

Moon Dark-New in Cancer

02.07.2019 in moon&sky

Welcome Moon Dark-new (exact @1216 PDT) & Solar Eclipse (max @1224 PDT) in Cancer


… nourish, transform, rebirth   


Welcome New Moon and the beginning of eclipse season. Today’s solar eclipse  electrifies and amplifies the usual effects of Moon dark-new. Together Moon dark-new and eclipse (only visible in parts of S.America and S.Pacific) signal a time for deep release, transformation and rebirth.


In Cancer we are called home to all that we are. Cancer provides a nourishing sanctuary: an oasis of warmth, security, comfort, compassion, self-love, and deepened connections to heart wisdom and the divine feminine. It’s a time for soothing and restoring Spirit and Soul. A time also for remembering, day-dreaming, and setting intentions aligned with all that we love and cherish.


The eclipse brings greater clarity as the unconscious becomes conscious. We are urged to release old patterns and develop new structures and new stories for the future. With the strength and gentleness of Cancer energy (and Venus>Leo soon), it’s a great time to review, renew and update our self-care practices and the ways we meet our needs. A time to re-imagine the coming year.


With all that’s going on, this time may feel a bit intense emotionally but it can also be wonderfully peaceful, insightful, inspirational, creative and transformative (esp w/ 5 planets retrograde this month). It’s time to lovingly nourish and accept ourselves as we are; and also challenge ourselves to become more than we have been. Time to lighten the load and create space for play (Mars now in Leo). Time to ride the waves and go with the flow. Time to feel into contentment. Time to plant seeds for all that warms heart and Spirit.


Come home to the wholeness of your inner heart
the brilliance of you and your Spirit-honed arts


Flow with the Waters and ground in the Earth
A new age is dawning; time for rebirth


Time to choose what you will next seed
and new ways to nurture and feed


Align with all you appreciate
plant the vision you wish to create


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you expand and deepen
all that nourishes all that you are this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Crab: cut & modified from for animal Sake | Solar Eclipse: cut & modified from ecoRazzi | Rose: cut from wallpaper mania |

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Waning Moon Half-lit in Aries

25.06.2019 in moon&sky

Welcome Waning Moon Half-lit (exact @ 0246 PDT) in Aries


…review, release, re-orient, nourish   


Waning Moon calls us to organize, follow-up, complete and/or put aside for now, the activities initiated this cycle. Half-lit she asks us weave balance, harmony and connections among opposites. The call to mediate and synchronize opposites is heightened by Sun and Moon in signs ‘opposite’ their core natures.


We are called to attend particularly to tensions and opportunities within such ‘opposites’ as masculine and feminine; thinking and feeling; assertiveness and compassion; bold action and tender nurturing (Sun/Moon, Aries/Cancer).When working in harmony, Cancer Sun and Aries Moon can help us to create a deep enduring peace.


We are supported by elemental energies in relative balance. We are a little light on Air but an upcoming shift will help strengthen mind-heart connection; make communication with ourselves and others easier and more straight-forward; and increase both our creative energy and our ability to speak from the heart (Merc>Leo tomorrow).


Now is a time for reflection, self-nourishment and compassion. Time to release, cleanse and empty. Time to be refreshed by the Waters (Cancer) and warmed by the Fires (Aries). Time to move more fully into the feminine deep and prepare for rebirth.


Fire and Water meet at Moon half-lit
To harmony we are called to commit


Weave together opposites and align
your heart and story with divine design


Time to create a new lease
Time to nourish inner peace


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you make time and space for reflection, delightful play,
and compassionate self-care this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: ram: Cut & modified from greeting card; source N/A | Fire & Water: cut & modified from pixie wallpaper

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Moon Full in Sagittarius

17.06.2019 in moon&sky

Greeting Moon Full (exact 190617 @ 0131 PDT) in Sagittarius


… presence, optimism,new wisdom   


This Moon-cycle has been a busy and power-full time with lots to challenge us along the way (several simultaneous planetary oppositions). We are immersed in a time of change, initiation and transformation (ongoing Jupiter-Neptune square; 2nd of 3 at exact yesterday). Now Moon is aligned with the Galactic Center (center of Milky Way) and we are provided with access to ‘higher’ truth, deeper wisdom, and expanded consciousness. Moon-full calls us to pause, open, and sense in to the potent opportunities for accelerated spiritual development and evolution.


In Sagittarius, the Centaur quests for the truth and takes hir aim. This time the arrow is pointed directly at ourselves. We are urged to re-examine our beliefs and to discern how they serve to lead us where we want to go (beliefs questioning also highlighted by Jup-Neptune). Both Gemini and Sag are keen on knowing, although Gemini is more inclined to data collection, and Sag wants deeper meaning. At this Moon we have the opportunity to distill all that Gemini has gathered; discover new levels of ‘truth’; and decant the jewels that nourish us, Earth, and Cosmos.


