Full-Hearted Moon
14 Feb 2014, by moon&sky inGreetings of the Full and Full-Hearted Moon! (1553h pst)
Such magic! The Month of Love, Valentine’s Day, Full Moon in big-hearted Leo, and Friday, a day sacred to Freya and Aphrodite both goddesses of love!
Breathe in the fullness and abundance of all the love and magic! Celebrate all that has been received since the New Moon dream sparks awoke. Notice what of your fruits are ripening and what you may harvest that is aligned to your heart-wisdom truth of you.
Gather in the excitement of the quickening of the land and the Earth of you. All that has proceeded is rising to create and manifest dreams into being.
It is a time of both work and play (if we must make distinctions ;)). A time to take stock, a time for playful celebration, a time for sharing of gifts, a time for imagination, a time to further hone intentions and zone in on what is important to you in readiness for the next cycle.
May this day find you doing loving things, having loving thoughts, lovingly healing, and otherwise creating and expressing love, magic and wonder aligned with the essence of you for the greatest good.
Yes! Nurture your Nature!
with Love & Light