Waxing Moon Half-lit in Virgo
17 Jun 2021, by moon&sky inGreeting Waxing Moon Half-lit (exact @2054 PDT) in Virgo
… discernment, presence, balance…
At this waxing Moon energy is rising towards Solstice (Jun 20) and Moon-full (Jun24). We are also in the last few days of the Gemini Sun so there’s a feeling of both something closing/ending; and something opening/beginning. Now at Moon half-lit we are in the moment ‘between’. Time to honour the gifts of the season passing away; and time to release what no longer serves. Time to pause and consider what we wish to newly create and cause. Time to review and revise plans, and to realign. And time to begin to initiate action.
Virgo Moon asks us to move more of our knowing into practice. She wants discipline, responsibility and careful, detailed plans. Gemini Sun craves freedom and wants to change anything and everything in the moment. Although seemingly contrary, both want results and together they are a highly creative force. They calls us to bring more flexibility and adaptability into play (Sun, Moon & 3 more planets in mutable signs); and to devote our increased mental acuity (both Virgo & Gemini are mentally active) to improving health and well-being for ourselves and for Earth and all hir life forms.
The call to balance, and to the melding and harmonizing of opposing forces, is strong (Moon half-lit, into Libra in a few hours, planets in masc/fem signs) and the energy of duality is heightened (furthered by Sat-Uranus influence). We are asked to discern the gifts embodied in apparent opposites. The call for freedom also continues strong (ongoing Saturn-Uranus effects) and we are urged to find ‘right balance’ between the tried and true; and the evolutionary shifts that are needed to improve the well-being of all. Elemental energy in relative balance strengthens our efforts.
Despite energy rising with the waxing Moon and the busy-ness of June/Gemini season, we are called to slow, be still, and focus on what is most important to us (3Rx and Jup-R soon). Time to pause and listen within. Time to assimilate and integrate all that has come. Time for discernment. Time to deeply Earth all we dream and all we treasure and hold precious. Time for gently nourishing new visions into Being.
Weave thoughts and hands throughout each day
Fully embrace your wisdom ways
Invite the winds to spread your dreams far and wide
let them drift, settle and be magnified
Now imagine the soft warmth of Virgo Earth
receiving your vision seeds to newly birth
Bring all things into alignment
Create a future that’s vibrant
Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light
May you find both stillness and movement, and
may you be richly Earthed and free like the Winds this Moon
IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goddess: cut & modified image of wood sculpture. Artist unknown. | Fox: cut & modified image from the Invasive Species Initiative, photo by Karen Bullock | Daisy Mums (a Virgo flower): cut & modified image found at Seed Corner Seeds