Wisdom Wild | Waxing Moon Half-lit in Cancer


Waxing Moon Half-lit in Cancer

31 Mar 2020, by Fiona in moon&sky

Greeting Waning Moon Half-lit (exact 200401 @0321 PDT) in Cancer


… pause, centre, uplift, manifest… 


At waxing Moon half-lit we are called to pause, centre and find balance. Energy is rising and with it, increased motivation to stay focussed. It’s time to check-in with ourselves, reflect, and re-examine our plans. Welcome the grace of Moon pause.


Cancer Moon brings the gifts of sensitivity, tenderness, empathy, and compassion. Hir powers open our hearts to anything that needs sustenance, nurturing, soothing or support. She activates intuition so that we know exactly what is needed in any moment. Hir focus is on home and personal space; emotions and boundaries are at the forefront. How reflective and appropriate to the times we are in.


Together with Aries Sun we are called to weave together and balance feeling and doing; intuition and action; inner reflection and outer expression. Supportive energies help us to align heart and mind (Moon-Merc trine); see new patterns and solutions (Pallas-Athene-Pluto); gain increased clarity concerning our values and visions (Merc + Pallas-Athene-Pluto); and become more inventive, progressive and less fear affected as we ‘up-level’ in these times (Mars in Aqua). The powers for healing are strong and incoming energy empowers action (Moon in Leo & Virgo later in week) and heightens creativity and manifesting abilities (Nep-Merc Saturday).


It is time to pause and find strength and calm within. Time to reflect, hone our intentions, and revitalize our plans for action. Time to fortify ourselves in stillness. Time to focus on home – in heart, mind, body, Spirit, and Place. Time to attend to the sanctuary of Being.


This Cancer waxing Moon half-lit
we are called to reveal true grit


These are times not customary
Time to nourish sanctuary


Weave peace together with head and heart
Embrace Spirit as your inner art


Align with all you appreciate
plant the vision you wish to create


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you create a sanctuary of peace, strength and calm
may your visions come into form this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goddess Selene: cut & modified image found on Greek Gods & Goddesses | Queen Anne’s Lace: cut & modified image found at Smart Seeds Emporium | Crab: cut & modified image found at Aquarium.org |