Moon Full in Sagittarius + eclipse
25 May 2021, by moon&sky inGreeting Moon Full (exact 210526 @0414 PDT) in Sagittarius
+ Total Lunar Eclipse @0418
… revelation, renovation, transformation…
As always with full Moons, emotions are more intense and powerful, and intuition and creative energy is high. As a Super Moon (3rd of 4 in a row), and with a total Lunar Eclipse* as well, Moon-full effects are significantly amplified and intensified. It’s a time of completion, revelation and realization; a time for deep releasing (south node eclipse); and a potent time for change and transformation (combo of Super Moon, eclipse, Sat-Rx & ongoing Sat-Uranus SQ).
Full Moons are always revealing; they bring clarity and new truths to light. Under a SuperMoon and Eclipse, the ‘reveal’ is at a whole other level. We will likely feel compelled to transcend whatever has inhibited, hampered or stalled our well-being and progress. This Eclipse is all about clearing past karma. It’s a time to unpack, unclog, purge, release and cleanse. A time to review, reassess, and restructure (eclipse + Sat-Rx & ongoing Uranus-Saturn SQ). A time to reboot and reset. A time to embody freedom, truth and wholeness; and a time to recast and reclaim personal power.
Sag Moon supports our endeavors by bringing a dedication to ideals; an interest in adventure and learning; and a desire to find deeper meaning. Questing for the truth the archer takes hir aim. This time the arrow is pointed directly at ourselves. We are urged to delve into everything in Sag’s quest: freedom, adventure, new experiences, new perspectives and higher/greater wisdom. Yes, we are invited/pushed into the challenge of change but optimism and enthusiasm is high (Sag Moon + Jup influence); our imagination and ability to envision is heightened; and there is great potential for new understanding, transcendence, transformation and expansion (Jup-Moon, Jup in Pisces).
Overall, there is very strong support for moving inward (eclipse, waning Moon + 3Rx planets as of Saturday). Time to take stock of all that’s been revealed. Time to complete and release what does not serve. Time to attend only to what’s in our direct control and in need of priority attention. Time to slow and quiet things down. Time to be present in the fullness of the moment. And, as Moon wanes, time to further slow into stillness and nourish ourselves with joy, beauty and wonderment.
This Moon-full occurs with an eclipse
Time to clear away old karmic scripts
Centaur aims arrows directly at the heart
of all you believe about your life and arts
Time to distill and discern
what to keep and what to burn
Illuminate, elevate and radiate
all there is to venerate and celebrate
Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light
Wishing you inspiring revelations, sweet transcendence,
& expansive transformation this Moon
IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted. Main Image: Archer: cut & modifed image by Ferdinant Preiss | Muscari (a Sag flower): cut & modifed image found on Amazon