-filled by the power and purpose of your radiant heart.


Look to where you may have self-eclipsed
Invite new Light to reveal new scripts


Invite healing to come within
ensoul the sacred feminine


Listen to the brilliant oracle
realize your self as a unique miracle


Release what you no longer need
make space for radiant new seeds


Embrace inner wisdom and the divine
at this potent portal now is the time
for you, Earth & Cosmos to rebirth and realign


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May this portal activate great love, and
renew the radiant best in each and All









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Mary: cut & modified image of painting by Sassoferrato | Lion & Bear: cut from image by Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary | Background sky: modified image found on PureWow Travel & on YouTube by Kai Parviainen |

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Moon Half-lit in Taurus

14.08.2017 in moon&sky

170814_COMP1-merge_x385-2Greetings of Waning Moon Half-lit   (exact @1815 PDT) in Taurus


release, root, savour, renew


If things have been feeling a bit (or more) ‘uncomfortable’ or in a bit of a funk of late, well, yeah, such are the times. Perhaps various old memories have arisen and you have found yourself reminiscing more frequently. Yup, so too are the times (many planets in retrograde – Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron and now Mercury). And, given various Earth-Sky happenings recently and upcoming (eclipses last week and next, and Venus Opp Pluto and then square Jupiter this week) much of what is felt may be exaggerated and/or magnified — including doubts, fears, and insecurities. This is the time for an extra dose of self-love. Stay present, breathe in peace and ease, go slow, and let things pass within a natural ebb and flow.


Right now we are at waning Moon with light and dark in equal measure; and midway between eclipses. Both timings call us to pause. With Moon In Taurus, practical attention is on what feeds, nourishes, and gives the experience of comfort and pleasure. Together, both Leo-Sun and Taurus-Moon seek their strongest ideal: being snugly fixed (both are fixed signs) in a peaceful space, feeling securely grounded, joyfully living from the heart, and able to seek and savour all the finest things of life. Yes, breathe this in. Emulate this.


Bask in Sun’s golden light. Drink in Leo’s big heartedness and Taurus’ deep groundedness. Draw on Fire’s cleansing ability, and Earth’s nourishing abundance, for both personal and planetary healing. Release all that no longer serves. Focus on yin and yang harmoniously intertwined. Enter into the feminine deep of the darkening Moon and prepare for new potential and rebirth to come.


Release any and all emotional disruptions
clear away what does not serve without exception


Surround yourself with earthen green
Root deep in this rich time of between


Feel into ease, love, joy and peace
and all good things you would increase


Rest now within the feminine deep
renew you and all within your heart’s keep


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light




May you embrace ease, savour peace, and
be deeply refreshed & renewed this Moon








IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Bull head: found on Mystic Medusa| rose: modified from image found on naturopath flyer |

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Moon Full in Aquarius

07.08.2017 in moon&sky

170807_COMP2-merge-CROP_x385Welcome Moon Full (exact @1111 PDT) in Aquarius

harmonize, integrate, reform


& partial lunar eclipse (exact @1122 PDT)

release, reset, receive


At 1111 pdt Moon will reach hir fullness; 11 minutes later a partial eclipse occurs. By the numbers, we are called to pay attention — and connect with Spirit/Divine realms.


Among other things, ‘1′ is about independence, creativity, confidence and individuation (which reflects Aquarius and Leo energies as well). The energy of 1 expands whatever we focus on, and manifests thoughts and desires at turbo speed (Aqua-Air & Leo-Fire together is also about fast action and getting thing done). This serves as a reminder to polish and refine thoughts, and to stay positive. 11 brings focus to harmony, cooperation, diplomacy and Love (more resonance with Aqua & Leo); and increasing sensitivity, creativity and healing. 11:11 brings the message of oneness, balance and unity. It’s time for expanding our heart-space to receive Love, Light and Life blessings; and time to focus on our highest, brightest purpose.


Aquarius Moon provides energy for reform and innovation. Moon-full both illuminates the landscape and deepens shadow, and is made more potent with the eclipse. The eclipse calls us to examine the play of light and shadow; to clear, empty and release old stories and patterns (retrograde planets also draw our attention to the past for healing); and open to receive and embody new light and new insights.


