Wisdom Wild | WisdomWild: Letting Go (special message)


WisdomWild: Letting Go (special message)

22 Apr 2014, by Fiona in reflections

Life calls us, requires us, to let go again and again. It is the way of things. An aspect of journeying around the wheel, of each turn of the spiral.


The waning Moon reminds us of this lest we forget. To practice releasing with conscious intention.


Sometimes it’s easy for there are things that no longer serve and need to be swept away.

Sometimes we release our gifts in to the world and that can sometimes be hard to as we step in to that which is greater in us and embrace more of who we are here to be.

And sometimes it can be very much a struggle and heart-breaking as it has been at times these last few days in this Waning Moon.


My Dear Heart, feline friend, you who have gifted me so much in body and spirit. You gift me now with a peaceful, graceful journey of letting go. I know I hold you still, always in my heart and with me in Spirit. Through my tears I release so that there may be more and more room for you in the spaciousness in which I hold you warm and close. In my grief there is illumination.

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Much much much love and peace.


More and more the learning and wisdom embrace…

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