

New Moon First Sliver

05.11.2013 in moon&sky

newMoon_byMichaelMenefeeHello Dear Ones!

Did you spend time sitting in stillness in the dark of the moon? Did you feel shifting energies of  Sunday’s solar eclipse?

These are  Magical times. The dark of the moon: a time to reset. An eclipse: a time of reset. Scorpio: time to go deep and deeper.  Deeper and deeper exploring the nest of ourselves born of Earth and Stars.

Here all at once the callings of the past several months merge with increased intensity. It is as if we have been and are living a rising crescendo through various moments accelerated.

There has been and still is much going on. Releasing and claiming is an ongoing practice. Daily practice. Always. Turning ourselves inside out, outside in, shifting, moving forward and deepening the practices aligned and resonant with our hearts.

Listen. The veils parted and Samhain Crone beckoned  us to release, remember and welcome visions and voices.  The Dark of the Moon, the stillness place, empty of this or that, before a turning. Listen. Listen to the Whispers. Listen to the tappings in your body, the coursing of your blood, the beat of your heart. Listen to the song, the Medicine Song born with you. Listen to Truth. Receive the boons of listening.

Yes, in the listening we have heard voices of doubt and fear and uncertainty. We look them in the face and see their fictions, old stories that no longer serve. Release. Release these old stories and their practices. They no longer serve the new, more expansive you, whether embryonic, gestating,  re-birthing or fully reborn.

Step in, step forward. Dar a luz. Give to the light. Give birth to yourself with reverence, connection, and loving nurturance. The stepping in and stepping forward  is healing. It is what connects us. It is love filling.

Tonight if the sky is clear you will see the first tiny sliver of the light of the new moon following the sun’s setting. Another cycle begins. This cycle is highly charged and it supports great productivity and movement. Release and reset may still be in process but now is the time to deeply plant the reset.

Stand in the power of the exploration and clearing undertaken these past several months.  Personal ‘rules’ have been rewritten. Intentions have new clarity and precision. Practices which serve have been identified and honed.  Delight and strength in ‘don’t know’ discipline has been gained. Step forward into the moon light. As it grows with Light, feel the Light grow in and with you.

Be diligent. Be consistent. Be present. Trust  your Heart. Trust Spirit. Join hands. We are in this together.

And always, Dear Ones, Nurture Your Nature
Much Love

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October Full Moon & Eclipse

18.10.2013 in eclipse, moon&sky

Hello Dear Ones!moonWoman1

Here we are. Day of Aries Full Moon (1638PDT), penumbral eclipse (minutes later), and the season deepening into the dark of the year here in the Northern Hemisphere.
NB you can see eclipse animation here

How are You? Are you enjoying Fall colors and looking forward to roots and squash soup? Or are you feeling like you are squash soup (or bug soup) itself? ;)  No worries!  It’s all good! Yes, All of it!

Sink in to whatever Is and just breathe… slowly in, slowly out…. Breathe out what needs release with gratitude at the gifts and the passing …. Breathe in the Peace, Love, Wonder,  and Majesty of your Heart Space…  See it. Be in it. Hang out there awhile…. Mmm..  Yummy.

As always, Full Moon is both about celebrating your successes and gains; and releasing that which you know no longer serves.  Yes, the breathing in, the breathing out.  Receiving and letting go; taking in and giving out. Balance. Harmony. Continuing themes.

And Change. We continue to be called to transform old ways; to let go of that which holds us afraid or separate. Saturn in Scorpio continues to offer exceptional support for this mandate. And Mercury crossing back forth over the North Node (3x Oct5-Nov3) helps to stir up issues from the deep so they can be released. Stay present. In the Now moment. Seek a fluid balance.

There’s still shaking goin’ on and layers of often intense energies. The various details are a bit of a complex story so let’s just hit some highlights. Aries Full Moon is pushing for action. Fortunately there’s some moderation with Mars in Virgo so let the Aries “direct take-off and do” energy be directed towards  self-care, and thoughtful, caring service.  And if you are feeling like it’s just too much pressure or like you’re trying to catch up to yourself (oh yeah!), take time out /offline. The ‘pressure’ really is to stay present.  Sink in… Again.

Now lets look at Eclipses. These are generally ‘wild cards’; they shake us up so we can move to another level of ‘maturity’ quite rapidly. Hang on, but lightly not tightly. Eclipses also act illuminators and as catalysts. Be willing to be surprised.  It’s another call to Reset. No matter what occurs, it seems the Universe is intent on moving us forward.

This Eclipse opens a gateway for the next month of so. With it comes more support for deep change. Intend to Greet that with a “WooHoo! ;) . Yes, we know change can be challenging. Keep checking you are aligned with what you need and what you want in this time. Pay attention to the signals from your body and your inner wisdom calling you to go offline, to take pause, to reflect. Make time. Be with Nature. Be in Beauty. Do what Inspires you. All these are the tools, the Medicine, for Reset.

