

Waning Moon Half-lit in Aquarius

14.05.2020 in moon&sky

Greeting Waning Moon Half-Lit (exact @ 0703 PDT) in Aquarius


… release, rest, create, play, enjoy …


Waning Moon half-lit is a time to review, clear away, realign, and establish a new sense of balance and harmony. It is a time to self-nourish, replenish and rejuvenate in preparation for the new Moon to come.


In Aquarius we are called to look more deeply for whatever restricts or limits freedom, peace, joy and general well-being. Aquarius elevates our insight, creativity, and visionary capacities. Taurus Sun earths us with comfort, security and stability. Together they call us to address both freedom and security and help us to both stand firm, and to fly wild and free. It’s time to open to new ways of seeing, doing and Being.


There has been some recent shifting (shifts in signs + 3 more planet currently retrograde) that brings a good deal of support to us, especially in this waning time. We are called to slow, step back, and reflect, remember, review, reassess, release, re-arrange, reprioritize, re-orient, reconnect, refresh, and ‘re-’ all kinds of things (4 planets Rx). We are asked to examine our values and relations (Venus-Rx) and our foundations and systems; gain more inner security (Saturn-Rx); attend to inner growth; and expand our inner universe (Jup-Rx as of 30′ after lastQ Moon exact).


Fortunately we are likely to find ourselves more fully and easily in the present moment and going with the flow; newly inspired by our creative muse; and with greater capacity to act on our ideas (Mars in Pisces). We may also expect to gain more insights (Jup-Rx); and to grow in feelings of love, compassion and oneness, human and divine (Sat-Nep square all month).


It is time to connect with Spirit and nourish and expand the wisdom held within. Time to rest and rejuvenate. Time to create space for freedom and playfulness. Time to align with peace, Love, joy and harmony.


At waning Moon half-lit, let go and release
Enter into the realms of balance and ease


Breathe freshly into pause
Breathe out with peaceful Ahhhs


Feel deep into Source and realign
with all that shines in the grand design


Nourish all that is wild and free
Embrace the Spirit that you Be


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you nourishing rooting, imaginative play,
& luminous dreaming this waning Moon











IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main ImageSculpture: cut & modified image found at Ultimate Home Idea | Cala Lillies: cut & modified image found at Bloomnation | Bird of Paradise: cut & modified image found at Lily Bespoke Bouquets |

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Moon Full in Scorpio

06.05.2020 in moon&sky

Welcome Moon Full (exact 200507 @ 0345 PDT) in Scorpio


… illuminate, release, transform …


Full Moons tend to be emotionally intense and powerful; more so when we’re dealing with a super moon (like this one, the last of 3 this year); and intensity is even more enhanced when in Scorpio. The fullness of light illuminates what has been hidden and all that needs transforming. It also deepens the shadows which Scorpio asks us to explore, heal, and transform. It is a time to shed old skins.


This Moon is dynamic, regenerative, transformational (Scorpio) and stabilizing as well (6 planets in Earth signs, 3 in Taurus). She deepens conscious connection to Source/Spirit and amplifies creative energy (further enhanced by Nep-Moon trine). Together with Taurus Sun we are invited to bridge the tangible and the intangible; the seen and the unseen; the formed and the dissolution of form; and to blend the wisdoms of simplicity (Taurus) and complexity (Scorpio). It is a time to both earth and unearth.


This is a time of transformation on many fronts (ongoing Jup-Sat-Pluto conj). We are called to deeply re-evaluate our lives (3 more retrograde planets upcoming). Likely a lot of that has already been going on during these challenging, changing times. Now energies flow in to empower (Pluto) releasing, cleansing and healing (Neptune+ScorpMoon); enhance intuition (Merc-Nep); and help us to lean more fully into creative visions and ideals for the future.


Time to enter the Mystory, draw on our inner knowing, and chart the path to truth and right action. Time to open to our senses and feel into the nuances of increased sensitivity. Time to trust heart wisdom and the Earth beneath our feet. Time to enter into the sacred work of feeling, healing, growing and change. Time to merge our will with Spirit. Time to honour, celebrate and connect deeply with all we Be.


Under Scorpio Moon bright
open to cascading Light


Delve into the shadows Moon makes deep
Unveil the unseen within your keep


Weave together all that sings
Shed old skins, unfurl your wings


Honour all you see
Live to simply Be


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light



Wishing you rich earthing and unearthing,
& an abundance of Love & Light this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goddess: cut & modified image from Art Deco Sculpture | Snake: cut & modified image found at Met Museum | EagleWings: cut & modified image from Top Animal Wallpapers | Anthurium: cut & modified image found at Plantophiles |

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Waxing Moon Half-lit in Leo

30.04.2020 in moon&sky

Welcome Waxing Moon Half-lit (exact @ 1338 PDT) in Leo


… radiance, balance, creativity …


Energy rises and momentum builds with the waxing Moon. Now half-lit it’s time to pause and reflect. Earthy Taurus wants us to ensure we have the foundations right and build slowly. Firey Leo is ready to leap and play and create. Time to review and clarify plans, and move into action.


Leo Moon brings inspiration, vitality, creativity, courage and pride. She calls us to connect to our heart-Fire and to radiate and express our unique Spirit with big-hearted love. At her best she is the divine Child and she asks us to celebrate life and the joy of creation.


Both Taurus and Leo want comfort, leisure and sustenance. Together they invite us to dive deep, ignite our passions, and strengthen our convictions (both fixed signs). Balancing work and play, and rest and action, they help us define and enact new systems of self-reliance and stability; and provide pathways to new forms and feelings of abundance.


