

1st Q Taurus Moon

26.01.2015 in moon&sky

150126_compCrop_x385Greetings of the first quarter moon (exact at 2048 pst). Light and dark in equal measure. A calling to pause and balance.


The Moon moved into Taurus this morning. With Taurus comes reminders and energetic support for grounding; and for investing time and energy only in that which serves you. Taurus will expose ‘wastes’ of time and or drifts from focus. Remember also that Saturn continues in Scorpio and that’s all about standing your ground.


During this pause of the waxing half lit moon, move into the roots of you deep and wide, and take notice of the ground upon which you firmly stand.


Reflect on the seeds and wishes you held at Moon dark. | Consider what actions you could be take to move forward in alignment with these desires. | Open to ways both old and new. Use Taurus eyes to see that which is most important for connection, balance and alignment within you and for your greatest good. These are things to which to attend.


The ‘step back’ with Mercury that calls us into the quiet, provides us time and space to explore and to integrate. Allow compassion, sensitivity, kindness, peace and creativity to flow to you and surround you as Venus moves into Pisces tomorrow.


Snowdrops and early crocus are already blooming here in the North. The land is stirring, awakening, activating. As you move forward into the increasing moonlight, attend that which you wish to activate and celebrate in this cycle, this year, and this wondrous Being of you.


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light

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Aquarius Dark Moon Lights

20.01.2015 in moon&sky

150120_Comp_x385wGreetings of the New Super Moon in Aquarius (exact at 0514pst)…  And a whole lot else!


Wow, there’s a whole lot goin’ on and I’m not sure where to start. The energies these past few days have been rather weird…. or maybe that should be wyrd. Have you noticed? From what I’ve been hearing from folk, and experiencing myself, I expect you have. Ramdha Cat has been meowling long and loud for three days; that itself signaled something was up. So what is it?


Let’s start with the intensification of Aquarius energy. Venus and Mercury (remember they entered Aquarius the day before and on the full Moon respectively) have been joined by both Sun and dark Moon in Aquarius today. Key themes: New beginnings! New perspectives, new insights and new ways of being. Yup, change is in the air.


This Moon is the fourth consecutive moon (of five) at 00 degrees; in Aquarius new beginnings are emphasized. This is also a Super Moon so the effects and impacts of change are strengthened. The tides are high and the upsurge of this water energy pulls on our emotions. Breathe in the fresh, release the old, plant yourself firmly on the ground.


Mercury is moving to stand still and retrograde tomorrow. That backwards dance in combination with the Super Moon can have things feeling a bit ‘zapped.’ Case on point: Today both the office light standard and the heater sparked and stopped (not at the same time); email went down and was inaccessible for several hours; the internet moved in fitz and starts as it has been increasingly these last couple of days. Uh huh. Okay. Shift, shift, shift.


In case you have been experiencing some other kinds of pulls and stumblings, here are a couple of other things to keep in mind during this time.


Mars is conjunct Neptune (since Jan 12, peeked Jan 19 and continues until Jan 29). Mars wants action, Neptune wants to dream. It’s a fire and water thing ;). Make a cup of tea and focus on their collaboration.
Saturn squares this conjunction so it can feel a bit like driving with the brakes on. Ease up on both the accelerator and the brake (inside and out) and let the dream drift into action


Mars moved into Pisces ~ a week ago. Yes, another fire and water engagement. Push- pull, start- stop, flow-stall, hot- cold, and some variable production effects until things are brought in tune. Let it go and trust a new song is birthing it’s way into being.


That returns us to new beginnings and change . Let’s not forget the 2012-2015 Uranus-Pluto configuration. Right now Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) is strongly highlighted (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus all in Aqua)
This is all about awakening, enlightenment, revolution, evolution, future and change.


Uranus is also into a position (conjunct South Node) we haven’t experienced in >150 years. It is a configuration that empowers healing of all that we have brought forward from the ancient past. It heralds a time of releasing and moving forward into a future the Heart truth of you has dreamed.


It is time to surrender and receive the blessings of Moon Dark. Time to step back with Mercury and view big pictures.  Time to attend to the cosmic seeds you want to nourish as the light of the Moon gains.  Attend to what you wish to bring into being for the greatest good for you, others and Earth.


