22 Sep 2014, by turnings inGreetings on Mabon, the Autumnal Equinox (exact 1939 pdt)
Yesterday was hot and still. This morning dark clouds layered over white and sparks of light shone through between. Light and dark in equal measure. The winds rustled branches and leaves and grasses, as if clearing the way and heralding new change.
As I greet this Equinox day I feel almost suspended. Paused in a moment.
An art matriarch rests in hospital after open heart surgery – her heart always so open to All – and we are days waiting for her to awake and return to us.
We are present and contemplative.
We remember, blessing, gratitude. We converse with her through the cosmos. We work to let go of attachments, going with flow, while holding her strongly in our hearts. We send her and each other much love and support, honoring the journey, trusting in Spirit.
We are expressing the call of the turn of the wheel.
The wheel has turned to Mabon, the autumnal Equinox (exact at 1929h pdt). The trees release their leaves. Leaves blanket the earth and begin to decompose providing nourishment to the land and the smallest of creatures. Squirrels store up seeds and nuts. All is preparation for what is to come .
Today is a day of equal light and dark, calling attention to balance.
It is a gateway to the deepening dark. Like the time of the waning moon, it is time for slowing, for moving inward into the receptive feminine.
It is time to release what is ending. A time to compost, conserve and store nourishments. A time of change and transformation. A time to prepare for the season of equinox to solstice and the return of the light.
What will you return back to Earth to be recycled or into the winds to be scattered?
What do you want to conserve and store to nourish your body, heart and soul?
What do you imagine welcoming in at the return of the Light, and what do you need to nourish the possibilities?
Prepare the hearth to hold your fire through the cooling season. Make warm and beautiful your bed for the dreamings.
Honor the blessings of each turn of the wheel and, as always,
Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light