

Moon Full in Pisces

01.09.2020 in moon&sky

Greeting Moon Full (exact @ 2222 PDT) in Pisces


… illuminate, release, nourish, flow … 


Moon full is a time of culmination, completion and celebration; we are reminded to be thankful for all that has been done and for the gifts given and received. Now in Pisces we are invited into the soothing, cleansing, healing realm of our inner knowing and heart-wise dreaming. Time to prepare to dream into the feminine deep.


Sensitivity, empathy, compassion and creativity is heightened; and the boundaries between the conscious and the subconscious tends to blurred at this time (enhanced by Moon-Neptune Wed). What is disruptive to our well-being is illuminated (Moon full & Virgo Sun) and is then dissolved and washed away (Pisces Moon). Sun wants us to find new perspective; Pisces empowers us to dream new dreams. Together Moon and Sun bring purification, refinement and spiritual nourishment. They help us to merge the spiritual/sacred (Pisces Moon) and the practical/mundane (Virgo Sun).


In the midst of all that may challenge us (ongoing Cap stellium + Mars effects) we are encouraged to create calmness and stability by entwining our inner and outer worlds. As we let go and flow into the dreaming, we are likely to experience a greater sense of freedom, surprise break throughs and even an enlightened vision of the future (Uranus effect). New insights/understandings may arise that help us imagine practical solutions and deepen transformation (Merc-Pluto). With an abundance of feminine energy (9/11 planets n fem signs) sacred connection is enhanced.


It is a time for rooting in Earth and releasing to the Waters. Time to yield to the waves and embrace ebbs and flows. Time for merging into the Oneness. Time for ease, reflection and visionary dreaming. Time to nurture ourselves in the feminine deep.


Step into the fullness of bright Moon Light
and open to all revealed to your sight


The time is great for sweet release
Time to focus on inner peace


Embrace the Waters and drink deep
Honour all that you have reaped


Let the seas wash away any debris
Enter into the freedom to just Be


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you sweet release,
ease-full flow
& a fullness of Being this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main ImageFish cut & modified image from Exotic Fish | Waterlilies: lilies cut & modified image from wallpapers Den |

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Waxing Moon Half-lit in Sagittarius

24.08.2020 in moon&sky

Greeting Waxing Moon Half-lit (exact 200825 @ 1058 PDT) in Sagittarius


… freedom root, aim, fly … 


Under a waxing Moon there’s a pull to action and forward movement (heightened by Mars in Aries). Now half-lit it’s time to pause, ground, find balance and fine tune plans.With Moon in uplifting, free-spirited, warm-hearted, fun-loving, and joyful Sagittarius, everything seems possible.


Moon in Sagittarius brightens moods and tickles us to evoke our sense of freedom. We are encouraged to expand our imaginings, our playfulness and our confidence in Life’s flows. Virgo Sun, however, wants us to focus on order, details and hard work so there is a bit of tension here (no kidding ;)) especially as Sag is really really done with the work and grind. Time to find balance between the need for joyous inspiration and the need to deal with the practical mundane. And, since both Sun and Moon are in mutable signs, it’s time to bring in more spaciousness, adaptability and open-mindedness.


Drawing in the gifts of Sag – freedom, playfulness, confidence, faith – is like a breath of fresh air as we continue to be under Earth-Sky pressures. It’s true, it may be hard to gain traction when things feel weighty and slower than we might like and/or we meet resistance (earth energy + retrograde planets + Mars-Sat square + ongoing Capricorn stellium). Fortunately we have an infusion of courage, confidence and fearlessness (Mars-Aries). We have the opportunity to find new inner strength, refine our desires, and hone our efforts for more purposeful action (Saturn effects). Our mental agility is brought to new levels; we see new possibilities and opportunities more easily; and we can expect bursts of creative energy as well (Merc-Uranus). Practical action, and the tasks of sifting, sorting and discriminating are empowered (Merc & Sun in Virgo). Earthy energy (6 planets in Earth signs) help us to ground and anchor our expansive delight (Sag).


