All Souls, Cross Quarter Soon
02.11.2023 in moon&sky, turnings Greetings of the Cross Quarter (exact 231107 @0836 PST) & Season Shift
…. nurturing presence …
Cross Quarter days mark the change of a season. For this one, here in the North, the start of winter; in the South, the beginning of Summer. We are at a point ~half way between Equinox and Solstice. It is is also the midpoint of Scorpio Season (all Cross Quarters occur at the midpoint of the fixed signs).
At this time of year in the North it is time of Samhain (and Halloween, Day of the Dead, All Souls Day). In the South, Beltane holds focus. While these sacred times now have fixed dates by tradition (Oct 31/Nov1/2), the actual cross-quarter this year is November 7 (exact @0836pst).
In the North it is a time for remembering all those that have gone before; for honouring endings; and for gratitude. The energy calls us to slow and move inward; to immerse in the deepening dark, and transform what has been into sustenance for the future.
In the South we draw on this sustenance and the increasing Light to flourish anew. It is a time of increasing activity and expression outward in the Lands. A time for dancing and bonfires and fertility rituals. It is a time to choose what we want to tend and amplify.
As we enter this new season under a waning Moon we are called to release what no longer serves and enter into the feminine deep. Feminine energy abounds now through to the Cross Quarter (10 /11 planets in fem signs. Wow!). It is a purrfect time to draw in and steep oneself in the gentleness, receptivity, deep nurture, firm ground, strong boundaries and increased intuition and creativity the feminine energy offers.
Between now and Solstice, we will be transiting through Scorpio and Sagittarius. Time to flow with the Waters and dance with the Fire.
Sun in Scorpio wants to flow into the mystery; to explore and fully embrace the cycle of life, death and rebirth. She calls us to go deep to find what is buried; to clear, cleanse, shed or transform whatever no longer serves; and to be reborn fully empowered to Be. Then, rising like a Phoenix with firey wings, we move to dance with Sagittarius’s flaming bow.
Sagittarius is all about light and breadth and curiousity and dancing with joy. Sag strips any remnants of fear, doubt or hesitation, and replaces them with confidence and enthusiasm. It’s time for laughter, happiness, new experiences, and carefree good times. From the dark into the Light, transformed, and transforming still.
Wherever we are, and whatever our journeys may be, we are called to seek alignment with the natural rhythms of Earth and Cosmos. Time to connect deeply with Source. Time to tune to the Sacred: to Earth, Air, Fire,Water and Spirit; to their practical gifts and their abundant wisdom. And time always to…
Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light
May you flow with Water and dance with Fire &
and may you nurture and deepen
Peace, Love, and Serenity
this season
And, from here in the North, Cat sends Samhain greetings. :)
IMAGE NOTES: Photos, Art & Compilations by Fiona/wisdomwild except as noted. Other images are cut and modified (C&M) from various sources as follows:
>Main Image Compilation: Ginger: C&M from Gecko Farms | Centre Sun: C&M Wall decor found at Wayfair
>Other Image: Cat window hanging : C&M from Amazon