

Waxing Moon Half-lit in Virgo

17.06.2021 in moon&sky

Greeting Waxing Moon Half-lit (exact @2054 PDT) in Virgo


… discernment, presence, balance… 


At this waxing Moon energy is rising towards Solstice (Jun 20) and Moon-full (Jun24). We are also in the last few days of the Gemini Sun so there’s a feeling of both something closing/ending; and something opening/beginning. Now at Moon half-lit we are in the moment ‘between’. Time to honour the gifts of the season passing away; and time to release what no longer serves. Time to pause and consider what we wish to newly create and cause. Time to review and revise plans, and to realign. And time to begin to initiate action.


Virgo Moon asks us to move more of our knowing into practice. She wants discipline, responsibility and careful, detailed plans. Gemini Sun craves freedom and wants to change anything and everything in the moment. Although seemingly contrary, both want results and together they are a highly creative force. They calls us to bring more flexibility and adaptability into play (Sun, Moon & 3 more planets in mutable signs); and to devote our increased mental acuity (both Virgo & Gemini are mentally active) to improving health and well-being for ourselves and for Earth and all hir life forms.


The call to balance, and to the melding and harmonizing of opposing forces, is strong (Moon half-lit, into Libra in a few hours, planets in masc/fem signs) and the energy of duality is heightened (furthered by Sat-Uranus influence). We are asked to discern the gifts embodied in apparent opposites. The call for freedom also continues strong (ongoing Saturn-Uranus effects) and we are urged to find ‘right balance’ between the tried and true; and the evolutionary shifts that are needed to improve the well-being of all. Elemental energy in relative balance strengthens our efforts.


Despite energy rising with the waxing Moon and the busy-ness of June/Gemini season, we are called to slow, be still, and focus on what is most important to us (3Rx and Jup-R soon). Time to pause and listen within. Time to assimilate and integrate all that has come. Time for discernment. Time to deeply Earth all we dream and all we treasure and hold precious. Time for gently nourishing new visions into Being.


Weave thoughts and hands throughout each day
Fully embrace your wisdom ways


Invite the winds to spread your dreams far and wide
let them drift, settle and be magnified


Now imagine the soft warmth of Virgo Earth
receiving your vision seeds to newly birth


Bring all things into alignment
Create a future that’s vibrant


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you find both stillness and movement, and
may you be richly Earthed and free like the Winds this Moon












IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goddess: cut & modified image of wood sculpture. Artist unknown. | Fox: cut & modified image from the Invasive Species Initiative, photo by Karen Bullock | Daisy Mums (a Virgo flower): cut & modified image found at Seed Corner Seeds

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Moon Dark-New in Gemini + S. Eclipse

09.06.2021 in moon&sky

Welcome Moon Dark-new (exact 210610 @0353 PDT) in Gemini + Solar Eclipse @0341


… discern, learn, reset … 


Moon dark-new marks the beginning of a new cycle of possibilities. The Solar Eclipse heralds both beginnings and endings, and strongly calls us to prepare for a new future (North Node eclipse). The times can be intense (more so w/ Sun/Eclipse-MercR conj). We can expect sudden shifts in direction, a course-rethink, major changes, and the unexpected (esp w Sat-Uranus exact soon). It is a powerful time for re-invention, re-creation, transformation and reset/resurrection (halo eclipse). A time to begin a brand new chapter.


In Gemini the emphasis is on how we think, communicate and interact with the world; and particularly on how thought creates our experienced reality. Gemini activates a desire for logic, reason, knowledge, learning and growth; and the Twins are eager to explore a multitude of diverse ideas and experiences. At the same time, however, other alignments tend to blur vision, hamper the ability to discern fact from fiction, and otherwise cause some vision/mind fuzziness and confusion (Neptune- Sun/Moon/Merc-R). It’s a time to keep questioning; and to trust intuition and inner knowing.


Rather than moving quickly forward with the new, it is a time to move slow (3 Rx planets & more soon) and to carefully process whatever new ideas, opportunities and changes may arise. Yes, push-pull energies are heightened (Sat-Uranus), but the Twins embrace the spaces of Life’s often polarised opposites, and delight in bouncing back and forth, melding and integrating, in service of liberation and authenticity. We are also more able to make connections across dimensions and ordinary boundaries (Moon-Neptune); and Air energy helps us to be flexible and ready for movement (4 planets in Air signs). Although things may still feel at bit uncertain, messy or complicated, we are guided by heightened emotions (4 planets in Water signs) and an increased awareness of what we truly desire (Venus now in Cancer).


