WisdomWild: In Praise of Wolf
22 Feb 2014, by creatures inTeacher, protector, community maker. Wolf brought many of us together for the first time and continues to teach us.
As many of you know, I spent more than 30 years as a sustainability professional. WisdomWild is the riverbed of my spirituality; for me sustainability was (and is) the means for manifesting spirit’s sacred wisdom. For that reason I am ever-awed by the delicate, beautiful, magical balancing dance of change and cyclic renewal of natural systems, most especially those still integrally wild. Fractal, moving, shifting, intricately interconnected woven organic threads of the most glorious life tapestry.
Just recently Wolf has revealed more of the wonder of it all. Invisible made visible. If you like to fill your heart with wonder and joy and delight and love (and learn some things too) then check out this ~ 4′ video. Soooo love it!
Much love to all, all-ways, always,
Nurture your Nature
With Love & Light