In sum, we are being called, again, to release that which no longer serves; to heal and purge old pains and old ways of being/doing. Yes, the energies may be firey and tensions between being and doing may be strong. Breathe. We are being pulled in the direction of greater self-expression and freedom. To dream down into the fullness of our beings. To claim our true, heart-centered, soul-full selves.

Plant your feet in Earth. Flow with the River. Breathe in the Wind. Keep your ‘eye on the ball’, the ball that is your passion, your desire, the All of You!

Yes! Nurture your Nature ,
Much Love as always,

If WisdomWild speaks to you, and you’d like to learn and Be with it more, do be in touch. Contact me for a Discovery Session. One-to-one, group coaching/guidance and programs available  (MoonRhythms, ElementalWisdom, Creature Teachers, Your Medicine Magick, Sustenance You, Map of the ‘Divine’, and more).

* If you enjoy these posts, would love for you to let me know. And if you’d rather not have such added to your inbox, let me know that too and I’ll remove you from the list. No worries! Blessings to you all! F.

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October New Moon

07.10.2013 in moon&sky, self-care, theme, turnings

Hello Dear Ones,zensand_40

Welcome October New Moon! The gifts of the new moon are so many. Time in the dark of the void with light re-emerging in next days. I so love the new moon. . . And this moon calls for a Reset.

Messages for October and New Moon have been making themselves very clear in my world and likely in yours as well. Key themes: Unplug; Re-Boot; Re-Set. Just this morning the modem was functioning fine but I couldn’t get web connection. Hmm… A reboot wasn’t quite enough. It took unplugging, rebooting, cache-clearing and re-setting in order to begin again.

And those are the ‘instructions for the near time ahead.

If you’ve been feeling a bit ‘whelmed, scattery, tired, no wonder. It’s time to shut down, go ‘offline’ awhile, and then reboot. Time to clear out old files and reset. Time to give yourself a break and rest and deepen self care.

Remember the season. It time in the Land for things to slow down. For leaves to let go and be scattered. For a break from production and climbing. It is a turning. Like the seasons, trust that your world will be there for you even if you give yourself a break.

Be with and learn from this season. It is necessary to have a break, to rest and do those other things that are necessary to nourish your Being  – Body, Heart & Spirit. Time to deepen your commitment to change and pattern re-sets you desire,  and to “prepare  the bed” from which y/our dreams will arise. This week is a good time to clean something  – or clear something you know needs release.

Continue to take inventory so you can decide what to release, change and embrace in your life. Let Spirit in to advise, guide and support you in creating greater ease, peace, calm and balance in your life. Trust your heart.

As always, the New Moon is an empowered time for intentions. With this New Moon in Libra  (Oct 4, 1734h PST), intentions related to balance and stability and inner strength are particularly empowered.  What intentions will bring more balance and joy to you?   Don’t think about it too much; let the intentions rise from your inner wisdom, from Spirit.  This month provides opportunity truly anchor a Reset in your life.

Since we continue this month to be in roller-coaster-y, intense times, take good self-care. Adrenals and the nervous-systems are all fired this month.  Include flexibility into your plans to accommodate surprises. Flexibility is space-making. Ensure you make/take those breaks. Break from that which no longer serves. Break to rest. Drop resistance and let go into the deep stillness of you. Notice signals calling for break. Notice too how synchronicity appears, and times when you feel more balanced, more at ease.

Whatever you share about your intentions or your notice-ings will be received with great welcome.

In all of this Dear Ones, As Always,
Nurture your Nature!
Much love

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Mabon – Fall Equinox

22.09.2013 in moon&sky, turnings

Bed_placeToDream_soilSisterSanJoaquin_50Blessings and Dreams Dear Ones,

Today in the Northern Hemisphere it is Mabon, the Autumnal Equinox, occurring at the edge of the Harvest Full Moon. In the prior days of waxing to full, the fullness, and these 3+ days of the strength of this Moon, I imagine you have been honoring and celebrating the blessings, harvests, and the journeys along your path.

In the Southern Hemisphere, it is Spring Equinox, Ostara. Our Sistars across the wheel, feel the energies for the planting of seeds, the delight in first emergence,  and the signals of dreams to come to fruition in the coming cycles.

Together we sit at the Equinox (1:44pm Pacific), a point of balance of Light and Dark. In the South the turning brings an increase of Light. Here, in the North, the turning is into the season of the Dark. The hemispheres are reflections on the wheel, the Yin and Yang of energies and movements and place.

As I sit at this time in the North and celebrate the harvest, I also reflect on what grew well; what may need more space; what needs to be transplanted; what needs more careful tending; what I will plant again and what I will no longer plant.

In the next days as the moon wanes and the dark begins to deepen, I will be making ways for the coming year. I will be picking the last blooms of the season; clearing the vines that have delivered their bounty; trimming back that which needs trimming to ensure a concentration of energies to come; composting that which will feed again. The soil will be turned, the mulch laid to blanket the roots, the worms, and the cases of ladybug and butterfly.

This is the season time for making the Bed of Dreams.

