Wisdom Wild | July begins…


July begins…

02 Jul 2013, by Fiona in theme, turnings

Hello Dear Ones!

‘Tis July and sunshine has arrived here! Yippee! :) . . . “Summer time and the living is easy… “. . . I’m still working towards getting a website up and audio/video technology aligned to serve so still in these by-hand emails. Hopefully soon there will be something else to see and hear. For now…

July Quick notes: Growth, change, and evolution all at once in accelerated possibility. Aligned there is much support for breakthrough, creativity and manifestation.

It is a time for Expansion + discipline/focus and spirit-magic ;)  Many possibilities so take a look at where you feel constrained and where you feel expanding. Work with the tight places and breathe space around them to do whatever work is needed; receive the letting go experience with welcome. This week the transition energy from June is still about so expect more clarity to show up around situations and possibilities.  Look also at areas that may lack discipline and commit to increasing focus where needed. Open space and presence for the flow and trust what is right for you will show up.

Expansion calls for an openness to receive beyond that which we might imagine. Yes, this may mean moving beyond the comfort zone;and that is what we’re being called to do. To open to giving and receiving beyond that which we may have so far imagined. Make time to  be. Discipline provides grounding and focus. Ensure regular  practice for  grounding and clear, focussed intention whilie still having room for the unexpected and magical to occur and be noticed.  Always focus on the positive, take time to listen, stay curious.

I will bring more another time. In the meantime, A beautiful piece came across my desk just moments ago. It’s a beautiful (word & image) piece on the years 2013, 2014 & 2015.   I hope you enjoy it as much I have. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eBen3Um_So&sns=em
Now Nurture Your Nature and live WisdomWild
Much love