

June & Moon

14.06.2013 in moon&sky, theme

Hello Dear Ones!

It’s been almost a week since the June & Moon call. Thanks to everyone who came and for the sharings. I wanted to edit the recording so that others interested in the information portion of the call could receive it too but… well, it seems I have some resistance to exploring/testing/learning audio editing software :) and time is passing.

I feel this June to be an important time for us and would like to share the messages that may help serve as guides for you/us.  So, especially as the moon is waxing with the quarter on Sunday, Solstice is on Thurs (June 20) followed by full moon on Sunday, I thought I’d find a few words of the story.

Key theme for June: TRANSITION.  Many of us may have been reeling from the high energies of the 3 eclipses and the manifesting lessons of May: attending to issues inspiring choices for change;  facing truths about old beliefs, assimilating choices and changes, working through logjams, inspired by possibilities. Whatever the experience, this is transition time.

Transition is about shifting out of one situation or way of being and entering into a new situation or way of being.  June is about the time between past and future. The time between completion and new beginning.

Be clear about what you are transitioning out of; pull energy out of the old/as usual and allow for the new energy or pattern or solidify. Work proactively to break patterns that no longer serve; trust what is to come (even if you’re not sure what it is yet). Release with gratitude the gifts of the past; be open and receptive to that which is coming into being. MAKE SPACE for this; consider what expansion means…

Gemini calls us to embrace all forms of duality: past/future; conscious/unconscious; love/hate; me/you; trust/doubt. The flexibility of air supports us in integrating, synthesizing and transmuting the differences into new perceptions.  There’s also something called a ‘Water Grand Trine’ that strongly supports the feminine, receptive, fluid and inner-wisdom aspects of our nature. It offers us respite and a period of ease & grace. The Grand Trine supports our experience of being in sync, in flow w/ life. Yes, you may feel unfocused or be challenged to get things done, but that’s really kinda the point.;)

Be clear about what you want to create and experience, about what you are transitioning into. Give Spirit some room. Play more, let your imagination free, relax. Commune with the feminine aspects of life and take nourishment. Fill yourself.. A second Grand Trine (Scorpio power, Vesta of sacred temple, Chiron healer and teacher, all water signs) provides a path for finding and releasing feminine power.

Honor and respect this transition space as a passage.  Practice and strengthen acceptance, forgiveness, and love for all that arises. Prepare the soil; allow new seeds to rise. The new emerging aspects of YOU.

Much Love

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Full Moon+eclipse: Another Powerful Time

24.05.2013 in eclipse, elemental, moon&sky

Hello Dear Ones!

Full moon w/ lunar eclipse tonight! (~2230 PDT).

The three-eclipse container of the last month. has provided a powerful and transformative time.  For this Moon, themes to truth, freedom and broad perspective are highlighted. Expect some big energy moving around and keep in mind that thoughts, desires, emotions are magnified.

Have you felt something has been brewing and building inside?  Does it feel like being stretched in ways not experienced before? Well it’s time. This lunar Eclipse gives us an energetic  cosmic push to support the changes we are making, and to give birth to a new self.

Yes! We’re being stretched, prodded, pressured to see what we value enough to show up for.  Yes, inner doubts, fears, old patterns may flare up as we commit to new ways. (This is just a clear sign the inner work IS working;)) Yes, it  can be a bit scary but when we feel a bit destabilized, when we lose the familiar, and when we release our analytical minds and trust more to our intuition, this is when we can also get a glimpse if Spirit’s intentions for our most wondrous good.

Yes, we may feel emotional waves  (esp since Moon is in Scorpio & then Sag today). Let them wash over you.  Immerse yourself in water energy; into the emotional, receptive, fluid  nature and deep knowingness of the feminine. Sink and fall embraced and supported by water nature. In this time it is an act of balancing  pressure and surrender.  Allow spaciousness. Give spirit room to work. Don’t sit on feelings; energy now calls us to express them!

Vesta, the Goddess of the Sacred Flame, calls us to preserve our creative energy for focused dedication to our personal calling.  Keep holding focus on the reality you are calling into being. This eclipse is the bringer of expansion and opportunities to develop more trust in spirit, intuition, and the sanctuary of the heart. Open the door to all within you ready to come out to be seen, heard, expressed, loved, healed. Tap into the frequencies supporting you/us in this creative, exciting time! Allow this Full Moon to create a larger, richer and abundant container for you/us.

You/we have power. You/we have freedom. Take it, own it and use it well. I just know you will.


Much love


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Happy Spring!

20.03.2013 in turnings

Hello Dear Ones!

Ostara-Spring equinox occurred (officially) at 0402h PDT today in the Northern Hemisphere. A balance, a turning. May you feel the resurgence within you!

I wish you the all the best and send more Ostara messages here
<NB: best viewed on 15″+ screen>

May you embrace the season wherever you may be!

Much love

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Wishes of Imbolc

03.02.2013 in turnings

Hello Dear Ones!

Imbolc occurred (officially) at 0757h PST Sunday. I have been ‘tending the fire’ and so this message comes out-of-time and yet still in time of the Imbolc resonance.

I wish you the all the best and send more Imbolc messages here:

<NB: best viewed on 15″+ screen>
I hope you enjoy the piece / peace.
I hope you embrace the season/reason.
All the best,

Much love

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