Remember that time before you were born in this world, before you were even seeded in the womb of your mother? That time before even the first spark of seed was created?  Remember…

That is the coming time here in the Northern hemisphere as we move into the dark of the wheel. Yes, this Harvest Moon and Equinox we celebrate the Harvest. And with the turning of the wheel, comes now the time for returning those things that have been expended, back to the earth to recycle, or into the winds to be scattered.  Time to lay on protective mulch to protect the beds that will seed new life and new joys in the future.

As the wheel turns, now both Moon and Sun waning, we honor our Blessings and prepare for the Dreamings. Beautiful beds make for beauty-full dreams.

Consider, in what kind of bed do you want to dream your dreams? What do you want your bed of dreams to look like?  What spark do you want to mark the return of Light at Winter Solstice?What seeds to you want to create and empower for planting in spring?  What do you want to see unfurl? What dreams do you want to mana-fest?  Delve into this wondering…

This is the imagining and preparing time. For preparing the future manifesting of the New Dream. It is time for nourishing the dream imagined. For making the Bed in which the Dream will be planted.  Dreams are what Life is made of, and beautiful dreams make beautiful lives.

Go deep child of Wonder, and deeper still. Feed the land in which the dream will root in the next turning of the spiral. Prepare your bed for dreaming into being the Sweetness and Joy of your next Dance in the Spiral.

Nurture your Nature,
Much Love and Light,

PS More image -story is in preparation can be found at http://4sustainability.com/Sacred/Mabon_2013.html

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Moon Waxing: Pluto & Uranus Dance

16.09.2013 in moon&sky, theme

Hello Dear Ones,PlaceToWander-Pause_FSC130915

In my last post I spoke about the intensities of the times, about focus, and, as always, the keys of surrender and trust.  Wondering again how you all are doing.

Shadow & Light

To recap main themes of recent months, we’re at the turning of a great age (26,000 years).  Time speeds up, changes are magnified. Time to strip ourselves of anything that is not aligned with the emerging wave of change. We are in the midst of birthing a new paradigm. What Mayans referred to as the Age of Flowers. Exciting time in the turn of the wheel, and challenging too.

Add to that the current Pluto-Uranus square, and there’s sure a lot of shaking going on. Together Pluto & Uranus are initiators, transformers. We are in midst of a radical process of accelerated change. At times I’m not sure whether to say P-U or UP! (And “beam me up Scottie” certainly has been a wish along the way ;))

You see, here’s the thing. Pluto (planet of the underworld, the shadow world) is about the disruption, disorientation, disintegration, chaos aspects of Transformation that comes with facing the shadows, the fears, what’s been suppressed and kept in the dark. Yes, challenging. Uranus (celestial world) is also about transformation, about the new, about initiating innovation (fast changes), new ways, and  the birthing of more conscious, spiritually evolved selves and planet well-being. When P&U come together as they are now, there’s disruption, disintegration and emergence of new ways of being, even if we can’t see the new when we’re in the midst of shift.

* Lots of stories throughout history to demonstrate (think 60s for an eg of the ‘dark’ and the Light emergent).  Just FYI, the Pluto-Uranus cross occurs every ~ 40 years and lasts ~3 years. We’re in about the middle of those 3 years.

Shifting & Change

We are called to move to a higher tone of sustainability – ecological, social & economic.

It’s planetary and it’s personal. For some (depending on your chart) it could be felt very personally.  If that’s true for you, it’s “Bug Soup” time. If it feels like things are falling apart, take that as a sign that you’re in alignment. Saturn is in Scorpio, about endings, releasings.  Remember the promise of the butterfly.

The keys: Release, surrender, trust.  When the grounds are shifting, hold onto something you know is true. Remember the Light. Nurture self love and self care. Trust the message of the Marigold Hotel:  Everything will be all right in the end, and if it’s not all right, it’s not the end. :) And if it’s not the end, Be with whatever it is that is. Let it be. Spend time in nature, barefoot. Breathe into your belly. Do anything that helps you be in your body. And cultivate stillness.

Moon & Sun

The moon continues to wax past half moon; soon it will be full (Sep19).  In the context of the above, this a very good time to focus on that with which you want to align. Spend time feeding that. Notice what stalls or drags; release it in the moment if you can. Supportive energy is here for the aligned truth of you; let the rest drift away.

Nature journey

Today (Sunday afternoon at time of writing) I head out to the forest to co-create ritual and healing for those gathered and for the forest. (I’ve attached pics since).  I encourage you to find some time to be in and with Nature.

Consider… When you arrive at your chosen place, and before you begin your walk, stop and sit for a few minutes. Feel the ground beneath you. Breathe in to your center. Ask, “What am I aware of in this moment?” … Note that and begin to  walking again until you find a place that calls you to pause. Listen, listen to the sounds around you. Be still. Reflect on your ancestry, your walk in this life. Ask, “What am I ready to release right now?” …  Continue on until you find another place that calls you to pause. … If you have some smudge, now would be a nice time to burn some.  Listen.  Be still. What are you thankful for? Speak your thanks. Feel Light and Love and Healing flowing through you. Share this, the fullness of you. Yes, filled with the Truth of you.

So much love to All. Until we next connect,
Nurture Your Nature.
All the best,

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