

Wellness & Natural Rhythms

24.02.2014 in self-care

I’ve been reflecting and
I have some thoughts for you.IMG_wisWild_P1020866_fromBanWk


If you answer Yes to at least one of the following questions, this post will likely be of interest to you.


Are you living in a fast-paced, demanding, time-constrained world?

Do you find yourself at times wondering where to turn or what to do next?

Do you want things to be different and better?

Do you have a feminine/yin sensitivity living and growing within?


Yes? Well, then take a couple of calming breaths before reading on…


Does any of this sound familiar?

“I’ve got so much to do”
“I don’t have time to… (fill in the blank)”
“There’s so much going on”
“Sometimes I’m not sure which way is up, down, left, right”
“I’m just trying to keep up with things right now.”
“It’s so busy! I can hardly wait to have a break.”
“And I’m tired”
“But there’s so much that needs to be done!”


I hear such things a lot, and from a lot of women in particular. The experience is an increasingly common one.


On the one hand, the experience is an artifact of our socio-cultural pace, norms and projected expectations.


On the other, the experience is a consequence of sensitivity, receptivity, and having a strong feminine/yin force within.


The feminine
sees more than what’s at the surface
and in view under the Light.

The feminine
looks beyond into the dark and shadow
and finds more and
other needs that require tending.

The feminine
sees into the underneath
and into the subtle;
into those places
where the important whys live
and where caring is born.




Combine feminine seeing-knowing-caring (F).

with an over-active, masculine/yang-embodied culture of do-do-do, more-more-more, now-now-now, faster-faster-faster (^M),

and it’s no surprise that stress occurs and is on the rise. (S)


We know we need to change the pace/culture; to at least try to shift it.
We need to change it for ourselves, our friends, our family, and for Earth hirself.
It goes against our nature not to attend to well-being.



Everything has a natural flow and a rhythm to it.


When something disrupts or interferes with that flow and rhythm, wellness is at risk. When wellness is at risk, so to is perception, vision, function, sustainability and quality of life.


Attune, align and synchronize with natural rhythms.
Walk with the Moon and step into the Sacred Rhythm of Nature and You


Walking with the moon is one way to help attune to ourselves, to the inner and outer worlds, and to the optimal times for certain kinds of activities and endeavours.


When we are so attuned, we can step in/step out, take action/be still, claim/release, and make other such choices with the ease and grace of natural rhythms.


Moving with Moon through hir phases helps us learn and understand more about all these things.

Come, Walk with the Moon!
Next Cycle starts March 1st

Natural Rhythms includes

  •  4 Circle calls
  •  4 Moon Guides (aka work-play sheets)
  •  4 mid-phase Moon-Light messages
  •  Daily Moon Chart for the Cycle
  •  One-to-one Sacred Rhythms Guidance and Mentorship session to help you to ground Moon work in your personal life and/or profession/business.


Check out the  Natural Rhythms Offering to learn more and to register
** Special early bird (Feb 26) and friend offers too!


Would love to take a Walk with the Moon with you!


Nurture your Nature
Wisdom Wild
with Love and Moonlight

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WisdomWild: In Praise of Wolf

22.02.2014 in creatures

Wolf_vidClip1_cropx385In praise of Wolf.

Teacher, protector, community maker. Wolf brought many of us together for the first time and continues to teach us.


As many of you know,  I spent more than 30 years as a sustainability professional. WisdomWild is the riverbed of my spirituality; for me sustainability was (and is) the means for manifesting spirit’s sacred wisdom. For that reason I am ever-awed by the delicate, beautiful, magical balancing dance of change and cyclic renewal of natural systems, most especially those still integrally wild.  Fractal, moving, shifting, intricately interconnected woven organic threads of the most glorious life tapestry.


Just recently Wolf has revealed more of the wonder of it all. Invisible made visible.  If you like to fill your heart with wonder and joy and  delight and love (and learn some things too) then check out this ~ 4′ video. Soooo love it!


Much love to all, all-ways, always,
Nurture your Nature
With Love & Light

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Last Quarter Pause

22.02.2014 in moon&sky

Greetings to you this Last Quarter Moon!IMG_MoonWane_P1020636


I wonder how things are with you this last quarter Moon, appearing half lit,  and light waning.


I hesitate to talk about the weather given the variations and range of extremes across the land, but the weather story here has reflected themes common to the time of Full to last quarter Moon (0915 pst today) so it seems fitting to tell.


