Moon Dark-New in Virgo
16 Sep 2020, by moon&sky inWelcome Moon Dark-New (exact 200917 @0400 PDT) in Virgo
… practical wisdom, reflection, intention…
Moon dark-new is a time of beginnings and fresh starts; a time to let go of what was, reset and decide on our intentions for this new cycle and beyond. In Virgo the focus is on health, healing, self-sufficiency, efficiency and common sense wisdom. We are asked to make basic, practical concerns paramount; and to focus on home, health and our connection to Nature.
With all the Earth energy present (6 planets in Earth signs) it is a potent time for deeply Earthing ourselves, our truths, our visions and our intentions. In this last week of Virgo Sun, we will likely feel an increasing urge to clean, clear and reorganize our nests (inside and out). We are called to tune to our senses, and to purify, refine and more deeply align with inner wisdom.
Supportive energies make this a Moon with which to build strong foundations; and one that can inspire us to re-commit and up-level our self-care (Earth energy +stabilizing Sun/Moon-Saturn trine).Things may move slow (6 planets still Rx) but that gifts us the time to closely consider how our choices/actions do or don’t support what we desire (esp w. Mars-Rx). Fortunately, we will likely find ourselves more objective (Moon in Libra @ 1156pdt & Sun in Libra soon), discerning, deliberate and decisive (Moon-Saturn trine). And, through a combination of order-making and surrender, we may even make this an opportunity to re-invent ourselves in some way (Moon/Virgo-Neptune/Pisces) ;)
Time to feel into the strength of our Earth connections. Time to embody practical wisdom. Time to focus on all that brings joy, freedom, peace and a sense of wholeness. Time for healing hearts and refining minds. Time to envision a new future into Being.
Virgo Moon brings practical wisdom
flowing in Nature’s sacred rhythms
Into Earth and the feminine deep
draw up wisdom from within hir keep
Open to receive radiant healing
Let the elixir infuse your Being
Time to expand your radiant heart
Time to express your most sacred art
Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light
Wishing you deep Earthing, embodied healing, &
wondrous re-emergence this Moon
IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goddess: cut & modified image from Mucha poster |