Wisdom Wild | 1stQ Moon in Scorpio


1stQ Moon in Scorpio

30 Jul 2017, by Fiona in moon&sky

170730_COMP2-merge-CROP_x385Welcome Waxing Moon  Half-lit
(exact 170730 @0823 PDT)
in Scorpio


trust, activate, transform


Waxing Moon half-lit in Scorpio calls us to sharpen our instincts and tune to our deep inner wisdom – especially on matters concerned with trust, honour, power and control. Together with Sun in Leo, we are still and again immersed in transformation and change (and esp as we are in eclipse season). We are encouraged to ‘go the distance’ (Leo Sun at galactic center; Scorpio ruler Pluto at farthest reaches) to clear fears and doubts, and to activate all that brightens life, joy and creative inspiration (Grand Fire Trine).


In these times (eclipse season and a lot of fixed energy about), it will be particularly important to attend to grounding and balance. We have support in this undertaking given Moon is light and dark in equal measure, and with elementals more in balance (fire-water 4/3; masc-fem 6/5). Breathe deep. Tune to Nature. Root into Earth. Spend time with water, by sea or stream, in shower and scented bath. Invite fire to inspire hope, freedom and radiance in your Being


Walk out of shadow and into the Light
Time to prepare for your radiant flight


Eagle and Lion, royals of sky and land,
their powers together held now in your hands


Delve into their offerings
and craft magical things
Feel Spirit roar as you rise on new wings


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you both roar and purr as you spread your radiant wings this Moon









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Eagle: cut from image by Robert O’Toole found on Birds Art | Flames: cut from image by Charles Bauman |