Leo Sun and Aquarius Moon together highlight and reinforce the need to harmonize and integrate polarities: light/dark; masculine/feminine; self/collective; personal/universal. With all the Earth-Cosmos energies about, the potential for relieving tensions, and realizing harmony, freedom and radiant self-love, is really really magnified (and we still have another eclipse to come! ;))


Okay, yes, there’s a lot of intensity here so remember, stay thoughts-positive! We have continued support for grounding (asteroids Vesta, Juno & Pallas Athena still in grand Earth trine) and for emotional soothing and healing (Venus in Cancer and Chiron, wounded healer, retrograde in Pisces). Face the inner critic with Leo’s courage and Aquarius’ objectivity. Draw on Lion (Leo) and Otter (Aquarius animal totem) to bring play and humour to bear. Breathe deep. Spend time barefoot on the Earth. Immerse yourself in living water or salted bath. And if things get ‘hot’ (or even if not), turn up the volume and dance, dance, dance.


In the grace-filled shadows dance and play
with what is to go and what will stay


Light and dark, masculine and feminine
Feel in to all their healing medicines


Embrace sensitivity, enhance receptivity
Immerse in radiant Love and creativity


Envision abundance, peace, beauty and unity
Nourish personal and universal harmony


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you the radiant fullness of Love, Light, and harmony this Moon







IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: face: cut & modified from garden sculpture photo by Takao | sky background: on YouTube by Kai Parvianen

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1stQ Moon in Scorpio

30.07.2017 in moon&sky

170730_COMP2-merge-CROP_x385Welcome Waxing Moon  Half-lit
(exact 170730 @0823 PDT)
in Scorpio


trust, activate, transform


Waxing Moon half-lit in Scorpio calls us to sharpen our instincts and tune to our deep inner wisdom – especially on matters concerned with trust, honour, power and control. Together with Sun in Leo, we are still and again immersed in transformation and change (and esp as we are in eclipse season). We are encouraged to ‘go the distance’ (Leo Sun at galactic center; Scorpio ruler Pluto at farthest reaches) to clear fears and doubts, and to activate all that brightens life, joy and creative inspiration (Grand Fire Trine).


In these times (eclipse season and a lot of fixed energy about), it will be particularly important to attend to grounding and balance. We have support in this undertaking given Moon is light and dark in equal measure, and with elementals more in balance (fire-water 4/3; masc-fem 6/5). Breathe deep. Tune to Nature. Root into Earth. Spend time with water, by sea or stream, in shower and scented bath. Invite fire to inspire hope, freedom and radiance in your Being


Walk out of shadow and into the Light
Time to prepare for your radiant flight


Eagle and Lion, royals of sky and land,
their powers together held now in your hands


Delve into their offerings
and craft magical things
Feel Spirit roar as you rise on new wings


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you both roar and purr as you spread your radiant wings this Moon









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Eagle: cut from image by Robert O’Toole found on Birds Art | Flames: cut from image by Charles Bauman |

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Moon Dark-New in Leo

23.07.2017 in moon&sky

170723_COMP1-merge2-CROP_x385Greetings of Moon Dark-New
(exact 170723 @0246 PDT) in Leo
& LOTS of Fire energy!


illuminate, empower, radiate


Fiery times (6 planets in Fire signs; 4 in Leo). Moon dark-new calls us into reflection and new beginnings. In Leo, we are en-couraged to play; to fill ourselves up with passion, Light, warmth, joy and radiance; and to step into our regal, royal, sovereign selves.


There’s a lot of masculine energy about for action and, with much of it expressed in Leo, we are gifted with big heartedness, joy, stamina, strong will, and optimism. And how wonderful that all this occurs along with the dynamic of Magdalene Feast Day to help ground gifts of the feminine deep (along with feminine forces of Pallas Athena, Vesta, and Juno aligned in Grand Earth Trine to ground the powerful Leo energy ;)). That said, given the dominance of Fire energy, do remember to focus on grounding and breathing deep. I also encourage you to find time by/with water, and certainly keep yourself hydrated.


This New Moon initiates us into the eclipse season (partial lunar @ full and solar eclipse at next new Moon again in Leo). We’re in a period of illumination, amplification, and transformation. It is time to tune in to and turn up our inner fire. Time to burn away and vanquish fears. Time to make mutable that which is seen as fixed. Time to fire up passion and creative expression. Time to more greatly empower and rebirth our inner warrior of the heart.


With the lense of your heart-felt gaze
Look within and reappraise


Remember all to which you aspire
Fears and lacks now set afire


Hold in your hands all that you love
beneath your feet and above


Play, love, joy and courage sing
Express your radiant everything


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May fiery passion empower your heart warrior and
may your radiance shine ever-more bright this Moon








IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Magdalene: modified from image found on Etsy | Flames : cut from image by Charles Bauman | Lions: cut & modified from images found in Chronicle News, Zimbabwe; photographer unknown

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