It’s a time to surrender to the flows (supported by both Water and Air energies). A time to trust intuition. A time to attend to our own truth and inner wisdom. A time to expand our vision. A time to dive into a multiplicity of possibilities. A time to fully focus on what we want. An it’s time to seed beauty, truth and all that we love.


Gently arise from the feminine mystery
Imagine writing new future hirstory


Dance across and between opposing progressions
Tune to your heart for connection and direction


Now is the time to deeply feel
the ideals you wish to make real


Choose the seeds that you will nourish
Choose now what you will have flourish


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you be delighted by new discoveries,
intrigued by possibilities,
and deeply steeped in all you Love










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Twins: cut & modified temporary sculpture by David Mesguich, France 2018 | Bee: Cut & modified image found on Google. Artist unknown | Ranunculus (1) and Goldenrod (2): Gemini flowers: cut & modified image from (1) Easy to Grow Bulbs & (2) Not So Hollow Farm

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Moon Full in Sagittarius + eclipse

25.05.2021 in moon&sky

Greeting Moon Full (exact 210526 @0414 PDT) in  Sagittarius

+ Total Lunar Eclipse @0418


… revelation, renovation, transformation… 


As always with full Moons, emotions are more intense and powerful,  and intuition and creative energy is high. As a Super Moon (3rd of 4 in a row), and with a total Lunar Eclipse* as well, Moon-full effects are significantly amplified and intensified. It’s a time of completion, revelation and realization; a time for deep releasing (south node eclipse); and a potent time for change and transformation (combo of Super Moon, eclipse, Sat-Rx & ongoing Sat-Uranus SQ).


Full Moons are always revealing; they bring clarity and new truths to light. Under a SuperMoon and Eclipse, the ‘reveal’ is at a whole other level. We will likely feel compelled to transcend whatever has inhibited, hampered or stalled our well-being and progress. This Eclipse is all about clearing past karma. It’s a time to unpack, unclog, purge, release and cleanse. A time to review, reassess, and restructure (eclipse + Sat-Rx & ongoing Uranus-Saturn SQ). A time to reboot and reset. A time to embody freedom, truth and wholeness; and a time to recast and reclaim personal power.


Sag Moon supports our endeavors by bringing a dedication to ideals; an interest in adventure and learning; and a desire to find deeper meaning. Questing for the truth the archer takes hir aim. This time the arrow is pointed directly at ourselves. We are urged to delve into everything in Sag’s quest: freedom, adventure, new experiences, new perspectives and higher/greater wisdom. Yes, we are invited/pushed into the challenge of change but optimism and enthusiasm is high (Sag Moon + Jup influence); our imagination and ability to envision is heightened; and there is great potential for new understanding, transcendence, transformation and expansion (Jup-Moon, Jup in Pisces).


Overall, there is very strong support for moving inward (eclipse, waning Moon + 3Rx planets as of Saturday). Time to take stock of all that’s been revealed. Time to complete and release what does not serve. Time to attend only to what’s in our direct control and in need of priority attention. Time to slow and quiet things down. Time to be present in the fullness of the moment. And, as Moon wanes, time to further slow into stillness and nourish ourselves with joy, beauty and wonderment.


This Moon-full occurs with an eclipse
Time to clear away old karmic scripts


Centaur aims arrows directly at the heart
of all you believe about your life and arts


Time to distill and discern
what to keep and what to burn


Illuminate, elevate and radiate
all there is to venerate and celebrate


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you inspiring revelations, sweet transcendence,
& expansive transformation this Moon



IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted.  Main Image: Archer: cut & modifed image by Ferdinant Preiss | Muscari (a Sag flower): cut & modifed image found on Amazon

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Waxing Moon Half-lit in Leo

19.05.2021 in moon&sky

Greeting Waxing Moon Half-lit (exact @1213 PDT) in Leo (in Virgo @1359)


… love courage action expansion…

At this waxing Moon momentum is building towards the upcoming Supermoon (the ‘biggest’ of the year) and total lunar eclipse. Now half-lit, it’s time to pause, centre and renew balance. Time to reflect; review and clarify plans; and begin to initiate action.


Leo Moon brings inspiration, creativity, playfulness, courage and pride. She calls us to attune to our inner Fire and to express our unique selves with big-hearted Love. Taurus provides stability, strength, sensuality, serenity and strong foundations. Together they invite us to gather strength and sustenance from the Earth beneath our feet; ignite our passions; and strengthen our convictions (both fixed signs). We are called to both nurture home comfort (Taurus) and relish in the freedom of new adventures (Leo).