Time to take one small step at a time. Time to feel into the between, breathe and ground balance. Time to hone vision and map the practical actions that are most heart-aligned. Time for both deep rootedness and flights to the stars. Time to take aim and let your arrows fly.


At Moon half-lit ground and integrate
all the wisdom you appreciate


Now is the time to find grace and balance
Time to align with all you would advance


Have faith and trust in all you know
Time to nourish all you’d have flow


Time to clarify, specify and fortify
Time to let your sweet vision arrows brightly fly


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you strength and ease;
deep Earth & dancing Fires; & the
joy of your glorious vision arrows shining bright in the sky








IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Eremurus (Foxtail Lily): cut & modified from Plant World Seeds | Archer: cut & modified; Source uknown but believe original photo was taken by David Madison

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Moon Dark-New in Leo

18.08.2020 in moon&sky

Welcome Moon Dark-New (exact @1942 PDT) in Leo


… illuminate, empower, radiate
… and love, laugh & play ;) … 


Moon dark-new opens us to a time for new emergence, new beginnings, new growth and expansion (more energy for all with Wood Monkey month beginning today). Fire-y energy motivates action, creativity and expression; Earthy energy helps keep us grounded (5 planets in Fire signs; 4 in Earth signs). Masculine and feminine energies are fairly balanced (5 planets in masc signs; 6 in feminine) so we have lots of support for will and determination; and to tend to our hearts and self-care. Time to gather energy for outward expression.


Leo brings freedom, inspiration, warmth, courage, creativity and love. We are called to express our power, presence, and passion; to speak our minds and our heart-truth; and to take a stand (Fire energy w/ 3 planets in Leo). Strength, stamina and warrior energy increases (Sun/Moon-Mars trine) and sets hearts and minds afire (Moon-Mars-Merc). Powers of conviction, confidence, and courage are heightened (Sun-Moon-Merc stellium)


This time emphasizes creativity and self-expression; and, with Leo, it’s all about identity and our personal stories. It’s a time to burn away old stories that limit our radiance; and time to step into our own unique ways of Being: “to thine self be true” (addnl support from Venus-Uranus). We also now have greater access to multidimensional perspectives; greater openness to new ideas and insights; and greater possibility of creating new neural connections (Uranus-Rx as of last Sat). Yes, there may be some obstacles or ‘shadows’ along the way (Saturn effect + ongoing Jup-Sat-Pluto) but these should be seen merely as a reality check. Learning, adaptability and a focus on practicality will continue to illuminate our path.


It’s a time to Fire up passion, creativity, and excitement. Time to tune to “I am.” Time to feed our inner-Fire and fuel the warrior in our hearts. Time to renew our sense of self and purpose. Time to be imbued with strength, wisdom, compassion, confidence, courage and playfulness. Time to plant new seeds. Time for renewal and rebirth.


This Moon dark-new dance with the flames
seek all that serves your heart-felt aims


Tune to all to which you aspire
fears, doubts and lacks now set afire


Feel your heart fill-up and expand
Embrace the power in your hands


Play, love, joy and courage sing
Express your radiant everything


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May warmth, Love, courage, passion, playfulness & boldness
fill your heart & Spirit this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Lion sculpture: cut & modified image found at Rosetta Sculpture | Lion cubs: cut & modified. Source N/A

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Waning Moon Half-lit in Taurus

10.08.2020 in moon&sky

Welcome Waning Moon Half-lit (exact @0945pdt) in Taurus


… ground, sense, balance, nourish …


At waning Moon it is time to sift, sort, put aside or clear away whatever has occupied our efforts this cycle. Now at Moon half-lit it’s time to review, release, realign, reintegrate and re-balance. Time to slow and make space for self-nourishing and rejuvenation. Time to turn inward (waning Moon + 5 planets retrograde, 6 with Uranus-Rx Saturday) and prepare to enter the feminine deepening.


