1st Q Taurus Moon
26 Jan 2015, by moon&sky inGreetings of the first quarter moon (exact at 2048 pst). Light and dark in equal measure. A calling to pause and balance.
The Moon moved into Taurus this morning. With Taurus comes reminders and energetic support for grounding; and for investing time and energy only in that which serves you. Taurus will expose ‘wastes’ of time and or drifts from focus. Remember also that Saturn continues in Scorpio and that’s all about standing your ground.
During this pause of the waxing half lit moon, move into the roots of you deep and wide, and take notice of the ground upon which you firmly stand.
Reflect on the seeds and wishes you held at Moon dark. | Consider what actions you could be take to move forward in alignment with these desires. | Open to ways both old and new. Use Taurus eyes to see that which is most important for connection, balance and alignment within you and for your greatest good. These are things to which to attend.
The ‘step back’ with Mercury that calls us into the quiet, provides us time and space to explore and to integrate. Allow compassion, sensitivity, kindness, peace and creativity to flow to you and surround you as Venus moves into Pisces tomorrow.
Snowdrops and early crocus are already blooming here in the North. The land is stirring, awakening, activating. As you move forward into the increasing moonlight, attend that which you wish to activate and celebrate in this cycle, this year, and this wondrous Being of you.
Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light