Return of Moon Dark
28 May 2014, by moon&sky inGreetings of the Dark of the Moon. Welcome the Stars.
The sunshine increases in the northern hemisphere and calls us out to play. Sun and Moon trine Mars in Libra adds more strength to this season. The Grand Cross continues making for a bit of snakes and ladders, but we have a flowing grand water trine which helps with the shifts and changes.
If you’ve felt a bit of a tug-of-war within, or have noticed a desire for more rest and stillness, no surprise. It has been busy times in the past months and with the rising, emergent energy of the season. The season calls out, the moon calls us in; different turnings, different energetics of the wheel.
Now, under the dark of the moon (1140 pdt) we are called again into the stillness. It is time to release completely and step into the void both full and empty. Open to the not yet known; become fully empty and spacious to receive.
Sit for a while in the soft velvet dark. Sense into the earth roots of you. Feel nourishment rise up and drink it in. Mmm. Satiated, cast your eyes to the sky filled with stars, their multitudes and greater brilliance gifted us by Moon dark. Feel the sparkling delight tickling your being.
In this time of the Dark Moon, in this place between and joined with Earth & Sky, give intuition and inner wisdom room. Breathe in the blessings of roots and stars and breathe the blessings out too. Allow images, sounds, scents, tastes and possibilities to drift by or in. Notice what is calling to be attended or newly seeded and planted in the coming cycle. And let that go too.
Allow this time, fully present and empty under the Dark Moon, to transform and shift effortlessly. Trust in the heartTruth of you and all to whom and to which you are connected. Be in the Home of you.
And, as always,
Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light