Earth-Sky configurations and alignments provide possibilities for many different directions. ‘Reality’ is changing and so too our perceptions of the world and our place (Moon, Saturn, Merc, Uranus). Right now conditions help and encourage us to become more flexible (Saturn in Aqua); and to slow; increase our patience and planning abilities; and to stay calm and collected (Merc in Taurus).


Time to open to higher frequencies and align with ‘higher’consciousness (Mercury-Uranus this eve). Time to open new paths in our journeys. Time to be filled with courage and warmheartedness. Time to welcome a bounty of blessings. Time to shine your Light, your Love and all your gifts.


Time to Earth your truth and free your wild
Tap the wisdom of your inner child


Seeds of sacred purpose are planted in your heart
Time to nurture them forth, these your ultimate art


Play, love, joy and courage sing
Express your radiant everything


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you an abundance of Taurus’ calm,
Leo’s warm heartedness,
Earth’s riches, and
Fire’s passion-in-action this radiant Moon











IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main ImageSehkmet: cut & modified image from S.Aftrican History Org | Lioness: cut & modified image from Free Art Backgrounds |  Sunflowers: cut & modified image from wallpaperset |

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Moon Dark-New in Taurus

22.04.2020 in moon&sky

Greeting Moon Dark-New (exact @ 1926 PDT) in Taurus


… simplicity, presence, embodiment …


Moon dark-new brings a cycle of new creative and emotional energy. We are invited into a different quality of experience; to get earthy-clear on priorities; and anchor our intentions. In fertile Taurus she brings sustenance and a stabilizing influence. We are called to rethink resource use; get creative with our material lives; and become more fully embodied and fully present. It is time to ground and take a new look at Life’s possibilities.


Taurus is slow, steady, sturdy, and dependable; she soothes, nurtures, waters and feeds; she knows how to harness resources and sustain energy; and she takes ease very seriously. She is all about home, comfort, shelter, quality and simple pleasures. Taurus councils us to be patient and present; to stay calm and carry on. Hir core food-medicine is gratitude, a gift to us for both the inner and outer worlds. Together Taurus Sun and Moon bring strength and stability to our sense of home in body and on Earth.


Calm and steady energies build under Taurus Sun and Moon but change and challenge is still in the air (Uranus/Taurus & Saturn/Aqua). A disinclination to be put in a box vies with the comfort and predictability of ‘the box’. There’s a call for new perspectives and changes in thinking; and a desire to hold on to what was and to maintain traditions. We can expect this push-pull to continue for awhile yet. Simplicity, nourishment of the senses, attention to the practical basics, and moving slow and taking ease are key themes of the times.


Time to slow down and enjoy what is available in the present moment. Time to enjoy Nature and immerse in Earth’s beauty. Time to relish in the senses and become more in-bodied. Time to secure inner contentment and move wishes, dreams and heart-truth into the physical realm. Time to nurture our sacred seeds and plant a re-envisioned future.


Arise out of the stillness and move slow
Tune to the senses wherever you go


Align with the essence of all in your presence
With heart and Spirit feel into luminescence


Find seeds that hold what’s most profound
Plant them deeply in rich, firm ground


Time to create beauty, peace and sanctuary
Time to embody the evolutionary


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you tap into and embody all the rich gifts of Taurus &
may you feel deeply, ease-fully and newly at home this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goddess: cut & modified image found on Etsy | Bull: cut & modified image found on “About Hinduism” | Lily of the Valley: cut & modified image from Garden Therapy|

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Waning Moon Half-lit in Capricorn

14.04.2020 in moon&sky

Welcome Waning Moon Half-lit (exact @ 1556 PDT) in Capricorn


pause, re-balance, re-orient, rejuvenate

At the last quarter Moon we are called to pause, regroup and reorient. The light is waning and it is time to clean up, clear away, and prepare space for reflection and some time out. It is time to review, revise, release and realign. Time to slow, balance, and nourish in preparation for the new Moon to come.


Capricorn Moon increases our awareness of the need for structure, discipline, and organization (strengthened by two other planets in Capricorn). Under hir influence, we have strong support for pruning away, grafting new possibilities, and rooting deeply. She turns our attention to the practical and to building sustainable foundations. Aries Sun urges us to lay the groundwork for the year (with additional support/push from Saturn inAqua). Both Sun and Moon are in cardinal signs which heightens the call for more balance in our lives. Together they seek the best organizational structures, old and new.


Yes, sounds like a reflection on the challenging times we are in and the need for diligent attention to balance. We are encouraged to explore new territories (Uranus influence), new structures and new ways (Mars-Venus) but are cautioned about over-doing (effect of restless Jup-Pluto energy). It is indeed a time to shelter in place and stay close to centre. Draw on Aries Fire energy to attend to what needs doing. Draw on the strength and steadiness of Earth energy (4 planets in Earth signs, 3 in Cap) to help ground actions. Open to the calm of slowing and to a powerful healing time (Merc-Chiron).


It is time to make time for rest and self-nourishing. Time to tune within and invite wisdom to flow. Time to enjoy Nature. Time for delight and magick (Merc in Aries). Time to empower your dreaming in the feminine deep.


Waning Moon calls us to release, let go
Time to pause, realign, balance and slow


If there are stories that confound
Release them now, let them be unbound


Trust wisdom to help you to prepare
Time to nourish your sacred prayers


Feel into Earth beneath your feet
Dream into all that makes Life sweet


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you spaciousness, rest, sacred nourishment and
sweet dreamings this Moon









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goddess Metis: cut & modified image by Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1828-1882 | Jasmine: cut & modified image from The Blooming Jasmine garden info |

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