Moon in Taurus provides us with a calming, stabilizing influence and helps keep us grounded (along with 4 more planets in Earth signs). She reminds us to draw on the wisdom of the body and of the senses; and to find joy in simple things. Along with Leo Sun she turns our practical attention to what nourishes and what gives us comfort, pleasure and leisure (further supported by Venus now in Cancer). Together Leo and Taurus bring the cleansing ability of Fire and the nourishing abundance of Earth; and encourage us to appreciate our foundations (Taurus), and to let go and enjoy fine times (Leo).


We continue to negotiate challenging times (ongoing Saturn-Pluto influence will be activated again by Mars this week) and we will need to be proactive in our nesting, relaxing, comfort-finding/making. Currently supportive energies help us to more deeply release the old (retrograde planets); attain a bigger-picture, more spiritual perspective (Jup-Nep); elevate our mood; build confidence; and move meaningfully and helpfully forward (Jup-Moon). All things that contribute to our sense of well-being.


Time for nourishing self-care and rejuvenation. Time to ground deeply in Earth and be warmed by Sun. Time to be immersed in Leo’s big-heartedness and Taurus’ deep root ground. Time to tune to heart wisdom, tend our inner Fire, and purr into the feminine deep.


In this moment of light-dark between
reflect on all you have done and seen


Time to sift, sort and clear away
Time to make space for ease and play


Nourish the wisdom in your hands
Let Spirit rise and Joy expand


Rest now into the feminine deep
Renew you and all within your keep


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you the blessings of firm ground,
warm heartedness, joyful play, & deep rejuvenation this Moon









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goddess: cut & modified photo from Ancient Egypt Online| Sweet Peas: cut from photo from Thompson-Morgan seeds | Bull cut & modified photo by Brad Thornton |

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Moon Full in Aquarius

02.08.2020 in moon&sky

Greeting Moon Full (exact @0859 PDT)  in Aquarius


… illuminate, appreciate, elevate …


At Moon full it is time to honour and celebrate all that has come into being this cycle. Leo Sun reminds us to live from the heart and appreciate the gifts available to us each day. Aquarius Moon brings new insights, ideas and possibilities; she sharpens perception; asks us to step back and get a bigger perspective; and encourages us to think ‘out of the box.’ Together Sun and Moon give us the courage (Leo) to trust our instincts and intuition and try something new (Aquarius). At their best they help us to bring heart and mind into harmonic alignment.


The season calls for enjoyment and play; and for rest and relaxation — and the upcoming waning Moon time calls for the same — but we may need to keep that in focus and ‘work at it’ along the way. We are advised to expect the unexpected and may find some shaking up going on (Moon-Sun-Uranus Tsquare). Yes, we may have some serious thinking to do (Merc-Saturn) but what needs to be shaken loose and released will likely become more clear, and the potential for Ah ha!s and new feelings of liberation are high. Also, we have an infusion of energy that helps fuel our inner Fire (Moon-Mars) and empowers us with our own strength and bravery (Mars-Jup). Healing energy is incoming (Chiron w/ Moon today & w/ Merc later in week); psychic energy is high; and we may receive special messages/downloads as well (Lions Gate).


Time to expand into the fullness of strength and wisdom, and to honour all the gifts given and received. Time to remember and presence all that delights and brings love and joy. Time to empower our freedom and express the uniqueness of who we are.


Under this Moon full bright
view all that’s come to light


Embrace sensitivity, enhance receptivity
Immerse in radiant Love and creativity


Express your gifts and begin to dance
You, Earth and Cosmos in resonance


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you feel uniquely inspired,
expansively free &
exquisitely radiant this Moon









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main ImageSculpture: cut & modified photo found on pixabay | Orchid: cut from photo from Bosch Orchids | Otter: cut & modified from photo by Marac Andrev Kolodzinski  |

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