

Waxing Moon half lit in Taurus

24.01.2018 in moon&sky

180124_COMP1-merge-CROP_x385Waxing Moon Half Lit  (exact @1420 PST) in Taurus.


– ground strength, ease & simplicity


Earthy energy offers us deep grounding and stability (5 planets in Earth signs) and the Waters help keep us in flow (4 planets in Water signs).


Taurus Moon guides us in becoming our own anchor: strong, steady, soothing and calm. Sun in Aquarius provides a breath of fresh air but there is also some tension between the need and desire for comfort and stability (Moon in Taurus); and the urge for movement and change (Sun in Aquarius). Gives me a bit of a giggle since Taurus and Aquarius are both somewhat resistant (i.e., stubborn) about the what and how  of fulfiling their desires  (both are fixed signs) which can blur the possibilities of weaving the needs and urges together. Why either or? How about both and? Yes! Why not?


Fortunately, there is supportive energy to increase our ability to focus and harmonize the yearnings of our hearts and minds in order to transform and evolve (Mercury-Pluto conjunct). Shifting is occurring. In the coming days we may indeed be ready to surge ahead, willing to take some small step risks, and feeling more optimistic and lighter of heart (Mars>Sag on Friday).


For now under the Taurus Moon, it is good to ground ease and comfort. We are entering an eclipse season (upcoming Full Moon total eclipse in Leo) Feel into the pulsing power of sacred roots. Connect to simple things and honor the waiting time by listening, tasting, scenting, seeing, feeling. Attend to what may still need to be cleared away and choose actions that strengthen Being and bringing into form. Take time to gently shape and craft what is to be made manifest this Moon.


Waxing Moon light and dark in equal measure
Move in ‘between’ and honor all your treasures


Source what is waiting and wanting to be seen
Tap the pulsing power of your radiant queen


Strong, calm and steady
time now to get ready


Let go resistance and
step into your brilliance


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May ease & simple comforts ground you in all your endeavors this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Aphrodite: from cut & modified from image at Biography World | Bull: source N/A

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Moon Dark-New in Capricorn

16.01.2018 in moon&sky

180116_COMP1-merge-CROP_x385 Greetings of  Moon Dark-New  (exact @1817 PST) in Capricorn


– practical discipline, structure & perseverance


First new Moon of the year and wow! we are most thoroughly steeped in Capricorn right now (6 planets in Capricorn; effect even more pronounced effect given Saturn’s recent move into Capricorn as well). Saturn-ruled Capricorn is the great manifestor, focussed on practical purpose and what is best in the long term. This energy is all about getting things done.


We are called to claim/re-claim our authority, take responsibility and be diligent and persevering in our undertakings. Saturn/Capricorn plants us firmly in the day-to-day challenges of living an embodied life with all the strength and agility of the Sea Goat. The Earthy Capricorn energy provides us with great support for deep grounding, stability, and honing our practical disciplines; and offers us a rich place for planting our sacred seeds.


Overall this Moontime is a powerful invitation to connect deeply with inner knowing; and to embody the connection between the physical/ material world, and the fluid Waters of heart and body consciousness. Yes, given the abundance of Capricorn energy things may at times feel heavy, even melancholic as we traverse these realms. We are reminded to move slowly, carefully, and patiently; to rest and self-nourish; and to draw deeply on the rich resources of Earth. It is a time to clear the ways and imagine our newly sprouting seeds reaching for the sun. Time to plan the practical ways to bring heart-felt desires into form.


Firmly now your feet immersed in Earth
time to shape a purpose-full rebirth


Deep from the ancient wisdom in your bones
bring forth the passions you wish to enthrone


Set your discipline to embody this tale
Set the sails and let your heart-wisdom prevail


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light



May your passion and practice together be embodied in form








IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goat: sculpture found at Flower Crowns & Tutus | fishtail: clipped from source NA |
Sea goat overlaid on background: cut & modified from mosaic found on renaissance astrology

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Best Wishes for 2018

01.01.2018 in turnings

180101_COMP2-merge-CROP_x385The first day of a new calendar year and Moon-full too!


Heart fullness and Flow.