Grey days, low clouds creating felt pressure, tension. Rain falling is like a breath of releasing. Some mornings are orange-fuscia  moments of brightness and hopeful promise, and then  clouds come in again. Later perhaps sunshine breaks through, for a moment, for more moments, and maybe there’s a mostly blue-sky day. Unexpectedly, like  today, snow falls and paints white lines on rails, blankets rooftops, and softly dusts the just emerging crocus and primulas with surprise. The land itself is warm and cold, bright and dark. Snowfall colors one part of roadway white, another part a gleaming wet black, without apparent reason or logic. It sticks, it doesn’t.


The time between Full and LastQ, especially at this time of year, can be much like this weather story.  I expect that many of us like new beginnings,  seeing things grow, and the fullness of the light. Spring-summer-bright time. And our society, our culture likes such things so much it calls for more new, more striving,  more action and growth and building and doing, and we too can be driven to be always spring-summer.


In Natural Rhythms, and for well-being, however, after the full moon/‘summer’ comes LastQuarter/ ‘fall’. The days are not quite as bright; plant growth wanes;  flowers recede; fruit has ripened. Though there was  much to harvest, it is not now time to push or begin new. It is time now to slow and move inward.


The LastQ moon, light and dark reflected equally on hir face, is the midpoint of the Moon waning time. It marks another transitional time, a time calling for shift and change. A balance point followed by new direction. Though Moon still lights the sky, hir light grows weaker and shadow grows stronger. We enter the time of increasing dark, the deeper and deeper feminine, powerful and subtle.


Now is the time to release, let go, shed, simplify. Let the autumn leaves fall, and the thought-leaves that no longer serve drift away. Cleanse whatever doesn’t align with the truth of who you are or are becoming.


It is Time to enjoy and honor Pause.

Time to rest, recuperate, refresh, and rejuvenate.

Time to be present in the moment and find yourself in quiet stillness.

It is time to go deliciously inward.

It is time to reconnect deeply with the core essence of ourselves.

Time to be nourished and make space for the future that beckons and for the new cycle ahead.

Yes, Step in and align with Natural Rhythms of the Earth and Sky and you. Time to


Nurture your Nature.  .
with Love & Light


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Full-Hearted Moon

14.02.2014 in moon&sky

Greetings of the Full and Full-Hearted Moon! (1553h pst)



Such magic! The Month of Love, Valentine’s Day, Full Moon in big-hearted Leo, and Friday, a day sacred to Freya and Aphrodite both goddesses of love!


Breathe in the fullness and abundance of all the love and magic! Celebrate all that has been received since the New Moon dream sparks awoke.  Notice what of your fruits are ripening and what you may harvest that is aligned to your heart-wisdom truth of you.


Gather in the excitement of the quickening of the land and the Earth of you. All that has proceeded is rising to create and manifest dreams into being.


It is a time of both work and play (if we must make distinctions ;)). A time to take stock, a time for playful celebration, a time for sharing of gifts, a time for imagination, a time to further hone intentions and zone in on what is important to you in readiness for the next cycle.


May this day find you doing loving things, having loving thoughts, lovingly healing, and otherwise creating and expressing love, magic and wonder aligned with the essence of you for the greatest good.


Yes!  Nurture your Nature!
with Love & Light

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Love, Caring & Unity Expressed In Action

12.02.2014 in reflections

Personal Reflection:140214_Olympicsx350
In-Action Expressions of Love, Caring and Unity


I’ve been wowed by so many things during  this year’s Olympics. Most especially the graciousness, the selflessness, and the unity. My take-away so far is delight at the IN-ACTION EXPRESSION of us all being in this together and acting for the greatest good of all.  For example:


  1.  The new ‘team’ figure skating competition really up-levels purpose and serving the whole
  2.  Gilmore Junio, the Canadian speed skater giving up his spot to a favored team member who fell in the trials so he could compete (and win silver);
  3. The Canadian coach Justin Wadsworth who ran on to the track to give Russian cross-country skier a replacement ski so he could continue to compete
  4. The expressions of joy, support, and happiness for other competitors on their successes (and the clear heart-held visceral response when someone slipped or was injured)
  5. Gold winners pulling the silver and bronze winners on to the gold podium with them


Wow-able-d! Love it!


And, can’t resist including this: #6  Advocating for Unity: a playful, humorous (and ‘political’) stand for Unity. Gotta grin & love it!  http://9gag.tv/v/3300


Much Love and Joy to all!
Nurture your Nature


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