Wisdom Wild | 1/4 Moon… Ah, Grasshopper


1/4 Moon… Ah, Grasshopper

15 Aug 2013, by Fiona in creatures, moon&sky

grasshopper_spiral_jimHoffman_cropHello Dear Ones!

Last night, the quarter moon – did you see it? – just leaving Scorpio; a potent ‘t-square’ peaked last night. For me, and for some of you perhaps, there’s been some intense and challenging times lately. Yes, we’re in a time of amplification of energy for transformation. The calling for paradigm shifting continues. Shifting has many aspects and a range of possible attendant experiences. I’ve spoken of this in various previous postings of the moon and sky. Today I want to speak to the matter a little differently…  Ah, Grasshopper (pic attached). . .

The evenings here are mostly quiet. Then just over a week ago, I heard Grasshopper; just one. I’d never heard grasshoppers here before. I listened; a lovely sound. I wondered what I might learn from Grasshopper.  Hmm. Leaping! Yes! I like leaping and I’d been feeling very mired and grrr about things not moving the way I wanted them to. Hmm… And then the next night there was Grasshopper again. The next night again only this time a few more. And the next night, more again, and so on until, truthfully, the sound was starting to get a big ‘buggy’ and echoed the frustration I was feeling inside. Okay, “Attend” I thought. What else has Grasshopper to teach me?

I had been imagining ‘progress’ moving step after step. Others seem to proceed well moving step by step and I’ve been trying to learn to do the same (with varying success and not). Watching others moving forward I was becoming discouraged that things weren’t moving forward for me in that way. Ah Grasshopper. Yes! I do prefer leaping.  I notice that I tend to sit, munch on things, let energy build, and then leap ahead rather than proceed by ordered step x step. Like Grasshopper. It is true: what works for me and what works for others may be different, at least sometimes.

As I reflect on the altogether, I focus on the paradigm shift and notice Grasshopper always leaps up or forward, never backward.  Good to note. And especially in this time of shifting, of letting go, and moving on into the new.   Breathe…

As Grasshopper breathes, a tympanic organ on their front legs is activated. Sound, rhythm, resonance. When Grasshopper moves her legs in different directions, she can locate source (of sounds).  For me this connection between breath and sensing and legs is significant.  Breathe… Sense… Trust inner voice Dance… Beat the drum…

Yes, be still…  in readiness.  Dance. Drum. Explore ways to leap newly. Breakthrough.  Breakout.  Break Free. Unfurl. And Leap! Into the new, dear ones, the new you and whole of you that has always been.

Now, as always, Nurture your Nature.
>Much Love you Dear Ones and much thanks Grasshopper.