This energy was present a month ago when we also had a waxing Moon half-lit in Leo (210419). At that time, it was the first day of Taurus season, and Moon had only just entered Leo. Today is the last day of Taurus season and Moon is about to leave Leo. By now we are likely to be feeling strongly grounded; more appreciative of what is around us; and more self-empowered as well. It’s time to feel the fullness of the gifts received, and to consider how we will carry them forward.


However we decide to carry gifts forward, creativity, curiosity, playfulness, and self-expression will continue to be in the field (Leo shares these energetics with Gemini: Sun in Gem ‘morrow) as will support for practical action (Moon in Virgo @1359h). Pleasure-filled pursuits and loving ways are also supported (Venus-Sat trine) and we are likely to feel a rising wave of optimism, confidence and cheerfulness (Moon-Jupiter). Intuition, compassion, empathy, kindness and faith are all heightened; as is our faith/hope for the future and our capacity to see ‘the bright side’ (Jupiter now in Pisces and free of Saturn influence). It’s a time for mystical visions and big dreams (both Jup & Nep in Pisces).


It’s time to fuel our inner Fire. Time to open to new journeys and new learnings. Time to expand joy, love, creative self-expression, and the fullness of Being. Time to welcome a bounty of blessings. Time for our sacred seeds to come into bloom.

Seeds of sacred purpose are planted in your heart
Time to nurture them forth, these your ultimate art


Time to ground your truth and free your wild
Tap the wisdom of your inner child


Enjoy Fire’s warmth and Leo’s purrs
Be nourished by Earth and all that’s Hir’s


Play, love, joy and inspiration sing
Express your radiant everything


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light

Wishing you curiosity, creativity, inspired imaginings,
and sweet blossoming this Moon








IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Lioness: cut & modifed image from Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary | Virgo: cut & modified image from painting by Leonardo da Vinci | Marigolds: cut & modified image from Dave’s Garden

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Moon Dark-New in Taurus

11.05.2021 in moon&sky

Welcome Moon Dark-New (exact @1200 PDT) in Taurus


… stability, beauty, sensuality, embodiment …


Moon dark-new signals the beginning of a new lunar energy cycle. She calls us to begin to stir and to rise from the feminine deep. It’s time to tune to the essence of all that we desire; time to create visions of all to which we aspire; and time to fortify our intentions.


In Taurus we are invited to revel in the senses and to find beauty and harmony in the physical world. We are asked to slow down; appreciate all that provides comfort and a sense of home (in body, Spirit and on Earth); and enjoy all that is available in the present moment. Taurus brings sustenance and a fertile, stabilizing influence. She soothes, nurtures, feeds, and takes ease very seriously. We are called to rethink resource use; get creative with our material lives; and to become more fully embodied (heightened by Moon-Lilith conj). Time to nurture all that we value; time to enjoy simple pleasures; and time to choose our new seeds.


The current strong energy for new beginnings (new Moon+ 11:11:11:11 – Uranus, Mars, Chiron at 11 deg on May11) empowers new growth, new ideas, new projects, and a new cycle of deepening connection to self (Taurus). Our imagination is heightened and we are encouraged to find ways to make our visions tangible (Moon-Neptune) and to focus, in particular, on visions concerned with security, comfort and the freedom to be (Lilith influence).


Elemental energies support us in connecting and translating ideas/ideals to the real/physical world (4 planets in Air signs; 4 in Earth). We’ll likely find ourselves thinking more clearly (Merc-Saturn ‘morrow); feeling more stable and more grounded in reality and in our sense of purpose (Taurus+Moon-Pluto); and finding inner peace more easily (Sun-Nep ‘morrow).Yes, change continues to be in the air (Uranus/Taurus-Saturn/Aqua SQ) and we may at times feel vulnerable (Mars-Chiron) but there’s also support for progressive forward movement (Mars-Uranus). The time is lush for growth and gains, both material and spiritual. Time to take a new look at Life’s possibilities.


Time to tune to the all that provides a rich sense of ‘home’. Time to enjoy Nature and immerse in Earth’s beauty. Time to relish in the senses and become more in-bodied. Time to receive blessings and move wishes, dreams and heart-truth into the physical realm. Time to nurture our sacred seeds and plant a re-envisioned future.


Arise out of the stillness and move slow
Tune to the senses wherever you go


Find seeds that hold what’s most profound
Plant them deeply in rich, firm ground


Time to create beauty, peace and sanctuary
Time to embody the evolutionary


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you deep comfort, sensual rapture
& the many blessings of Life in form this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Taurus: cut & modified from image of figurine on Etsy |

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