Moon dark-new in Cancer
23 Jun 2017, by moon&sky inWelcome Moon Dark-New
(exact @1931 PDT)
in Cancer
Feel, Flow, Nourish
We are blessed by an abundance of waters this Moon, and strongly called into home, comfort, and remembering (6 planets in water signs, 4 of them in Cancer). We are encouraged to immerse ourselves in feeling and healing and nourishment.
Time to release all that compromises ease and peace. Time to connect with Great Mother/source (Cancer archetype) and flow into grace-filled space. Time to honor the deepest needs of our truest selves and bathe in our essential essence. This is a time for gentleness and tenderness and soothing nurture. Time to renew ourselves and all we love.
This watery energetic environment will be with us for a couple of weeks to come, with many other helpful aspects in the skies supporting healing, harmony, nourishment, strengthening, and deep connection with heart/soul desires. Draw on the gifts of the waters and flow in.
Cleanse with breathe, fire, water and sea salt
prepare to embrace your sacred gestalt
Dive deep into nourishing waters
splash, roll, and spin like playful Otter
Time now for your essence to honor
Ride with the waves and dance with the flow
feel into ease and peace and let go
Trust in the art of your heart
and let prayer-full seeds arise
for planting in the heart of your art
all things loving and wise
Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light
Wishing you ease-full flow, deep nourishment &
ever-more radiant essence this Moon
IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Water Woman: cut & modified from underwater photo by Kurt Arrigo | praying Goddess: cut & modified image from card by unknown | crystal Crab: by Swarovsky found on eBay