Enthusiasm and optimism are strong themes now (Sag Moon + Jupiter influence). We are encouraged to feel in and express both … and to do reality checks and ground our dreams in truth. Not long after Moon full we have Earthy support in so-doing; priorities also become more clear, and we are helped to blend intuition and pragmatism (Moon>Capricorn today at noon pdt – hence Goose in the image;)). Now is a time to open the connections between the conscious and the sub/unconscious, and to bridge Spirit and matter. Time to complete and release the past. Time to be present in the wholeness of a moment. Time to create spaciousness to nurture ourselves and our bright visions.


Moon-full is aligned with the centre
A bright new portal to be entered


Arrows are now aimed directly at the heart
of all you believe about your life and arts


Time to distill and discern
what to keep and what to burn


Reach to Heaven and Earth in this moment
Honour all that is for you most potent


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May your heart be filled with joy &
may the jewel that you are shine brilliantly this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: archer: sculpture by Ferdinand Preiss | Owl: cut & modified photo found on World Bird Sanctuary | Canada Goose: from Sportsman Guide

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Waxing Moon Half-lit in Virgo

09.06.2019 in moon&sky

Welcome Waxing Moon Half-lit (exact  @ 2259 PDT) in Virgo


… pause, plan, act   


Energy is moving forward under the waxing Moon and we are motivated to make plans for action. Now half-lit she calls us to pause and consider what it is we wish to create and cause.


Curiosity is peeked and both cerebral and creative energy flow quickly (Venus now in Gemini). Mind and heart connect, intuition is intensified, and we hunger for deeper knowing and higher quality, more refined information (Merc now in Cancer). We are encouraged to cultivate inner spaciousness, strengthen trust and faith, and increase our willingness to surrender to the wisdom of heart and soul (Jup-Nep square intensifying).


The energy of duality is heightened (Moon half-lit, Gemini-Sun) and we are asked to discern the gifts embodied in apparent opposites. Virgo Moon wants to exercise discipline and responsibility and develop detailed plans; mercurial and creative Gemini wants freedom to change anything in the moment. Together they ask us to find ways to nourish both their needs; to move thoughts to hands; and to devote our ramped-up mental acuity towards improving health and well-being for ourselves and All.


This is a time of change and practical action. Time for discernment. Time to harness our focus. Time to release what no longer serves and deeply Earth all that we hold precious. Time to think out of the box and move our dreams and wishes into form.


Light and dark in equal measure
Time to hone in on all you treasure


Strip the chaff and save the golden wheat
Tune to the rhythm of your heartbeat


Weave thoughts and hands throughout each day
Fully embrace all your wisdom ways


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you transcend old limitations,
be more strongly centred in your core, and
may all your plans and actions embody your Love & Light this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: goddess: cut & modified from photo from Dion Museum, Greece | Bear: cut & modified lamp image found on Bear Country USA|

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Moon Dark-New in Gemini

02.06.2019 in moon&sky

Greeting Moon Dark-New (exact 190603 @ 0302 PDT) in Gemini


… simplify, focus, ground, center …


Moon dark-new opens a new cycle of energy and possibilities. In Gemini she inspires new plans for action, emphasizes the power of words, and summons thoughtfulness (Sun, Moon, Merc all in Gemini + Moon opposite Jupiter). She carries us ‘between’ and dances us amidst multiple opportunities often pulling us in opposite directions. Our challenge is find stillness (a core Gemini learning) and to stay centered and grounded in our core values.


Gemini season is the season for learning. Our mental energies are stimulated; we are more curious and eager for new knowledge; and our minds are activating informational connections at a rapid pace. We are newly opened to creative solutions, the possibilities of change, and different lifestyles (Moon w/ ongoing Venus-Saturn-Pluto trine +Merc-Jup-Nep T-square). Although things may get a bit scattered and/or complicated, we are supported in moving between dimensions and beyond ordinary boundaries (Moon-Nep square); and in finding ways to identify, address and speak to deeper needs honestly and transparently (Venus-Saturn).


It’s the last new Moon before eclipse season and the next Mercury retrograde so it’s a good time to take inventory, simplify and get things done. Common sense and good instincts (metal Horse month) empower us as we sift through the chaff and choices and seek to make our ideals real. It is a time to tune to how we want our lives to feel, and to hold that as our focus with deep heart knowing, optimism, excitement, trust and faith. Time to seed what we love and what feeds our souls.


Gently arise from the feminine mystery
Imagine writing a fine new herstory

Dance across and between opposing suggestions
Tune to your heart for direction and connection

(Even bees pause now and then
Be in stillness as you ken)

Now is the time to deeply feel
the ideals you wish to make real

Time to choose the seeds, plans and arts
that embody your radiant heart


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you the brilliance of stillness in motion this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: lavender bees: cut & modified from Nursery Love | Twins: cut & modified lamp image found on E-Bay |

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