Yes, the last new Moon until next was to be a pause in postings I but on this Moon-Full (exact at 1824 pst)  first day of the new calendar year, I just couldn’t go without wishing you all of the best you can possibly imagine this year!



This year may you experience…


Earth-deep nourishment
Radiant heart fullness
Soul-touching gentleness
Wondrous, Spirit-rich flow
and much Love & Light wherever you go


And may you always, in all ways,



Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May the Spiral unfold in Beauty
ever-flowering throughout the year.








IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: nautilus: source N/A|

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Moon Dark-New in Sagittarius

17.12.2017 in moon&sky


‘Tis Moon Dark-New (exact @2230 PST) in Sagittarius


in stillness new prayers seed


This Moon Dark-New is a powerful portal, opening just before and extending through the days to Solstice – the longest Light in the South; the return of the Light in the North.


To the Light! To the Light! To the Light!


Moon in Sagittarius hirself brings much Light, along with warm-heartedness, joy, and enthusiasm. She encourages expansive visions, strong belief in ourselves, and a deep faith in Life. Moon (along with Sun & Saturn) is also linked to the heart of the galaxy at this time. We are called into both our heart-truth (Moon-Venus conjunct) and into the cosmic truth at the heart of All.


As much as it is Sag’s nature to leap in and get to it, this Moon calls us into the stillness (Moon conjunct Saturn). This is a time to open and tune to the resonant wisdom of Earth and Cosmos. It is a time to surrender into Love (recent Sun/Moon square Chiron) and see things in new ways (Uranus trine).Time to focus on joy and connection. Time to create new visions and dreams. A time for powerful transforming.


So much Fire lights the way (6 planets in Fire signs; 5 of them in Sag) and we are strongly encouraged to just flow in and let go (7/10 planets in mutable signs) Over the next few days Fire energy will shift to the more Earthy (all 5 planets now in Sag move into earthy Cap). This will support deep grounding of our visions and dreams, and all the Earth-Cosmos wisdom that has been streaming around and through.


Now is the time to choose the arrows that will carry your prayer seeds out into the beyond. Time to choose your most precious gifts and wishes from your heart. Let them be filled with Love and grace and joy and many many blessings for each and All. Let us be liberated into new ways of Being (Saturn shift from Sag to Cap upcoming)


Connect to grace and joy and Love
coming forth from below and above


Tend to the Fire and all the gifts
from coal to diamonds born of deep shift


Now is the time to vision anew
and let your heart prayers fly bright and true


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you a fullness of de-Light this season!
May your seeds emerge in blossom, and All be radiantly awesome!









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Artemis bronze : sculpture found at Houzz Designs UK |

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Waning Moon Half-lit in Virgo

09.12.2017 in moon&sky

171209_COMP1-merge2-CROP_x385Greetings of the Waning Moon Half-lit (exact @2351 PST)  in Virgo


Inner Light


The half-lit waning Moon calls us to pause… and enter into balance, embracing both softness and strength. She invites us to reflect, release, and, with gratitude, prepare to move into the ease, calm and grace of the deepening dark and the Light within.


In Virgo she brings ancient wisdom, drawn from deep source roots, to empower seeing deeply into our hearts and into our innate knowing. In concert with the Sagittarius energy that currently abounds, (4 planets in Sag), our hearts and minds are opened to Light and Joy and great optimism. Together a divine delight.


Now, and for several weeks to come, we are also uplifted by a big energy wave (Mars > Scorpio at ~0100 this morning) which renews our feelings of potency; gives us courage; helps focus intentions; and expands our sense of spaciousness (Jup in Scorpio too) as we align with the powers of Being. Time to surrender into the power of the Mystory. Time to deepen self-love and nurturance in the feminine dark.


Pause in the moment of Grace between;
the moment strong and soft and serene


Breathe the scent of sweet Lavender deep
Enter into calm and ease and peace


Unwind, clear your mind, Be aligned
Earth, Cosmos and you now intertwined


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you nourish the gift of your inner Light this darkening Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Virgin : dropped, modified & flipped image by Leonardo da Vinci | lavender: cut, modified and composite created; source N/A | Bear: cut & modified form image found on Bing; source N/A |

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