1st sliver moon
24 Nov 2014, by moon&sky in
We have moved from the deep dark waters of Scorpio death-rebirth into the joyful, uplifting, warming fire of Sagittarius and the energy of optimism and new adventures. Sagittarius wants to explore and expand; Moon shines hir light on the new beginnings.
The New Moon, joined by Venus, Ceres and Vesta in Sagittarius, together bring energies of connection, nurturing and wholeness. These feminine energies seek integration into the all of Earth and Cosmos.Under the first lights of the Moon, imagine the sparks you wish to fuel. Weave creativity and intuition into your imagining.
All the fire signs are in positive relationship boosting vision, inspiration and fun. Invite the energies of the grand trine (new Moon & Venus in Sag, Uranus in Aries, Juno & Jupiter in Leo) to radiate light and warmth in all areas of life.
This is the last Moon cycle before Solstice. In the South the days are filled with light and warmth; in the South it is time to breathe in all of these longer days. In the North we now move through the last of the darkening days of the year. Here we are called to create sparks in the dark; to expand ourselves; to breathe out and to share the warmth and light we carry within.
Wherever we stand as the wheel turns, Sagittarius calls us to express our truth, to share our wisdom, and to expand our consciousness. Empower your heart; let your Soul fire burn bright. And, always Dear Ones,
Nurture your Nature
with Love & |Light