Breathe, release, pause, shift. Repeat. Again.


Heed the call, the whispers, the signs. Connect deeply, frequently, with Heart of you, your Truth, your Wisdom, your knowing inner Muse. Yes please Dear Ones,


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light,

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13.01.2015 in reflections



The LastQ Moon called me again to reflect on balance.


I love it when I have it.

I seek to re-find and reclaim it when I wobble or fall.


My balance practices include dance, log walking, and stones balancing, among other things.

Yesterday as I played with my own stones reflecting on the half lit moon and balance, I was moved to write:




An art of stillness and action:
concentration and focus:, and
letting go.


It is play and contemplation
a meditation dance
of BE-ing Here Now.


I invite you to dance. Log walk. Balance some stones.

Or, if you’d like to spend a few minutes in open-eyes meditating on balance, I recommend getting a cup of tea and watching artist Michael Grab’s video. I watched without sound (because I didn’t realize there was a soundtrack) and recommend doing so. You can find it here.


Yes, more gifts to
Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light


IMG: Balanced heart rocks by Miha Brinovec

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Visioning and the Senses

13.01.2015 in reflections

150113_VisionP1040360_x300wsigIn my waning Moon post, I mentioned it has been a creative time these last few weeks. Most recently that has meant painting and writing, to inquire, imagine and inform the year ahead.


As some of you may know, I have been working with artist/poet Shiloh Sophia McCloud for some time  now. It was wondrous to join her again in visioning the coming year.


We worked with the senses, eight of them. You know 5 senses most certainly (sight, sound, scent, taste, touch), and probably the 6th (intuition), but how about the ‘sense’ that is of and from the sexual center (2nd chakra)? Or the sense that integrates and draws on and from all the others (creativity)? Perhaps there are others you could add; I certainly have begun to wonder.


The senses for me have always been powerful informers, advisors, delighters, and way-makers. They fill me with a feeling of blessed aliveness.


Visioning from the center of the senses is very powerful. I invite you to deeply connect with each of the senses. What do you want to experience from each of the senses? Draw them into whatever visioning you undertake and


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light

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LastQ waning moon

13.01.2015 in moon&sky

150113_compile2-CROPx385Greetings of the Half Moon waning!


The last quarter Moon (exact @ 0146 pst) was in Libra. As I write (1544 pst) the Moon moves into Scorpio.


Reflect for a moment. This whole Capricorn cycle, together with strong energies of Aquarius, has been about initiating, and about insight, inspiration and transformation. It is a time of imagining and visioning.


Now, as the last quarter Moon appears, it is time to gather up what was begun with the Capricorn new Moon three weeks ago. For me these weeks have been a very creative time and, like a child called in from play at the end of the day, I want to keep playing. I am having fun and I want to continue. I feel resistance inside and out and I’d rather I didn’t. Does this echoe at all for you?


Something wants to move; something else resists. This is the tension of a quarter Moon. This phase is also connected to the 1stQ Moon in Capricorn in October so whatever was prevalent then may resurface. Add to this the recent shift from Libra to Scorpio Moon , and things can feel a bit wobbly at this time.


Remember the wisdom of the Cancer Full Moon. Take a slow breath and draw in nurturing energy and self care. Recognize the wisdom of wrapping a warm cloak around oneself as the dark draws near. Like the Earth blanket of trees that provides air and  cleanses the water by re-cycling, it is time to move with the turnings.


The half lit Moon calls us to attend to balance At exact, she was in Libra further emphasizing the call to balance and supporting our resonant response. (Some today  musings on balance can be found in reflections)


Now the waning Moon moves into the deeper dark and into Scorpio. Scorpio Moon supports our journey into the dark and makes the potential that lies in the dark more attractive.


It is time to gather up what was begun in this cycle. Time to begin to release and empty in preparation for the new Moon. Time to wrap oneself up in the cloak of feminine wisdom and begin the journey deep within, deep into the sacred heart center of you.


This is the shifting called for this turn of the Moon.


As you move into the deep dark, imagine preparing your ‘field’ to welcome the sparkles and whispers that and Aquarius Moon dark will bring. Live in the  Truth of you there.
Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light

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